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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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Wow jude slow down old girl, you are making me tired all this gallivanting!! Don't talk about photos, I am not even considering doing them, twould be impossible, have boxes and boxes of them so will leave it!
good morning Biddy Buzby Berkeley babes...
I don't want to speak too soon, but all appears to be back up to speed. Now approx 4 seconds to load a page instead of the 1 min 10 seconds that it was taking .....grrrrr (I timed it!). I've not been too well & didn't have the patience for that but no doubt you've enjoyed the peace & quiet. I'm disappointed at the lack of communication from the techs about it, I don't take kindly to the 'if you want to be here you'll put up with it' attitude in any walk of life...rant over, lol.

hope you're all well & less grumpy than I need to ask Jude who's obviously on something we don't know about :o)
WELL DONE shaney...don't s'pose there are any cakes left....? didn't think more tenners for me last night

speaking of which, Neti, Baz has been duly banished & something much more useful is now

in your closet

right, off to see if I've missed anything,
come out Vinny.....
wafts toast & marmite about....and then scoffs it!

thank you Robi hope you are feeling better. Yes Tena will be more use to me than old Baz. Am sitting in an exceptionally clean tidy room, and only found one cockroach, so am best pleased. Unfortunat
ely got a bit of a shock from the dishwasher (I knew it!!) and Mr N says we'll have to dump it -DUMP IT?? i M I can assure him thatI?m not going without a dishwasher now. so am going to plug it in as and when I need it and wear thick soled boots and rubber clothes -that should do it. That'll teach me to mock the gods!!!
that answer took ages!!!!
....and that one didn't!!
I had meltdown here yesterday.Click of death...hard drive boogered. I am now struggling along on this laptop thing.
My child and I are not speaking ! Lol...he bought a new case for all the gubbins and when he put it all back together it conked out .
Have now lost all my photos ..Mr S is hopping around like someone demented because all his spread sheets and correspondence is gone and all the household finance records .This will teach us to back stuff up.
Hopefully we can get it back somehow said child is going to sort it out ..he'd better ..before I sort him out !

I saved you a cstd Robinia ...and I hope you are feeling's achey weather isn't it ? Really dank here.
that's the spirit netters...nothing like a good electrical thwacking now & then. And with a couple of holes in your heels you'll have a safe hiding place for your closet keys....
seriously now, be careful! crashing the pots around in the sink is good therapy...I was told I was noisy in the kitchen .... ahem! I set the newspaper that he was reading on fire & showed him the door. :o)

oh, no dinner for Picky today then?...hope you've put him on doorstep scrubbing for a month shaney

Thanks for the CAKES, Shaney, and congrats! / Just to avoid misunderstandings: The wrist warmers aren't in that Vogue book, I was just talking about the seams (as opposed to circular needles, that you were asking about.)

Robinia we've told you time and time again not to follow strange men around no matter how peckish you're feeling. TUT! They'll slip you a mickey in that cake you know and you'll wake up with the mother of all headaches again! (I jest - but I am sorry you've not been too well, and happy you're feeling better now.)

Ha ha Maggie, talk about the man that got away - through a bathroom window! What a sight for the neighbours!

My countrymen playing with water and electricity - don't try this at home, Neti!

I'll be back later.
Well..I have managed to find a man who can ...hopefully..retrieve all our information.No fix no fee...and sixty quid if he can which Picky is going to pay or he won't be scrubbing doorsteps ....he'll find his things on it !
I jest ..but it is annoying .I do wish he wouldn't fiddle with things .He's upstairs now messing around with a music system ....he's got all my long playing records out of the loft and he's mucking about .....he want's to put some of it on CD's.... .......I give up . He's downloaded some programme onto a disc so at least we can use the computer and get into email....well he can .....Mr S and I have no's all Greek to us .We want our Windows back !

Do you have a pattern for those wristies Kit?
Knowing my luck it will be in Swedish !
I'm baaa-ack. Yes Shaney it is in Swedish - duh! I would translate it for you if I could but I swear that I can't. It's the simplest kind of stitches, but then there's a... a thing... it looks crocheted but it's actually part of the knitting... oh Neti please explain the rounded thingies will you? I make them striped in two colours with the stripes going lengthwise (=not like bracelets). But anyway Shaney, the good thing about them is really the alpaca yarn, so you could use that for any other kind of wristy that you'll be able to find on the web (or at least would have been able to find, before your son decided to take everything apart, ha ha.)

I see we've been sorting the drawers and closets out. Yeah you do have to do that on a regular basis, don't you, as the body changes... We're none of us getting any younger. 'Cept Vinny of course, who seems forever- ...delusional !

Yes jno, this government of ours is going down like the Hindenburg, only faster. The political scandal wasn't about the smooching as such (although Schenstr�m's husband may have found the incident noteworthy when he opened the papers) but the fact that she - the prime minister's closest aide - was completely and utterly sloshed while on call. Hundreds of Swedes were involved in the tsunami disaster in Thailand three? years ago and the government didn't notice - they were all on Christmas leave - so we're no longer willing to be indulgent towards politicians who don't take themselves seriously.

Guess what happened late last Friday night (but it was all gone by Saturday morning).

Bye for now!
ooh, Tarquin started to take things apart as soon as he could hold screwdriver...I found he'd dismantled his buggy & escaped in the supermarket once.

Kit I did have an elderly neighbour who used to buy me a cream cake on his birthday...and on mine. That's what I call a good arrangement.
I don't think Vinny's got a reflection....

that should bring him out of hiding, where's me garlic....?

> > > > > > > >
Am recovering from lunchtime drinkies - tomorrow I will try to photograph and scan the wristwarmers for shaney, don't ask me about loops and things! They are very warm and very comfortable, and if I sewed up one end it could be a willy-warmer!! (but I don't have a willy). Talking of which, where is the Sproutman???
incidentally Shaney I don't know about you but we have an external hard drive, about the size of a large paperback. Once a week we plug it in to the computer and switch it on and there's a programme which backs up everything onto it from the computer. Just the new stuff - somehow it detects everything that's changed and replaces it, leaving the unupdated stuff where it is. Last week for some reason it copied all my Portuguese photos and put them in the recycle bin, which baffled me, but normally it functions fine. Then we switch it off, so if some virus gets into the computer it can't access the separate hard drive. Stan the Bulgarian set all this up for us last time we had a virus scare and I feel a lot more comfortable about it now.
Morning all - What - no Vinny?? Has he absconded? Quick send out a search posse (ooops - I mean party).
Thank you for that Jno..sounds like a good idea to me .I shall broach the subject with Picky the Pooter Pooper when I next see him.
In the meantime he has left the building and peace reigns in the Shaney household for a few days .A new hard drive is on the way and my Norfolk version of Boris is doing his best to get the stuff back.
The only problem is ..Picky thinks he might install two hard drives now , sigh......Is the sun over the yardarm yet ....the gin bottle looks awfully tempting .
Otherwise I hope you are all OK ..rather dull and dreary here ..
Yes ..where is Vinny ?I hope he isn't having a buffering crisis.
Can anyone tell me how to "back-up" all my files, photos etc. I'm on Windows XP (Firefox) which seems to bu88er about a bit. I have Nero which appears to be able to back-up files, what size cd would I need? Is there a simple way???
most CDs seem to hold about 700MB, neti. It'll depend on how big your files are (if you right-click on any given file and go down to 'properties' it should tell you how big it is)
oh... and then on the left of the My Documents page, or my pictures or whatever, there should be a Copy This File option. Put a blank CD into the machine and browse through the options - it should be listed as 'removable disc' or something like that. Click and it should start copying to the CD. It's not necessarily very fast.
[IMG][/IMG] - shaney here is a wristwarmer, am trying to download more piccies of it.

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