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Help Identifying Ginormous Bird

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sherrardk | 13:42 Sun 07th Jul 2019 | Animals & Nature
39 Answers
I have tried bird identification sites but I’m not having any luck. Earlier I saw a huge bird in flight( scarily huge), bigger than any bird of prey I’ve ever seen - dark brown in colour, markings under the wings, rounded wing tips - it was not a red kite. It came out of a wooded area and it didn’t seem to need much effort to fly - could it be a ginormous owl?


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You leave Marlene out of this. Lovely bird. Won’t have anything said against her.

I suspect ladybirder means ‘hawks’. Owls are quite different and wouldn’t take kindly to being compared to a common hawk.
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It’s really hard to tell because of the lack of scale in the photos - I’ve seen a lot of red kites close by and it was much larger and heftier looking. Today’s sighting was the best I’ve had so far.
Zacs, when you say you suspect I mean Hawks, which post of mine are you referring to please? If it's where I suggested Buzzards, then that is true.
My first thoughts was a buzzard, then I got to thinking what kind of habitat is near or by ?.
If a wetland area is close, then it might have been a marsh harrier.
Just a thought, they are massive.
Probably a Lancaster, they have rounded wing tips...
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It’s flying out of a v safe wooded area, public not allowed. I have never seen such a large bird. I’ve caught sight of it a couple of times, think it must be an owl of some sort that is disturbed by crows or something.
Interestingly the white tailed eagle is the largest bird of prey in the UK.
It was once hunted to extinction but is now making a comeback after being reintroduced from Norway and seems to be recolonizing well.
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I am at a total loss at to what it is - I just thought that is *** huge!
Could it be an escapee from a zoo or bird sanctuary?
On a few occasions, I've seen what I believe to be a goshawk, when driving through a mixed wooded area.
I was impressed by its sheer size and its ability to fly rapidly through dense trees with great agility.
Barn owl?
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I’ve sent the local owl sanctuary an email to see if they’ve had and escapee.
it's sounding more and more like a long eared owl as I said earlier, they can be up to 16 inches tall and have a 1 metre wing span and they are brown.
I'll be interested in the outcome, considering the wingspan of a Red Kite and this to be bigger rules out a lot of suggestions so far.
('Cept Lancaster...)
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The local owl place haven’t lost anything.

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