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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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Evenin dudes..
I insist you all take a brainscan...
just checking hehe..!(:O)
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boo6er netti's didnt come out>>>>>>>>
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there seems to be a lot of space in my brain....
always had a feeling that I knew you jno
Well half of mine is dead looking and the other half has funny pacmen type thing in it. Will try again under another name.

Morning all - bright and breezy here.
Just scan's Mr N's brain and it's full of red hearts - mmmm, methinks I shall have to have a word with him! How do you know what the little things mean?
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Mornin peeps.
Tis lovely and sunny ere..bit chilly mind you.
here's some more brain scans maureen yo
the little one's means your a very generous person,and you will be buying vinny a lovely xmas pressie...hehe..!
So sad for your family BOO. terrible news.
take care vinny xx
yes, my scan had hearts & smilies but a lot of nothing in my mum was fibbing when she said my head was full of nonsense....tut.

morning....oooh, a bit chilly?
I've been out with a pick to chip the ice off the bird baths!! They were very grateful, said they'll be back to plop on me later to bring me luck. Had lots of nice visitors, it looked like a Pollyanna Pickering painting
(she's a brilliant local'ish' wildlife & animal artist)

that's a lovely colourful video Vinny...I really ought to brighten up my wardrobe a bit...
I'm starting to look sepia & insignificant

Did you know Robinia that Pollyanna Pickering has given up her shop in Matlock? My friend Kath and I used to pop in quite often and have bought pics off her. I think she gave it up a couple of years ago. Shame.
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What a lovely name..!
So's mine, and hey Vinnywhat are you doing on here at this time of the day - you need to get out there and work for our xmas pressies (and they don't come cheap!)
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Ey Ey popickers....better start looking for a new thread have got 32 topics to choose from,so get posting.
I knows there's 34 but shopping doesent count and this topic is to bloomin you could post one,it twill be nice and empty when we get there..hehe..!quickly legs it whoosh>>>(:O)
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bloomin cheek...
I be painting me daughters bedroom today.she chose red and white fer goodness sake's.actually I was wrong,it looks quite nice but dont tell her.(:O)
You daughter is obviously not a drinker, imagine waking up to a red and white room after a night on the Becks!!

New thread's all sorted (I think).

Mi hija is off to Barcelona again for the winter, so I'm all fraught with nerves, but pleased at the same time.
...,and actually I think (to my shame) it will be rather empty!!!!
Well don't threads fly by when you're talking �%$&*{$....
red & white Vin! ooh, watch out for low flying missiles....something calming in teenagers rooms I think, what's wrong with beige?

I knew it!!! go on, bash the stikki again....I just heard that on the news muggy
and who exactly are these 'scientists' I'm a-wonderin'....??
oh, here they are, just having a working lunch

that's a shame maggie as not so many shops seem to stock Pollyanna's cards either...I went to an exhibition (not far from here!) & I regret not treating myself to one of her paintings...there was a beautiful one with a deer. She's a lovely woman...and skinny...and blonde!

dum de dummm

Evening, biddies. It's the apple-shaped one here. I'm writing you an essay. It's called "My little park" - ha ha. It's about my little park.

jno on Grand Biddy Tour, that should be interesting. Imagine your door bell ringing, and when you open the door...

Back soon.
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pull your finger out Kip,me dinners getting cold..(:O)

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