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Do Anybody Feed Wild Foxes In Their Gardens?

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HoneyKats | 08:56 Fri 14th Jun 2013 | Animals & Nature
151 Answers
Is it right to feed foxes in gardens? Has anybody have neighbours who feed foxes in their gardens upsetting other neighbours and leaving disgusting messes also encouraging Vermin!!!


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No apology needed Gusssss....just a reasonable explanation of your comments...x
The website endorses the RSPCA - at least if you are in the UK. Perhaps the foxy people turn their noses up at this site too.

Anyway, if you think you are helping "poor" foxes to survive in a harsh environment, they also say:

"Are foxes in the city starving?
Foxes in our cities are not starving. Quite the opposite! In urban areas there is normally more than enough food to support foxes. A recent study in Bristol found that on each fox territory there is at least 150 times as much food available as is needed by each fox. Having said that, if you wish to feed foxes to watch them in your garden, there is nothing wrong with that."
gness: "No apology needed Gusssss....just a reasonable explanation of your comments"

I wondered if you were not in the UK. It just seems to be a bit strange for somebody who loves wildlife to be so contemptuous of such a well established and generally respected organisation, to the extent you actually would go against their advice. I reckon it is you who needs to provide the reasonable explanation for your comments, if only that others might avoid the same negative experience. That would be helpful.
thefoxwebsite: "However, foxes should never be hand-fed or over-fed. Tame foxes learn to approach any person (even those that don't want to be approached) or even attempt to enter houses via a cat flap or an open door, a situation that could frighten many people. Over-feeding is also to be avoided as this can cause problems with fouling in small areas or in a few neighbouring gardens."

Zeuhl please take note. That fox in your picture looks well on the road to tameness. Maybe time to back off a little.
Again....did I say I would go "against" their advice? That makes it sound like a deliberate act against the organisation. I don't use the RSPCA for advice or help......There are so many good organisations who have my support so I have no idea what the RSPCA stance is on the question.... and I really don't want to. You appear to respect and support their views. I don't. My reasons are not relevant to the question here. x
Since when has the RSPCA been the b-all when it comes to animal welfare. They have little clue when it comes to the countryside, as does this Government or the last.

And by the way, we don't feed foxes or any wild animal - and we have both foxes and badgers - and consequently no hedgehogs......however, if it was a matter of life and death in a bitter winter, then yes I would.
Hi DT.......I think often people can't be blamed for thinking the RSPCA is the b-all of animal welfare organisations. Their failings and thinking on the countryside doesn't get much publicity. And of course Gussss doesn't know me or my views other than this thread....You have the advantage there even if we have had to agree to disagree in the past......well 'tis hard for a man to admit he may be wrong.....;-) xx
"my experience of the RSPCA leaves me reluctant to read or follow any of their advice."

So what was the experience? You'd be helping other people if you shared it.
And well done for playing the gender card.
I haven't posted on this thread before now - I don't have a visiting fox but if I did I would consider giving it the odd treat. I would not feed it thinking that it was starving but because I wanted to.

I don't think that foxes are vermin, cat-killers, or baby-killers or dog-nappers. But they are opportunists situations will occur in which man and fox meet and incidents happen - as reported in the press.

For Guss's info, I live with no serious habitation around - it's over two miles to the nearest hamlet/village of any note, bang splat in the middle of the countryside. Never minding the impact of changing climate (and my views on this are well known here), the current Government (and past ones for the last decade) have lost connection with rural communities and a lot of elements are out of kilter from invasive flora in our water systems to our fauna, be it bees, foxes, badgers, hedgehogs and even the humble shrew and vole. When 95% of our meadowland has been destroyed, intentionally or not, what hope is there - and the continued attack on green fields for housing when the centres of our towns and cities are dying is nothing short of criminal.
And there I was...getting the facts for my experience with the RSPCA and you accuse me of playing the gender card! You need to know me better, Gussss....I doubt anyone here would ever accuse me of that...especially DTC.
and not withstanding the 'ecological' assault on our trees too.....
Well you did play the gender card.
One could say look below the belt before you unbuckle it, Guss........
"well 'tis hard for a man to admit he may be wrong"

As if that alone proves me to be wrong.

I was merely asking what it is that makes you have no respect for the RSPCA. In a small minority.
She knows me and I know her.....that was tongue in cheek.
"One could say look below the belt before you unbuckle it, Guss........"

I'm sure you know what that means.
"Well you did play the gender card"
I didn't read it that way any more than people use the expression "man made" etc. I wonder whether you really did think she was playing a gender card.
The RSPCA - oh that organisation where £1 in every 5 raised is spent on internal administration....source - their own site. Bit heavy what.....

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