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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Please can i have an explanation???? No doubt others on here will tell me just to drop it and just deal with it etc. But can you answer me the following................ A while ago you stated that...
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I'm new here, i did not realize u did not post the same question on 2 topics, i am sorry. Legend007 and Society I apologise I knew no better i just felt sad andreally down i apologse ok. Iwont be...
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Bob A Job
I am deleting Answerbank from my shortcuts, and unsuscribing. As its no longer a forum for Q&A, Its just fallen into a social network and constant pointless threads leaving genuine questions to...
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I asked the other day if there was any point in contacting the AB Editor and I gave her until 5.45 pm to-day to reply to any of ma e-mails (this is sounding like one of Chamberlains's radio...
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I wonder whether it has occurred to the Editor that the very people most likely to vote FOR keeping ChatterBank are the same ones who have multiple user-names! Doesn't it seem rather like the old joke...
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I have just noticed that all the questions I have recently answered have ended up in suggestions. I am incredibly flattered that anyone has taken the trouble to do this
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I have got to do a wedding reading for my best friend's civil wedding ceremony and am struggling to find one that's suitable. It needs to be non-religious, and I'd like it to be really touching and...
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.......we have chatterbank back and a weather section now too........ ......and still no decent sport section is there any chance of it returning like chatterbank ed ?
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Dear Ab Ed, Could I request a mention in your next blog? I was the first person to ask a Q in the new weather section AND it was a proper question at that. Surely this honour entitles me to a mention...
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(Thanks to Whickerman for pointing it out) It has been mentioned before that the AnswerBank's clock is about 3 minutes fast. The technical team have just gone andhighlighted that fact. They are takng...
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When I first joined AB, Chatterbank was still going. I tried it a few times, but couldn't type fast enough! So why the big fuss about its return. Isn't B&S Chatterbank already?
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It's there when I click on Most Recently Answered, but when I click on the other tabs, eg Most Recent, it shows up empty. Wassup?
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..or is it just me? I am getting one bar on upload, I try to refresh...nothing. I have to log out, log in, and start all over again!
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It is on the list but where are all the posts when you open it
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It's Monday, and I thought Chatterbank would be up and running by now. Where is it?
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As this site is mainly used by God fearing Christian people, should we now have a chaplain? The obvious choice, must be the VillageVicar, he has so much compassion and understanding. Could we also...
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what will the first post be A im making a sandwich does anyone want one? B What do you look like C which of your ears do you prefer D which abers ass would you most like to soap and slide down mount...
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Shouldn't there be a sub topic on B & S, titled self help groups or agony aunt? So some could post Dear AA or Auntie AB, why do I get drunk, come on here and post vicious and unwarranted attacks on...
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answerbank is returning. Why was it taken off in the first place did it not get used much?
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Hello all haven't seen Raysparx name for a while is he still on the site, also wonderwoman and trinny ? where are they ?? thank you, sally xx I have to go to bed now because I am working in the...

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