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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Shadow Man
I have devised a top 4 things that will make this site a darn site better. Please be good enough to answer upon your return as to why they can not be implemented. 1) Anybody who is abusive for NO...
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AB Editor
New blog for all you lovely people out there! Let me know what you think on the added functionality starting as of Tuesday! Have a great weekend, Ed :o )
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Given this option, would you use it (no need to get personal) and would you be able to stick to it? Or would it just get the better of you.
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Doc Spock
Why have these been reduced to two. Yes ,I know it's to provide more ad space. Can we have it back to four please, it is easier to keep track that way.
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have been trying all evening to join in threads and ask questions but have not been allowed it is only showing up in my profile? why am i barred?
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test message do not read test message do not read test message do not read test message do not read test message do not read test message do not read test message do not read test message do not read...
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that since the recent post box is down to two posts the number of ads by google has increased? Maybe i need my eyes testing.
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Doc Spock
Does anyone get the joke at the end of Fridays AB Blog?
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Doc Spock
only 2 recent posts ?
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its not that necessary and it BORING!!!!
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I am fairly new to AB just wondered what LOL meant? thanks sj
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I do try as best I can to give a helpful answer. So far I have had 3 answers removed - one is this week and I simply can't see what answer it was that has been removed and why it was removed in the...
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It would be nice to know when a question is banned WHY it is banned. I know it would be difficult to go through every single one, but I posted a perfectly innocent question which is now banned- for no...
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If as you said Trivia is gonna stay, can you have a seperate section for it. Because its really tedious one question after another in B & S, and someones important question would be pushed to next...
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Could we have a section on cruising in the travel category?
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Just came back from the Jokes section, and there's a joke full of "&Quot"s. I realize it's supposed to be "&Quote", but why do many people do that. Don't most keyboards have quotation marks on...
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How about a where are they now topic
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bill preston
hi, i have noticed there is not a stocks and shares topic anywhere, perhaps if there was one we could discuss tips and advice for people who would like to invest? would personal finance be the right...
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What about some good clean jokes for a chuckle
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Would it be an idea to give users the opportunity to upload thumbnail pictures to sit next to user names? Those that don't want to show their faces don't have to or will just upload one not of...

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