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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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Right you dudes,must get on me horse and ride over tuh biddyford.
awsome ((*_*))
Thanks a bunch for the Marilyn, Shaney. So far my life has been more about rhinestones than diamonds, but I do likes da tinsel! A long time ago I did a short stint as a director's assistant at a well reputed theatre here in Stockholm but the pay was a disgrace and I had to return to my "real" profession. When I did, my new colleague - knowing where I came from - had a dream about me one night which was: "I mustn't forget to bring sequins for Kit!"

So funny, because 1) our workplace was as prosaic as it gets, and 2) I have the kind of appeal? ... which always makes drunkards come up to me and shout "You're a teacher, aren't you?" or "You're a feminist, aren't you?!" But my colleague was right, my heart does belong to showbiz.

Oh jno what shall we do about you. I've heard about the love that dare not speak its name but I'll be damned if I ever heard about the entire effin' sex that dare not speak its name. Oh well... I'll do as I have, pronounce you Jane-O when I think you're a woman, John when I think you're a man and jay-en-oh when I just give up... / Love that Ginger-quote but had completely forgotten about it - thanks for the reminder.

Yep, I had you redirected to Science quite on purpose, Vinny, thought you could use some scientific help developing the recipe for that new, potent beer you've been working on (upstandingly ;-)

Nope I don't use circular needles Shaney, I do a seam instead. I have this fantastic old book called Vogue knitting. It's so instructional and they describe different seams as well. / I'm afraid to even ask you what a "dickey" is. Is it something I might fabricate by shrinking my wrist warmers in the machine, he he he.

bye for now
Kit over here in Ibiza, there are 3 sexes - male, female and hairdressers!
Haha Kit it's a tuck in thing with a polo neck that you can wear inside your coat instead of a scarf. I knit things for the heart rehab thingy at the hospital for their fund raising stall and they asked for them . Makes a change from churning out socks !
That Vogue book looks good .These are knitted from a book by Elizabeth Zimmerman .I might ask my sister in law if they want wrist warmers .I get fed up with kinitting the same pattern over and over again !
Anyhoooo.......folks it's CAKES
all round ..I won a hundred quid on the Thunderball !

There is a new shop opened in the High Street which sells lovely handbags .......
tut, what is going on in Stockholm, Kit - a government minister resigning after being caught kissing? Bless me, how else are you supposed to keep warm in this weather?
Hi Kit<b/> I used to have a swedish boyfriend years ago. His name was Rolf Naslund and he accidentally got locked in our toilet and had to climb out of the window. My Dad had to break the lock to open the door. (A little bit of useless information for you.)
Sorry about the b/> I got confused and it doesn't take much.
Why has it gone on to shouting, I am really confused now. Sorry.
Hi Maggie You should have put the slash / before the b. Hope you are ok, see you on Tuesday all being well. Hope everybody else is ok.
You have mail Kit
Good day all - am in a Spring cleaning (!) mood so am washing everything in sight. Have bought a flatpack of shelves, and for the life of me cannot assemble it, so Mr N will do it ma�ana. Am chucking away lots of things I will need eventually!!!
Hiya Neti I've had a sorting out day too. (Shut your eyes Vincent)Been through me drawers. Knickers, bras, tights, and the rest. Chucked out lads I'll never wear again. ( I'm going to leave that Freudian slip - thought it was quite funny) :o)
Yes jude last week I chucked away a huge pile of knickers, not very old, but BHS and the elastic didn't last too long so binned 'em, and bras, odd sox, you name it I've binned it. Am thinking of binning all my old LP's and 45's but maybe not, that's too drastic, even tho I download onto my mp2 from computer. What are lads??
Hi Neti it was a typing error I put lads (young men) instead of loads!! :o)
Shelves are up and look really nice, will buy another set (ready made) tomorrow for computer room. Barry Manilow on UKGold tonight so I must not be disturbed - is that understood everyone????
Yep ..understood ..
I'll eat all me own cakes as none of you seem to want one and swig cheap gin .Toodlepip.
pom pom pom... well I'm actually going to leave the house tomorrow... lunch in deepest Essex, then a fireworks party in Blackheath, which I gather is in the Greenwich region... two events in one day, what a social butterfly I am. I hope they speak English in Blackheath, my Estuarine isn't good.
Morning all - lovely warm sunny day finally - poor tourists who came last month had really miserable weather. Well, what can I say about Baz? I think he's past his sell-by date, obviously has had a facelift and looks remarkably like a garden gnome, or something out of Noddy! Robinia please remove him from my closet - thank you! - he can go back into his own now.

Still spring cleaning (or is it nesting?) like mad. shelves are up in computer room, and all LP's and 45's (I've just found "What would I be" by Val donican - but it was my mum's) and one rather fat cockroach which Mr N stepped on sharply whilst I stood on a chair and whimpered. Ah well must get on, sees ya later!
Well that's another room sorted - am I the only one working and awake? jude have you stopped clearing and cleaning?
Morning All Hiya Neti Yes I've now finished sorting except for one last job and that's sorting my photographs out, years and years of them. It could take all day so I'm not starting it until I Know I have a day to do it.
Went out last night to a Tai Chi class and then to a pub where there was a band on. 3 blokes, 1 on the tea chest bass (skiffle) 1 on a guitar and 1 on the washboard. Such a laugh and a real good sing song. Irish tunes - the lot. Then tonight I'm going to a 65th birthday party. Then tomorrow my son and his wife are taking me and her family out to dinner to celebrate her birthday. I can't remember the last time I went out 3 nights on the run.
Have a good day all :o)

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