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eariyam | 21:00 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Animals & Nature
53 Answers
Just curious about this one.When someone trains as a vet I wonder is it because they care about animal welfare or do they just see pound signs??I have a cat that was hit by a car and left on the road as dead,A very kind lady picked it up and took it to the nearest vets and he was going to put it to sleep as a stray until the lady said she would pay for any teatment he needed(said cat is curled up on my lap as I type and kind lady was reimbursed)My sister has a rescue dog that is now in a lot of pain because he has toothache.Vet won't touch him until she pays £300 up front.I know they say don't get animals unless you can afford them but my sister could afford it at the time she got her dog.Her circumstances have changed drastically and she can no longer afford to pay a lump sum.She offered to pay so much a week which I know she will honour but vet said no!!So my question is.If it is within your power to save a life and ease suffering would you not do so because of money???I cannot understand how vets can in all conscience refuse to help a suffering animal because of money.I know they have a living to make but bloody Hell


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@voulezvous At no point in Iggy's writings did I see him/her make any claim of being a vet. He/she appears to take the businessperson's point of view - words to the effect of "we are not a charity" and so forth. However, they gave the game away by missing the subtext of eariyam's reference to being responsible and neutering her cats. It's supposed to remove all...
03:02 Mon 19th Aug 2013
There are PDSA clinics all over the UK try to find one near you, if you give me a while I will Google it.
what a horrible sweeping generalisation you make. It is within your power to save a human life, do you give all your money beyond covering your essentials to charity? No of course you don't, but you expect your vets to work for free.

It would be wonderful if vets earned a fortune and then I imagine they would be in a better position to give to charity; however the starting salary is around £21,000 - and that is after doing 5 years of training and running up incredible amounts of debt (whilst also being unable to do any part-time work due to the volunteer animal placements they are required to complete).

People mistakenly feel that animal treatment is expensive but that is just because you are comparing it to NHS drugs / treatments - please remember that the services provided are not subsidised and the drugs given under license to animals are very expensive!

I would also like to say if you had correctly microchipped your cat then no vet would have mistaken it for a stray - you cannot blame a vet for seeking to end an animals pain when you have been an irresponsible owner.

Many vets will accept payment in instalments even though they regularly lose money on the arrangement - I would suggest you phone around your local vets and ask for their support, may I suggest you adjust your attitude before asking for their kindness though.
Here you go enter your post code for the nearest one to you
That is why i am not rushing my Greyhound to the vets just yet, and am going to see if her toe she hurt gets any better in a couple of days by it's self..
To go to a PDSA you must live in the catchment area for them, or they will not accept you.. i have tried..
EDDIE it says in that link your pet is only eligible for treatment if the owner is on a means tested benefit.
Try a different vet. That price sounds absurd for a dog with toothache.

Long thought we should have an NHS for dogs !Read the small print on pet insurance, with all the exclusions and conditions, then see the prices charged, and it's a wonder that anyone can afford it.
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Iggy b I wasn't suggesting all vets work for free I just question their ethics.If I saw either a human or animal in need of life saving help and I could give it I would not wait until someone gave me the cash to do it.My cat was chipped as are the other two so that argument doesn't hold water also my mum bought a flea spray from her vet for £25 and I recently got exactly the same one on the internet for £7 THAT IS ONLY ONE PRODUCT how much more profit are they making on all the rest.I asked for a tranquiliser for my poor cat so I could get him in the carrier to take him for his check up and was charged £5 they are having a giraffe
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Oh iggy I also have a dog that is chipped and insured.Never got the cats insured because I was so irresponsible I had them neutered.Oh dear how could I be so silly.Should have stopped my cat going over the road to see his friend and a bloody driver (probably not insured) hitting him
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Oh and the only reason he tried to save my cat was cos she waved money under his nose
eariyam....firstly I don't think the points you've raised are unreasonable and I don't think you should change your attitude. You appear to be a very caring 'owner/slave' and have raised a very valid point.

I (human :) ) have just had several treatments with the Dental Hygienist for the grand total of £77 so £300 seems very steep for a pooch.I was offered a payment plan for £77 would you believe?!

Solid advice from Eddie and others, i'm sure the majority of Vets wouldn't randomly put animals to sleep so long as PDSA et al are in existance.Don't worry.

no, you are questioning the behaviour of ONE person, not the whole profession.
My daughter works for a veterinary supply company so knows the costs of animal medication. The mark-up by vets is nothing short of criminal.
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Thanks for all the positive responses.We discussed yesterday how we could relieve his suffering and we will sort it even if it takes the housekeeping.Egg and chips for the next two weeks
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Thank you craft.I thought I was on my own with this
You question vets ethics - well i question yours.

"If I saw either a human or animal in need of life saving help and I could give it I would not wait until someone gave me the cash to do it."
- That is because it doesn't happen to you all the time and isn't in fact the basis for your job. Do you think that doctors shouldn't be paid as well?

"My cat was chipped"
- If the cat was chip a vet would contact the owner immediately therefore I simply don't believe you.

"mum bought a flea spray from her vet for £25 and I recently got exactly the same one on the internet for £7"
- Stuff is cheaper on the internet, I could explain why but I doubt you'd listen. Think about amazon and how their products are cheaper than on the highstreet.

"I asked for a tranquiliser for my poor cat so I could get him in the carrier to take him for his check up and was charged £5"
tranquillizer for travel to a check-up seems extreme and would make the checkup itself difficult. Drugs for animal are provided under licence and they are expensive, the vet is not creating the drugs in the back room, they are buying and proscribing them.

"Never got the cats insured because I was so irresponsible I had them neutered"
That makes no sense to me at all - why would neutering make you feel that insurance was not necessary, I presume this accident has at least taught you the error of your ways.

"the only reason he tried to save my cat was cos she waved money under his nose"
- Highly unlikely and as you were also not there at the time I am also doubting this is correct.

You seem very angry but I honestly can't understand your attack on vets who are working hard to make a living and help animals (there has to be a balance to both aims). If you don't like your vet the switch providers, however as said before if you are this unpleasant to people then I'm afraid you are bringing the poor service upon yourself.

Good night


So you're a vet then Iggy?
Hope not :/
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Going to bed now.Got all animals in and settled.Goodnight Iggy.Sorry to shoot you down but you were so wrong in your comments.xx
Madame I suspect you could not shoot down a hot air balloon floating four feet above your head with a buffalo rifle lol

Nighty night x

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