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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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i try to get to them but stay in a category, or try to get to a category and stay in my threads, even if the click completes. does this happen to anyone else?
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Hello AB Ed Would it be possible to have a time as well as a date under each question where it says "Last answer dd/mm/yy?  I sometimes spend a couple of hours on AB at a time and it'd be nice to...
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Hi I posted a qusetion in motoring and found it in chatterbank !  It did not ought to be there . Can you please remove it for me.It concernes speeding tickets and tachographs. Ta very much.
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i know the word c*ck can be rude but it also has other meanings to it like a male hen for instance. I was naming a pub which has this word in it but it came out as ****.  Surely this is an...
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I was just wondering, and I ask here as it may be of interest to others, whether or not hiccups could result in a user being banned from one thread in particular? Yesterday my internet was playing up...
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How about we all have a vote on how many of matt's suggestions we think warrant a vote?
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How about the Extra Addon Of Smileys When you post a question? If For example, If you are confuzed and asking the meaning of something, you could choose from the selection of 15-20 smileys and select...
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What does one thread per unique suggestion mean? By the way I love this site, sharing knowledge is a wonderful means of communication, keep up the good work, Polly
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I think that people should have to declaire there sex when joining this site, and women should have a different colour so people know which post thy don't need to read. What do other people think?
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Please get rid of the random ads next to the AnswerBank Logo, I know you need sponsoring but wont the google ads do? The Flashing ads really annoy me and destract me. Just a suggestion. Matt
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Insted of banning a post/Question all together why not sensor it and only report it if someone bypassed the censoring. I know i cant spell. For Example, If someone swore we could change...
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Where are all the Rich text options in firefox? Like the Bold, Italics, Underlined, Alignment Options and Colours? Matt
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I suggest you leave my threads alone before me and my big dirty pal get seriously  off and go design our own QA website. OK remove the ones that offend folk, even though it's not my...
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How about a poll option where users can make their own poll and Other users can vote.(Note: It would be an extra option for instead of a stand alone Topic/Section.) For example, someone could make a...
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What about a topic dedicated to the above?  See the recent question posted in Science for the response it produced.  It might also help with the education/awareness/interest level of...
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Would it be possible to not change Deesel's name from green when he/she is due to be done, if you could make him a dark red colour, so that we are all forewarned, or perhaps a peuce colour to suit his...
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On AB Suggestions, Many People Ask About certain Topics that they wish to be created because there are no topics that relate to their Question. Obviously, If The AB put every topic people requested...
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Could you insert something in I&T/C so that people who ask questions about computers are prompted to name the operating system (ie Win98, XP etc) they are refering to? I'm new to this site and...
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sometimes a question is asked that technically fits into more than 1 section eg music from a film do you post in music or film & tv ?! when we create our question,maybe a prompt could...
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surely there should be a section where we could ask advice on situations concerning man issues! Btw really good site, its interesting finding out new stuff!

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