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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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Sorry for shouting!!!!
That marmoset is a cheeky one - if we shorten her monicka - then we get to call her marm!! Do we bow and tug forelocks aswell!!!
Hi All and welcome Marm I'll be the first to call you that. Good to have you along.
Well Al was a guy with a guitar and backing tapes. Actually he had quite a good voice and sang some good stuff. I had a bit of a jive and I actually got asked to dance which makes a change as I usually take the lead. My shoes kept coming off so I slung up under a table.
I'm not out tomorrow night so I 'll see you then. By the time you read this it will be Saturday morning so I hope you've all had a good night. Bye for now :o)
you call this Saturday morning? Dark, I calls it. Gotta admire your stamina, Jude!
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This is what you call saturday morning!
I bet a penny to a pound your all in bed,well apart from robinia...she goes nicking milk this time of day..old habits die hard you know hehe..!
has its Ma's first day,I insist on getting her breakys....oh booger,the cupboards bare.. its okay,I found a nice long sausage fer you ma.(:O)well Id better venture out in deepest darkest devon,hope that beast aint out there again.
later dude's>>>(:O)
Morning all - hey Vinny I remember in the dark days of long ago when I was a penniless hippie living in one room in Brighton, my mate and I used to nick milk. it's the only nourishment we had some days - oh to be young!!! I was as thin as old Robi then. I'm only a bit more rounded now.
morning creaks 'n squeaks & welcome to marmoset...but it's not the first time that we've 'met' is it? you were caught on camera a couple of times...glad to see you're a silver surfer.

just need a quiet word with Jude

(I may have posted that before but it's a favourite)

<spits milk across room> > > > >
ugh! bloomin' semi skilled stuff.....haven't they ever heard of goldtop? I'll pop notes into their empties for the milkman on Monday.

Friday night Saturday night...not noticed the difference Vincent?.....well we get more beery kisses on a Sat maybe.....
Well Robi that link for jude didn't work for me!

Hope you are OK and too painful this day.

I'm just spinning out time until midday when the bars open (!) and I can buy English bread and sausage rolls as the English shops haven't got what I want. Do you know that I have to pay 11� for a bottle of Stone's Ginger wine, but shall enjoy it <<hic>> I wanted Crabby's but they've never heard of it. Oh getting excited for Xmas, have put in my order, or have I already posted that!
Oh ha ha - Sorry Robi I certainly don't wish you pain, I meant of course not too painfull. I can't stop laughing as I imagine your face when you read that bit! Sorry love.
post for netibeezer

tut, it's a bu88er when you have to call someone to tell them you're writing to them, but she never reads hers...grumble>

oh & a THWACK!...there's pain for ya!
Morning! Wet and cold here today. Been to my sister's for my usual cuppa. She's doing alright now, misses her husband of course but she is getting out and about now, in fact she never refuses an invite to go somewhaere. She goes out more than me.
Derby play West Ham today to that's my afternoon sorted. Can we have a communal "Come on you Rams" please that might just help us win a match.
By the way Robi that link you put on didn't work for me either.
See yer later :o)
tut, don't you just hate people who repeat themselves?

as I said earlier.....


<puts fingers in ears & sings>
aggghhh footy!

Seems like you had damned good night Robi, yes I've read my mail. I actually need an internet postman for all the email addys I have, so don't check most of them regularly. We have a new postman (cartero) over here, he's a young chap called Alberto and a right laugh. !Hola Netibiza,� he shouts across the street, in fact it's my real surname he shouts but that a secret ssssh! All my Brit pals look askance as they never see their postperson.
marmoset >I've sent you an email.
<sigh>...look at me when I'm talking to you was Jude who had a good night...oh never mind.

actually just remembered I had some weird dreams last one of them woofy & Vinny came to visit me (!) They didn't have faces though, they had screens & their speech rolled past....hahaha...not really I made that bit up, but it's funny intit? Anyway, Vin decided the thermostat on my heating should be set higher & he blew all my lectrics!!!

I'm off to remove my house from Google-eye or whatever it's called.....
Yes Robinia I know it was jude <<deep sigh>> but with you making unworkable links I thought mayhap you'd be out on the sauce, you cheeky minx!
Hi Have you all heard about the new comedy double act round these parts called Neti and Robi
Well, she can be a bit of a trial really!!!!

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