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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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In case its not been described:- I put this in mycats Q further down, but TAGS are the name given to the way to make the text appear bold, italic or underlined. FAQs give 3 choices: Typing < B >...
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thank you for showing me how to overwrite, could you please print out the instructions on here for others as i can't get them to come out.
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Sexy Russian is an obvious problem, i am sick of pussyfooting around, can we have closure on this ED? Either she/he is a complete freaky phony taking the p1$$ or a genuine wierdo and therefore quite...
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I really think that now we need a practise page as I'm filling up the site with rubbish trying to bold, italicise and underline, plus overwriting. ugh!!!!!
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allan tozer
please just let me join the club
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why not have a rating system for crap answers? as well as the 3 stars, how about 3 'thumbs down' symbols so people can say they didn't like an answer. it may stop some of the arguing...
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allan tozer
why cannot i get conneceted
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i dont like this new setup!! is it just me or is a pain in the bacside now??
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I'll give you 50 quid if you let me have my purpely colour back. Alright, alright... 60 quid and some freshly-baked home-made cookies. But that's my last offer!
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Ed....can you please please please re-introduce the chatter bank so that some of the tedious clowns in Body and Soul can have their little digs and rants in a different section. B & S used to be...
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how can i stop the email alerts for when i have an answer to a Q ?
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ooh I like it! Thanks ED and techies
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what about incorporating some sort of childrens/teen section where children can ask their questions, answered by other children or adults. for safety and decency, maybe before the question/answer is...
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Dear Ed, how about a section for us all who harp on here about our relationship problems. We could all get together and bounce ideas off each other, hence saving all those happily married/partnered...
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Am I the only one who can't get onto 'Page 2' of mycats New Edit Facility question? It is showing 28 answers, but when I click on to next page, it takes me back to the AB Suggestions list!!!! This...
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When I click on a question I have answered in order to read the answers, the text of the question is not there. All I see is the new preview facility.
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AB Editor /
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but now it's broke , so can you fix it please? Cannot open subsequent pages after reading initial page of a thread. When I try to access a thread from my profile, a window opens at the top with my...
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Why isn't the big brother category in the menu bar at the side?
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Would you turn a blind eye if I killed some ABers? This place is full of to55ers...and I aint appologising this time.

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