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Do Anybody Feed Wild Foxes In Their Gardens?

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HoneyKats | 08:56 Fri 14th Jun 2013 | Animals & Nature
151 Answers
Is it right to feed foxes in gardens? Has anybody have neighbours who feed foxes in their gardens upsetting other neighbours and leaving disgusting messes also encouraging Vermin!!!


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DTCWordfan: "For Guss's info, I live with no serious habitation around - it's over two miles to the nearest hamlet/village of any note, bang splat in the middle of the countryside. Never minding the impact of changing climate (and my views on this are well known here), the current Government (and past ones for the last decade) have lost connection with rural communities"

You don't really seem to be a community. Dare I suggest it might be you who has lost touch with them and the rest of humanity?
Gusssss, I know gness and that was not mean't as you see it, it was tongue in cheek.
For someone who has raised 1 question and 6 answers in 5 years prior to today, you are sailing close to the wind for impertinence. No, in fact down right rudeness and not just to me.

"The RSPCA - oh that organisation where £1 in every 5 raised is spent on internal administration....source - their own site. Bit heavy what....."

If you would care to enlighten us what a reasonable figure would be, which if any of their expenditure is wasted - although a 100% efficient organisation would be a miracle - and which other similar organisations you are comparing this with, that would help.
My post and comment, Gussss, was to DTC.......he knows I never play the gender card.....we pull each other's legs. That accusation is something I find insulting but I accept you are not to know that. x
RSPB at 5% for example.........that would be a good standard and like for like
gness: "My post and comment, Gussss, was to DTC.......he knows I never play the gender card.....we pull each other's legs. That accusation is something I find insulting but I accept you are not to know that"

I've read it again and that comment was specifically about my belief that the RSPCA were a reputable organisation when it comes to expertise on animal welfare, even though the post might have been addressed to DTC. Still waiting for your reasons why not though.

DTC: "RSPB at 5% for example.........that would be a good standard and like for like"

Not really, one is birds and the other is the rest of wildlife. I'd say there is a huge difference.
Apart from the fact that one flaps and the other doesn't, I don't see any difference. Explain your reasoning. Even the Red Cross, which is often chased for being top heavy in admin only spends 5%, we're talking what humans spend on supporting their staff, not their action programmes.
Is this current 'discussion' relevant to the OP?
According to benchmarks (LovetoKnow Charity etc),
Does it matter? It's related and if anyone wishes to add their direct and fully relevant answer I'm sure they still can.
Not the personal insults being bandied out, craft......
You are now telling me who I am addressing when I post...I posted it for heaven's sake....I know who it was for and does DTC.....goodness!
Is it relevant to "Is it right to feed foxes in gardens?" I think so Crafty.
And here was me thinking this threat was about foxes - I must be confused.
Me too wolf.............
"Not the personal insults being bandied out, craft......"

By AnswerPrancer you mean?
Surely to discuss foxes in gardens we need to take into account the stance of organisations on this......foxhunting wasn't included in the op.
Let's approach this from a different angle. Where would you accept advice from, if anywhere? How about the
Here is some advice that is most apropos and clearly states that foxes are not vermin......HoneyKats - if you are still reading!

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Do Anybody Feed Wild Foxes In Their Gardens?

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