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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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Hi Ed , would it be possible to introduce a version of this mail-goggles-a-breathlyzer-test-for-your-gmail .html for AB? Would certainly make from Friday...
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AB Editor
How are we? Have a good weekend? I've put a short blog for you all to look at.
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If you want to reduce the number of topics, why not condense them into sub-topics in the other categories. The weather one is hardly used, and could be moved into the Travel topic, as most people...
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It would appear many people access and post to AB from their Phones, iPhones and iPods. The viewing and usability of AB on small devices is patchy. Are you planning a mobile version of the site? A lot...
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I'm sitting at my sister's house showing her around AB & found that 'Threads I'm involved in', ' My Questions' & 'Questions I gave answers to' seem to be working at long last. I don't know whether...
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AB Editor
Hi people! How are we today? Looking forward to the weekend? Oh, to start things off, Happy Birthday (for Sunday) to netibiza! I'm sure everyone on here will wish you happy birthday...!
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3.10.08 "I am here, I am working for you and I am (eventually) getting round to what you ask of me - sorry it takes so long. A few issues were raised this week about the "report answer" function, so...
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Hi Ed, Can we have a "gross" category for reporting? Argh, you can tell the weekend's here! Actually, I guess one person's idea of it is not anothers and it might be misused but maybe something that...
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Out of the shadows in a startling new form ..... roll-up, roll-up for the next scheduled chit-chat ...... Question638187.html scroll down to the 18th...
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I have already emaiked other comments ... but, accept that any reply is caught up in the log-jam that is AB Towers Re Ed chats - Seem to have started off with the friendly banter approach .... sounds...
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In the Recent Posts box, top right of page, some question titles are cut off due to their length. It would be practical to be able to see the question titles in their entirety just by hovering over...
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China Doll
I want instant change now dammit, development is for the weak! And my own section that's a VIP area only. And I'd quite like someone to make my dinner for me. I suggest you hop to it man. Cheers China...
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think there should be a Gay/Les Topic Box! Who agrees please raise ur hands ;-)
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Hi Ed, I've just read your latest blog & note you've written: CHANGE As I've said before, changes will take time. If people think that changes will be implemented instantly, they've got another...
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What about only allowing new registartion within the hours when the ed is around, and when the registartion is submitted, the ed checks the ID and user name, cos gravitate always uses a similar...
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AB Editor
How are we all today?
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Can I suggest a new option: 'Not relevant. I have never had a car less than 8 years old'
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in the blog the ed asks that people don;t send emails asking to be unzapped cos eventually he will unzap everyone that fell victim to the ridiculous auto anti-spamming zapper thing. has anyone become...
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What is the matter with this site this morning? I logged on at 7.13 and the site has gone down 8 times, I'm getting really p1ssed off with it, PLEASE do something Ed.
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Perhaps the AB would work better if some of the older questions were taken off. Especially as we can't scroll back more than 10 pages anyway. What abuot removing everything over 5 months

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