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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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AB Editor
Please note that this category is only for AB Suggestions. If AB users continue to submit postings that are not relevant to this section, they will be potentially banned from the AnswerBank. Thanks
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just a thought.....are we having a christmas section ?
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Why do you not have a Genealogy topic when this is one of the most common uses of the internet?
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Sammy Snake
Does it wind anyone else up when people post in Body & Soul and say 'I know this is in the wrong category but it gets answered quicker on here...' and then proceed to ask a travel question (or other...
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When I reply to a post I tick the box so I receive notifications of replies......I am not receiving them! I am having to try and remember what topic I was on and what topic I may have posted on and...
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Could we have a Diary Room section where we can rant and rave about fellow ABer's and get if off our chests, so no harm is done to anyone, as no one else would know and ABEd and the monks can have a...
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It seems I've broken an unwritten rule by asking for help with an answer for the Generalist crossword when it's only recently come out. Are there any guidelines on this? I'm a little miffed by some of...
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Why cannot the search facility be in date order - either first to last, or last thro first. It is so very confusing to search something and find it's all over the place. Thanking you.
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Some people dont have an advert section because their security do-das on computer block it. I have but was still wondering if a person put a question in TV section meant for adverts and someone...
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When you answer a question, cant the most recent answers appear 1st at the top instead of on the last page at the end, as everytime I put in an additional point I have to go right to the end of the...
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Why not have a miscellaneous category, ABED for those questions that don't belong anywhere else? :-))
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I have had this appear in one of my replies - but nothing has been changed!! why put this into an answer if it hasn't been altered in anyway?? thanks
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Is md else having problems seeing their Profile? I keep getting "page cannot be found..."
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The questions that pop up seem to have no relation to the one I am asking
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Would it not be better to have 'football' as a main topic just after 'food and drink' and then either 'other sports' as a sub topic or as a separate topic just after 'news'? I'm not saying that...
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why don't you make a network thing. so that people can send people emails...within the site, so then people can talk to other people about there answers/privately give their email address
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AB Editor
We have noticed that some AB users experienced some problems with their User Profiles. This problem has now been fixed. Thank you for all your emails and postings regarding this problem. Please let us...
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could I suggest someone finds my profile, it has vanished. (do not tell me to stand sideways), Cheers Hard@it)
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Why do I no longer have access to lists of questions or threds I have subscribed to, qestions I have answered, questions I have asked etc when I click on "my profile"? All I get is "edit your...
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May I suggest there should be a way to change the category a question you've asked is in. It can happen quite easily that you're in one section and accidentally post a question in there meant for...

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