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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Dear Ed - My time is precious, and I'm wasting it wating for pages to turn. It is the slowest site I have encountered. As a loyal and regular customer, it grieves me to leave, so I'll pop back in now...
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Dear smudge, This is a message from the Answerbank Support Team. Thank you for your feedback. We have been experiencing technical issues recently on The AnswerBank and therefore the site has been...
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Can we have a brand new user friendly category just for OAPS, called the 'Oldy Mouldy' Section with subsections like: Back in the Days, Old Records, Old Radio Shows, etc etc.... as these oldies are...
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Why do I no longer get emails telling me I have replys to my questions
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can i suggest that the ab blog be printed out and used as spare toliet paper for the homeless and destitute
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is APPALLING !!!! Please please do something about it. Endless hourglasses, Page cannot be displayed, Server timeout, etc. This is the best Q/A site on the web by miles, please sort it out ! Thanks,...
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I have done some networking with other Aber's and there is an anxiety that AB is addictive. Now is it addictive; that people really can not be blamed for the amount of time they spend on here, even...
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its sad that you didnt include the OTHER option in your poll... you forgot to mention the locals... you didnt give the locals the right to have a house !!! unless im mistaken, you have set a multiple...
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Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31' Timeout expired /Toolkit/answ.asp, line 1745
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It is not surprising that new members are frequently double-postng their questions. After posting my last question. I repeatedly pressed 'Refresh' on the 'AB Suggestions' page. After 6 minutes, my...
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Dear Ed - AB is still awfully slow. Are you getting the technicians to to either come back, or give you your money back?
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How much on Admin / Prizes etc ..... And, how much goes to the Charity? Human nature being what it is .....
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when you do extend this facility to the rest of the site, can you make it more user friendly please? also, i don't see why people can view other members friends list, that seems a little pointless.
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China Doll
While I agree entirely that Robbie William's Rock DJ should be slung out of the nearest window, (preferably with him to follow), may I suggest that the next time you are tempted to use the phrase...
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Lucy Thomas
Why does AB have an american advert on its front page. I have just been asked to say how much I earn in a year in DOLLARS. Another question asked if I found a penny, would I pick it up. It shows a...
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There is a "question" in the Travel section about a holiday scam called ClubFreedom. I think this is a scam and the so called question is in fact just an advert for the web site. Suggest this question...
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........that the powers that be at AB start blocking I.P. numbers to ban people once and for all? I think those who post nothing but abuse and nasty vindictive threads should be given a warning via...
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Dear Ed I can not find the instructions for emptying the trash bin on private messaging service. I don't want to offend any of my freinds, but some of those deleted messages are now starting to smell....
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How do I find a reputable publisher in London that I can trust with my material? I've been told I have some great material and I have tried Myspace as a network, but I don't know if I can rely on that...
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I have noticed that some ABers are more prolific than others when it comes to asking questions and some are more productive when it comes to answering. Does AB pay more for quantity or quality? Can I...

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