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Cat Home Alone

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Jayne-123 | 21:22 Mon 09th Dec 2013 | Animals & Nature
92 Answers
I am just booked a three night break away, the problem is all the catteries are booked up and I don't have anyone to take care of my cat. My dilemma is do I leave him at home and leave a big bag of dry food out, would he be OK?


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3 nights 3 litter trays 3 bowls of fresh food 3 bowls of dried food 3 bowls of fresh water The cat will be ok but don't expect purrs when you come back.
21:35 Mon 09th Dec 2013
I agree with Tilly2, I would not dream of going away for one night , and leave my cat on his own, think you are being very unresponsible.
I'm with Tilly, there is no way I would leave my cats home alone unless it was an unavoidable emergency (unexpected hospital admission for eg.). I know you said local cattery is booked but could you not travel further afield to get him looked after?
No, I wouldn't leave my cat either. He comes first - if the cattery is booked and there was no-one to look after him, then I just wouldn't go away.
Phone your vet and any local cat homing charities, they will all have lists of catteries and cat sitters.
There is no way in this world I would leave ANY pet, even rabbits, alone to fend for themselves for three days and nights. It's not on and if you can't find anybody to help, you should not go. Harsh, but true.
I'd leave Eric for 24 hours quite happily but for three days I'd pay someone to come in and feed/play/stroke him, especially if he used a litty tray! The local vets always have cards for animal sitters. I'm lucky my dad and his Mrs live not far and we feed each others cats, but if he couldn't then to me three days is unacceptable.
Can't imagine how anyone can leave any animal home alone longer than a day. Poor cat will be demented and as was said the food and water won't be fresh after the first day. Sorry but to mind mind this is cruel and uncaring. If you have animals it's your duty to provide for them whatever it takes.
Jayne hasn't been on since last night, wonder if she'll be back to read these last comments .......
I hope she reads them, I personally feel it is irresponsible to leave any animal any longer than 8 to 10 hours. As said before, if you want a pet then you must be prepared to look after it. Why did she not find out first if cattery could take the cat and then book holiday following up with confirmation with cattery or is the cat just an afterthought.
I am pretty much housebound, so my cats have me as their constant companion. (I even sleep in the lounge with them) :)
Yesterday I had a dentist appointment and was away from the house for a couple of hours, you should have seen how relieved the moggies were to have me home, they were distressed after just 2 hours, I dread to think what they'd be like if it were 3 days :(
If you haven't arranged for your cat to be looked after...YOU DON'T GO AWAY.
Disgusting that the particular post was given the Best Answer.
....and what happens if you are unexpectedly in hospital for 3 nights?
not for three days, the food and water won't be fresh. I've left murph overnight before but that was it, nowdays as she's getting on, i have a cat sitter down the road who will pop up and feed her if im going to be late......

look into cat sitters, you can get someone to come round and feed him for you
But she isn't is she, she's booked a holiday !
Squad's advice is spot on !
Unless you have arranged for your Cat to be looked after properly, don't go away...
^ that's for Wharton.
Wharton....that was not the point of the emergency like hospitalization is different from a planned holiday....planned for the humans, but not for the cats.
I've got two cats.. I'd never leave them for more than a few hours... for example, were lucky enough to have been invited out on christmas day...were going at 12.30..plan to be back at 7..I'll be itching to get back and make sure my two are ok...and they have each other... think how you'll feel if something goes wrong!
If the hospital question from wharton was aimed at me then being in hospital for 3 nights wouldn't be a problem for the cats, I have a partner and 16 year old son at home. The cats would only be alone for the few hours my son attends 6th form each day.

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