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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Dear Ed, instead of sending me emails saying that I have not been online recently (I try every day) but it takes me so long to always have to sign-in now, that it's getting ridiculous. Why is this? I...
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...those who don't say thanks when you answer their questions. Or if the AB techies could find a way to give them an electric shock the next time they try to ask a new question without having said...
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This is only my second letter so I hope you'll forgive my cheek in suggesting something. Following on from my first letter, do you think it might be a good idea to have good reliable free software...
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New AB Editor's Blog "I hope you all are well despite the miserable day we have outside. After witnessing the strange planetary alignment, which brought about the unlikely event of sunshine on a bank...
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My question is, why are there 20 or more pages for each category when you can only check back on the first ten pages? Why not delete all pages after ten and thus free up lots of extra space on the...
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What is the point of AB Suggestions when you don't reply to questions aimed in your direction? You have become an enigma. Many people post in the AB Suggestions category and ask many question that...
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It is my opinion that AB has 'gone to pieces'.! The Editor appears to be non-existant and there seems to be a number of technical problems with the site. Furtheremore, whilst I feel that the original...
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There is a lot which needs to sorted-out on AB and you appear ( or disappear as could be the case) to take little notice of what is being said by the sites most worthy contributors. Come on Ed. it's...
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I would like a built in spell-checker.As I am delyxed.I would also like to be able to put a picture by your name,so people can tell if your male or female.Love Miss...
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Dear Ed Sunday 11.42am legendis.tit Sun 24/05/09 11:25 You really are a complete w@nker, aren't you knobby. You and that paedo leggy should both get a f@cking life for christs sake. What a pair of...
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without going through a new email.I onlly want to put a Miss in front of my name.
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knobbynonut5 Sun 24/05/09 19:07 Hawks you are just lying scum on here and I will make your life on here hell for trying to diss my wife. You are going down big time scum. I can track you down as that...
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this type of advert/con, is very bad for my eyesight, can this one be removed from Ab it is really really not necessary, who ever clicks on the button to see their winning prize?
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I have been able to use AB today after several days of being banned. This happens every few days - often, most frustratingly, at the weekend. I am never abusive, insulting, crude, rude or obnoxious,...
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kia cat
AB Ed, The site's grown up a lot since I logged on a few years back. Any chance of a spell & grammar checker? Maybe a qu heading titeld "what's that bit of music from ... [TV/Film etc]"? Getting...
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You might like to know that I have just received a response to a question I posted in 2004. TAB never ceases to amaze me. Keep up the good work.
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An open letter to the AB Editor. Dear Editor, I've heard it said that you are dead, Although I think this to be untrue; Despite the fact that you are failing to re-act, To correspondence between me...
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Sometimes it is hard to decide what topic to post a question in. Plus some people might only look through one of the sections that it could apply to but because its not there they don't see it and...
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This AB is an ideal tool to ask questions, but do you think there's room for a category on debating? Personally I love a debate, hearing all the pros and cons, but have had to raise them in what I...
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We seek him here,we seek him there; ABers seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven or is he in hell, That damned elusive pimpernel. ....................... He or she, as the case may be, Is certainly...

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