Our 13 year old cat Tom just dropped dead this morning, no sign he was ill, he'd just eaten breakfast and that was it, he lay down and died. Shocked me it did, I was leaving for work and didn't know what to do.
He's in a cardboard box locked in the shed, : (
Sorry to hear that dotty ! If it's any consolation, he did not suffer and it was a nice way 'to go' ! Pets become part of the Family and a sad loss when they die.
sorry to hear that, but you can take assurance in that he didn't suffer because he wouldn't have eaten if he was suffering, it was a comfortable end for him.
I realise that he must have just had a massive heart attack, he's been making the most awful whining noise when he first comes in ever since we lost Bingo and I don';t think he has ever settled since then.
I've come home and my son is at work and there's just noone here, it's very quiet. We're burying Tom next to Bingo on Saturday morning.
When it happened this morning at 7:10 I was amazingly calm and dealt with it but when I got to work at about 8:20 I went to pieces. I had all the staff weeping too.
B00 it's too dark to go and bury him, we're doing that on Saturday, he's locked in the shed because it's freezin in there and it seemed the best plan, if anyone has anything better to suggest that would be good.
I've just been and had a look and the box is still there undisturbed, nothing can get in there and it's very very cold and so I just thought it was the best thing to do,