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Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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i know these have been discussed long and hard ,but i wanted to let the ab - ed know my views ,i agree to a certain extent but pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaase there are way too many. !!!! i loved it when you...
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why is there not the internet topic any more or is it under some thing else ?
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Is my idea of using the sub-categories as a filtering system being taken up in the new layout? Simple yes or no will satisy me
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make it so that all topics revert back to what they were originally, and if people want to use sub sections give them a click on opportunity to select separately. Cheers Hard@it
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Pets in Animals and Nature - I think most of us who use this topic are interested in wildlife and the environment as well as pets, so I think this is really unnecessary. Also TV in Films and TV -...
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Check the latest Editor's blog.
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i think the sub sections are great but ive been looking for the sub section and cant find it !!!!!! i love subs. the way they can travel under water for months and months i would appreciate your...
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Ed, Here is the Ed statement from 22/09/06 (only 6 weeks ago)..... Question295509.html Please note that this category is only for AB Suggestions. If AB...
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China Doll
Afternoon Ed, Just read your blog and thought I would suggest that subsections are kept in Arts & Literature andBody and Soul but I think that the subsections in Music are awful I have to say. Perhaps...
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Do you agree with me ABers, that we shouldn't have these new sub categories?? I think we get less answers because we are now putting questions into a sub category instead of the main one and people...
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Is it me? Has anybody else noticed that, when you click on the "Technology & Science" topic and the new page opens, the heading above "Question title" at the top is "Internet & Technology"?
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Is there any way of searching specifically by years in the Quizzes & Puzzles section? As an example: If looking up questions for the Radio Times Crossword - it seems to be the norm to search for RT...
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Has anyone else noticed than since the 'change' if you post a question you don't get so many answers? I have posted two questions recently that have had no answers whatsoever! This never used to...
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Great to have a blog from you Ed .... telling ABers that you ?have been reading them everyday and writing down all the helpful ideas.` The past few weeks have seen a lot of active ABers expressing...
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I think there should be a weekly award. Ward Minter just won it with his milkman reply! What da'reckon AB Ed
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Somebody asked about user profiles. Where everyone was in this country and elsewhere in the world. When you sign up for 'paid for your views', it asks for your postcode. So surely they know where half...
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Ed, we cannot be expected to use AB now as the individual sub topics forces us to tend to ignore certain sub - sections. Have sub - sections by all means but keep the main topics list as it was and...
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There have been many posts re the new sub cats. and you say that we should keep posting our views, but you don't answer! Why not--you know we are not happy with the new format and bottom line if it...
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I'm not keen on these subsections either. Have you noticed questions in sub categories get fewer answers than the ones in the main category? I'm not sure why you did it, but actually flicking through...
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Kim A
Has the AB Ed gone off her trolley? How confusing are all these mimsy-pimspey little sub-categories? What was the thought behind that 'improvement'? I'm especially disconcerted by the four...

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