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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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jude I didn't realise that the terracotta army were performing with Billy Elliott <<quickly does a runner!!>>
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My new name fer netti is nettifour(4) hehe..!...(:o)
mind you vinny 100 says it all.
ssshh that was a very rough guess, probably more ahem!
hey anyway that was the love generation, and flower power so we did it!!!!
yes I saw that...trollop...tut.

neti how are you posting so quickly? it's taking me ages to open Q's & submit an fact until this site sharpens up it's act I'm not posting anymore, it's driving me nuts.

<stomps off in a huff>
perhaps I should be jn0, then, neti4.
Oh OK OK I lied, I am a virgin still, now shut up the lot of yer!!
Robinia don't forget that I am a "fast" lady!
...not my fault yer 'onour, I really had no idea - b'stard.

Actually I have to say that my computer is working really fast at the moment, not usually this quick.
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Perhaps we should call netti ♫♫♫

♫anytime any place any where♫ (:O)
I'm more like the old woman at the end of the vid!!
I am completely lost ..
What on earth are you running on about .
Why is Jno about to be hauled before the courts and why is Netti still a virgin/trollop whatever thingy.

Another post on Chatterbank and it's best you don't see it, and remember me as pure as the proverbial driven snow.
Oh I see now ..I usually bypass all that drivel especially that particular driveller.
Well old girl..... if you are as white as the driven snow I must be Persil White !!!

I just had this in an email from a friend .He knows I'm a sucker for old Fred Astaire films and Cole Porter ..this dance sequence from Broadway Melody is marvellous ..I've just watched it four times sad is that !
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Bloomin marvelous shaney. reminds me of a sunday afternoon when I was a kid all snuggled up under me dads army coat watching black and white movies.I use to love all that dancing.Ginger rogers and fred and gene kelly.It would take you to another planet.They would always descend from the biggest staircase you'd ever seen.And all them ladies doing syncranising swimming. not to mention them cowboy films..brill.(:O)
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It just had to be done..yo
must have been filmed in derby....(:O)
You must be pyschic Vinny ..I just went to post that and it all went skew whiff again ! They must hold this place together with elastic bands !
evenin' all glad to see that the conversation maintains its high tone (flops down on a handy park bench) phew, have had a busy time this week..interviewing at work which means being in at sparrow fart....which means getting up at owl fart. Dear elderly dog has diabetes and a weak bladder which means she needs at least one pee and a snack during the night....not at the same time oh no that would be much too easy AND the clock flog has confused her(nods off while still wittering)

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