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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Please change it. Valentines is sooooooo last week!
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Dear Ed Could you please get rid of the Valentine logo 'cos not only is it now out of date it is an upsetting reminder for all us people who never received any cards. Not that I'm bitter but please...
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is it possible to create a dating/friendship section on answer bank or would it be open to too much abuse? it's just a thought. interested in finding out the reaction to my suggestion
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Can you ask the techies to change how the posts are accessed from the recent posts grey box, so that if the thread contains one of legends 'look how clever i can be' blank elongated posts, we can be...
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Does anyone know the answer to 104 S (JH)
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They ruin this Site!Get rid of them! Or make them Behave!
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I have recieved a letter from Unclaimed Prize Register. They want ?14.95 in return for a valuable prize! I am sure it is a scam. How about a heading SCAMS so we can all compare notes?
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for some strange reason i have been banned , was it because i disagreed that grown men talking about being sexually attracted to 12 year old girls was not of the norm? Explain please . i am getting a...
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Why does one have an answer removed?? And where can one find out WHICH answers have been removed?
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Why are ABers rising to the bait of the trolls on AB? If everyone completely ignored them, they would get bored & go away! Simple.
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Does anybody know how to remove stains from a butler sink...(white china). I have suddenly developed a spattering of tiny brown stains on the bottom of it. They look like rust stains,( but being...
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Can there be instructions somewhere of how to make text in questions and answers bold, italic, underlined etc as I don't know how!
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I ask because i have been wondering what method you use for banning people, I have visions of a pack of cards upon the office wall and you sat there nonchalantly throwing darts at the said wall. i...
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Can we have a new thread called medications, so people can post about problems they may have with their medication that they are taking, side effects, how often it should be taken, things doctors dont...
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what would you suggest someone do to get someone banned? maybe draw them into a argument by lets say, for instance call them racist? accuse them of wanting another users grand children to die?...
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Why do you permit multiple Id's. It's obvious that some threads are posted and then aswered by the same person.
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remove chatterbank
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today i asked a question and germans moving to america just after 1862 but then realised that knowing about other nationalities aswell would help but i couldn't put it in the question so if people saw...
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Is anyone else not receiving answers to their questions in their email inbox? I've been with AB for a few years & all was well, then all of a sudden, about 4 months ago, no emails. I've contacted the...
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shuld ab have a dictionary, thesaurus and translator not as a section but just one there because quite a few questions are about translations ect and i think all three things would be useful...

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