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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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I could never abide Monty Python. But I did like Life of Brian when I finally got to see it, as we were living in Truro and it was banned there! I do like Michael Palin and his travel series.
My N has just informed that we are meeting friends for lunch, that'll do me!
we have been to John Lewis and come back with (no, not more shoes) the last of the net curtain. Apparently they say there's no demand for it any more so they're not stocking it. What is to become of suburbia?
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Morning all
Looks like another warm day ahead.It was very muggy yesterday with high humidity which is no good to me.
I bought new voile net curtains for the front recently from Amazon.We have to have something on these huge windows as they are too high and curved and blinds are not practical and just gather dust as we are on a main road.
Hope you're all ok.
June 1 is Major Fluff Day out there, shaney, the neighbours' poplars are shedding so much it looks like snow
Jno suburbia all shop online
happily we have no polars around us, we used to and the fluff and resulting seedlings were a real nuisance
I use long net curtains as fly screens on Doors in the summer. Last lot bought from lidl but extremely long! I have glaas windows in front panelled door so need nets on them as is the only light coming in the room
Been out for lunch and a few drinks . Its so hot now so pleased to be back in cool bedroom!
how are we going to spy on our neighbours?

Maybe the people at Neo Bankside bought it all
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No poplars round here thank goodness. I used to like the London planes especially in the winter after the leaves went and they looked like lollipops.
That must be a pain for the people living there Jno although they must have known they could be overlooked.If they can afford millions for a flat surely they can afford blinds or nets.
We get some double decker buses going past and I don't want to frighten people looking in while I slump on the sofa with my feet up on the coffee table and no lipstick on :)
Night all.

the viewing gallery wasn't there when their flats were built, but it was planned and their solicitors should have found out about it.They wanted nice big windows so they could look out at everyone and now everyone's returning the favour.
No one, absolutely no one comes past our house ! We are very lucky I guess!
Hija is flying in soon as she has arthritis in her shoulder and her arms and hands are swollen. She went to Emergencies in Barcelona and an injection eased it but she needs to see her own mexico.
We went out to lunch and home again now
It's getting warmish!
I start rehab tomorrow
Move over Amy Winehouse!!!
That block of flats looks like a council estate in the Easy End!
oh, the East End is tres chic these days
It still reminds me of the flats one passes on the DLR!!
Rehab is more Darby and Joan than Winehouse! I'm the youngest there!!! Hija is on hospital having am urgent x-ray as hands and wrists so swollen she can't move them!!
oh dear, has something happened to hija to cause that?
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Evening all
Lots of rain today after what was a scorcher on Sunday and similar yesterday.
I'm sorry to hear your daughter is unwell Neti.I hope it isn't RA although it sounds as if it could be.It can attack very suddenly out of nowhere as I know all too well.Blood tests will determine high rheumatoid factor if that's what it is.It's an auto immune thing and she probably feels very poorly.I hope she's got something for the pain.
Nothing else to report ,same old.Hope you're all ok otherwise.
Well good news. Hija has torn a muscle in her back, so nothing too drastic. The pulls are working well ad swelling going down. I still have to help her to get dressed/undressed, but all's good. I've also paid her rent in barca as she can t work atm!!
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That's good news Neti although I guess it's painful but at least it isn't anything arthritis related which is great. I hope she soon feels better.
Weather a bit dreary and showery so spent most of the day watching the D day programme.Those men who are in their nineties parachuting into France were brilliant.
Hope you're all ok .
ah, we have our new curtains made with the last nettign material on Oxford St. They'll all have to be digital curtains next time, I expect.

9am at the hospital tomorrow to discuss how far my platelets have declined, so I suppose I should get to bed.

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