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Cat Home Alone

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Jayne-123 | 22:22 Mon 09th Dec 2013 | Animals & Nature
92 Answers
I am just booked a three night break away, the problem is all the catteries are booked up and I don't have anyone to take care of my cat. My dilemma is do I leave him at home and leave a big bag of dry food out, would he be OK?


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3 nights 3 litter trays 3 bowls of fresh food 3 bowls of dried food 3 bowls of fresh water The cat will be ok but don't expect purrs when you come back.
22:35 Mon 09th Dec 2013
If your cat doesn't usually go out then 3 days is OK just. He will be lonely but won't come to harm if you leave all the food and water as suggested. I certainly think he'd be happier at home than in a strange place (you aunt's). If you end up feeling guilty then there are reputable pet sitters you can pay to come in.
From your cat:

WHAT?????? - You're leaving ME slave!!! How dare you!!

Welcome to the furry shoulder when you deign to return.

I would only leave a cat overnight. Personally I think 3 days is too long.
But that's just my opinion.
Wharton you can't leave fresh water if it's left out for 3 days. It wouldn't be fresh.
It's for 3 nights so it'll probably be 4 days to allow for travelling. I couldn't enjoy a holiday under those circumstances.
Jayne - Enjoy your break and don't worry about the cat. My first cat used to go missing for more than 3 nights, don't know what he was up to :-)
Jane, please trust your aunt to look after your cat, like I said earlier i'm sure she'll look it just fine.
Have we asked the cat if it likes your aunt? Might be off-putting over dinner, and as an indoor cat has it been socialised to other relatives? I.E does the cat actually "know" your aunt?
I'd rely on a neighbour if you are really stuck, but I wouldn't leave mine on his own, he used to go potty if I was late home at night. I've heard that some people just leave them outside to fend for themselves.
Cat - "I am purrfectly capable of fending for myself thankyou".
Be warned, it's not unusual for an upset cat to start peeing in unusual places.

It may take some time before you discover where.

I would ply a cat loving neighbour with chocolate to look in and make a fuss of him occasionally (and feed him)
.....but thanks for the food, water and litter trays anyway :-)
Cat loving neighbours can feed themselves :-)
I would never have left my cat either not even for one night. If there was no-one to look after him I would not go anywhere. My personal view is that if you have pets then sorry, but you should be prepared to look after them or at least sort something out. Will the vets not take your cat in, do they not have that service available. Sorry if I sound blunt but that is my opinion.
Yeah! Here we go!!!! Paaaaaaaaa-rrrrrrrrty

High vole diet for ALL....

Everybody welcome to party on tw**ter!!

ps thx for carry-IN
Lol nibble, the neighbours would really be upset with a three night cat-party going on.
Phone around and see if you can get a pet sitter to come in and visit once or twice a day.

He probably would be okay but I could never leave my two for so long. I would spend the whole time worrying about them.

I left them overnight once and parts of the house were still untouched by bored claws - they were fine.

As Hopkirk says you might have inappropriate soiling in strange places -

Good luck to you and your boy
take the cat with you .
Don't let the RSPCA find out - I seem to remember a case a few years ago where they prosecuted a fish-keeper who left his aquarium for a week even though an automatic feeder system was in place.
We wont even go out for the day without making arrangements for someone to come in and feed them and check their trays! (I have a very
cat friendly nephew)
I wouldn't leave my cat either.

Luckily I have my adult nephew living with me so I don't have to worry about it but the cat still completely blanked me on my return.

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