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Biddybank suggestion

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netibiza | 09:10 Fri 25th Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
72 Answers
Yesterdfay someone suggested that us oldies lived in an Old Folks Home - now that to me is a brilliant idea for the Biddybank. I can see Vinny whittling on the door step (or would that be the stoop Ed ) Dear smudge gently rocking on the veranda knitting , I am desperately trying to imagine me as Scarlett O'Hara but all that comes to mind is Granny Clampett. so Robinia and I will tuck our aprons into our waistbands and race up and down in our bath chairs. Good or what????


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Um...geesoo..i fancy whittling a few Biddys...keeps us warm in the winter...(:)im in room 303...wink..wink..!

This is the old biddys garden party.....hearty..lot..we are..!!


Best find my teeth then Vinny. Will iron my best pink flannelette PJ's and get out my new blue fleecy bedsocks in readiness. Just going to search for that nice crochet bedjacket - very sexy it is with its buttons up to the neck he he!!

Nice one Vinny! So which one of us has a little something they'd like to share then? here

That you gessoo?

I hope not. She looks pregnant!

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Hey hello gessoo - I hadn't forgotten you - was pondering which name to use. You should really be matron as I think you are probably the most sensible of a bad lot. Welcome to the Old Folks Home.
Yes Robinia ..I'm still standing.. or hobbling...probably be staggering in a minute !!
Is Vinny still whittling?
Yes ..I think gessoo should be matron. She will keep us in check .She can keep Vinny confined to his room !

Um...Im ..coming to stay with you netti....before...geesoos hubby..finds out we bin a whittling.....okay it was me shaneystar .and Robinia ??how did you get ..that pic..geesoo's gonna chasing me with her Hairdryer..(:)now which ways spain:::::::!


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Vinny - Spain is not this way - How did you get a photo of my new car so quickly . err who is that man driving???
That's pedro,and he reckons his donkey is related to your donkey...!..and he says you cant have your car he's done it
going back to neti's original posting......... ye gods. Granny Clampett...... now if that doesnt show my age I dont know what will!!
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Ah yes burnhal but I LOOK like her!!!!!

Hi Neti & all - love the 'Old Folk's Home' what a brilliant idea.

Have been out all day again, so missed all the fun - I'd better get back to my Knitting now!

Welcome back gessoo - although I expect you haven't been very far! Have you found your teeth yet?

Ive bought the xmas tree,for the Biddyhome...(:)


What a lovely tree Vinny and right up your street !!
Do they do one with bottles of whisky ?

Oh Vinny - you've made me drop me stitches now!

I hear they've had lots of snow in Bideford, is that anywhere near you Vin?

Hi smudge,about 18 miles away as the crow flys.(my nephew lives there)The police blocked the main road out of my town,to many cars going in to each other.But looking on the bright side, I got the day off.But the poor blighters down in cornwall were stuck in there cars over night on the this morning the roads are like ice i for one will be driving very very slow....!.(:)

haha you live near Biddyford Vinny!! sorry, couldn't resist....take care on those roads!

smudge can you knit fingerless gloves? It's a bit hard to type in these sheepskin mittens!

Robinia - 'Biddyford' - you made me laugh out loud on a very cold Saturday morning. Ideal place for the old folks' home then!! I'm sitting here in calf length furry pink boots - my best investment for years!! xx

Snap ! i've got a pair of those but in a tan colour.
Best slippers I have ever had.That and my thermal vests !
All our snow has gone but it's still cold.
Look out Vinny we are on our way...Hide !!

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