ChatterBank1 min ago
Site Suggestions
Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.Contact The Editorial Team Here
emocions, would ONE for each reply be too much to ask ?
I answered someone using the new but because they have used quotation marks it came out like this... <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> Why did you find it necessary to put "this...
Ed, could we request to appear on Latest Posts, I think the nuclear button needs a reset. This as we begin to approacheth the 2000th contribution of divine messaging in your name. Ta Guv. The...
How about adding a
Jokes section with the rule regarding bad language....
Hi Ed I have posted a few - serious - questions and have received some excellent answers so don't get me wrong I think Answerbank is brilliant - but occasionally we do get wallies putting in their two...
Now the fuss has died down, I wonder if the Ed could arrange a 'Heading' both within the 'Sport' Topic & its subsidiary Topics, especially 'Football'. It might say something along the lines of -...
I know it's not a suggestion but thanks for getting rid of those hardly readable letters when you use the report option :)
Much easier to report spam now...
things go from latest post very quickly..more posts stored ?
Hi All..maybe I am missing something - but didn't dear old AB here used to let us know when there was an answer to any question we had submitted - by sending us an email to that effect? I know I...
Love it here in the morning, smootly flows, however when I come back in the afternoon it is sooo slow in loading, it seems to be forever waiting for gravatar. More traffic at that time of day I...
I wish the adverts could be made Double Click....just fed up with being transported to sh1t sites just because my touch pad is a wee sensitive and fires of the damn things at the slightest...
Viv and Ron's question set me thinking.
Could we harness AB to do some real good?
Perhaps have a section where we could try to trace truly missing people....
Ola, Not really a suggestion. TWR's 'I wonder' thread is showing as having 30 answers, I clicked to have a look and I can only see up to 21 answers, the last being TWR's answer so I'm missing 9...
Ed...In view of the fact that there are a number of problems with FF12 and numerous questions are being raised on the matter; would it be a good idea for your posting stickies with advice given by...
It would be interesting to know the reasons for regular contributors being absent from the columns of AB ......e.g. AlBags and Buenchico. The Ed would have their E/mail addresses and, possibly, could...
http://www.theanswerb.../Question1128725.html Would it be an idea to put this topic at the head of Quizzes and Puzzles, as I did'nt know it existed and I'm sure a lot of new ABers and established...
Since some topic sites have a welcome message and a brief advisory message, couldn't the Technology topic site also have one? Preferably with the advisory message requesting questioners to courteously...
I seem to recall we once had an extra facility on our public profiles that listed our recently viewed questions - not those we'd posted on - just those we'd looked at. Does anyone else remember that?...
I was thinking it might be useful to have a place for users to share unwanted mail rewards club codes. There seems to be some requests on site currently, and they could be rounded up into one section....
was a punishment in school and one of mans inventions ALSO short shark and lifters