slept five hours last night, which is an hour or so less than normal and not usually something I'd worry about. But after mooching around the house trying to fire myself up I went back to bed and slept another five hours. Just shows how much energy my body is devoting to fighting off infection, I suppose. Two days in less than a week I've slept right through lunchtime.
Hello all
It'll do you good to sleep Jno,it heals the body.You snooze away and hopefully you'll soon be raring to go again.This weather doesn't help either and the rain never seems to stop.It's eased off somewhat today but looks like another lot to come tomorrow.It's so dreary and we've had the heating on.
Hope the rest of you are all ok.
Rain clouds gathered here too and storms and low temps predicted!!
I bought a long hippie dress, totally inappropriate but I love it and who cares. I'm not dead yet!!
the shop up the road has repaved some of the ground in front and left a pile of bricks with a note saying "help yourself", so on the way back from the chemists, I picked up one in each hand (quite hard to carry as they don't have a frog so there's nothing to get your thumb into) and staggered off home.
I was doing more or less okay until I was crossing the road and my trousers fell down.
Afternoon all
Good job I had a firm grip on my coffee cup when I read that Jno or most of it would have gone up my nose and across the desk.Why on earth are you wandering about picking up stray bricks? I hope you feel better though.
Nothing doing here apart from the fact that it's not raining atm but looks as if it will be shortly.
Hope the rest of you are ok.
oh, you never know when a few fox holes may need stopping up with a brick or two under the fences, shaney. But perhaps it should be done with care when one has been ill and lost a few pounds. OH has since been out with a garden trolley and brought back half a dozen more, but they are quite weighty.
another one who spat their coffee up the screen...oh Jno what will you do next? Mind you bricks are useful for all kinds of things. I bought a load of rejects (chipped bricks) off my local builders yard, They stop up holes, do for standing pots on, weighting things down and so on. It has tipped it down for most of the day here but we aren't flooded.
Haha .It was the thought of your trousers falling down that amused me and no hands free to hoick them up.
Bricks are handy though.We've got a brick weave path and a small pile of spares behind the shed and a stack of spare roof tiles.You never know when you might need them.I've also got a sack of gravel waiting to be put down and some bags of cement .I might open a builders yard.
The rain kept off here and it looks fine for tomorrow,fingers crossed, so I'll be up to put washing out.There was massive cliff fall up the coast due to the rain.
Night all.
Oh jno you are funny!
I was up at 4am (3.Your time) as hija was getting the 7am flight back to barca so had to wake her up, cooked brekkie while she was in bath , as soon ss Mr N had taken her to airport I was stripping her bed and getting all washing done by 9 as he had to turn the water off to replace a leaking water pipe
Was raining when I went to hang it out in the dark. But at 9 am 2 loads got put out.
No rehab today so I nipped to village for coffee with gbf
After the pieces mended I did the bathroom load so all done now
We are both totally shattered!! And it's cold!!
It's been a glorious sunny day here .Not one drop of rain ..Yaaay!
Quite warm and breezy and got my mountain of washing out and dry.
Just concentrate on brick juggling Jno and stay away from avalanches.We don't want more trouser malfunctions.
Nothing exciting otherwise .Night all.
went round to an evening of opera in the local parkette tonight. Slightly damp but the singers (they appeared to be proper trained ones) were under an awning, so hopefully their vocal cords are unsoggy.
Hello all
Hope you are all ok.
I have got my car back.
Mr N and I stayed at home today and had a take away curry was nice for a change.
Heard yesterday that an old friend who lived here years ago and then moved to Hawaii, had an unsuspected heart attack and died. He was only 57!
hello all. The lawn is mowed so all is well with my world. Nothing ekse of interest has happened at all here. Sorry to hear about your friend Neti. Still no new of Robi anyone?
Evening all
Nothing exciting here either.Was quite sunny but then we had showers of rain.
We watched the candidates jostling and setting out their stalls to become PM and then turned over to watch Soccer Aid as there was nowt else on.It was far more entertaining than hearing Jeremy Hunt tell everyone he was an entrepreneur for the umpteenth time.
Sorry about your friend Neti.
No ,not heard anything Woofy .I hope she's ok.
I'll say night all.Sleep tight.
Evening all
No nothing from Robi.
Had a day free and then my back/hip went. Agony but didntvrealise how bad until I went to village. Leg kept giving way, I really felt my age and instead of nipping across the main road in between the cars I had to go out of my way to the crossing to be on the safe side. Anyway managed to get a coffee and then a few metres more to the hairdresser where I fell over the seat as I was manipulating my way round it! I've managed to have a bath and get out without any help,, so hopefully it'll be ok tomorrow as I have rehab again and doubt I can stand there waving rods and kilo weights in the air.
That enough if my moaning about my exciting life! How are you all and the doggies?