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Biddybank suggestion

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netibiza | 09:10 Fri 25th Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
72 Answers
Yesterdfay someone suggested that us oldies lived in an Old Folks Home - now that to me is a brilliant idea for the Biddybank. I can see Vinny whittling on the door step (or would that be the stoop Ed ) Dear smudge gently rocking on the veranda knitting , I am desperately trying to imagine me as Scarlett O'Hara but all that comes to mind is Granny Clampett. so Robinia and I will tuck our aprons into our waistbands and race up and down in our bath chairs. Good or what????


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Good morning Vinny & Robinia - hope you''ll be feeling a bit warmer today!

I bet Bideford looks beautiful with all the snow - takes me back to when my sister & I aged 5 & 9 yrs, stayed in Webbery Convalescent home for 6 weeks - but that was in the summer! (Biddyford - nice one Robinia)!

Me knit fingerless gloves - I can only knit squares! Although I once knitted both our daughters a plain jumper each, but that was over 30 years ago!

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Someone had better quickly open up the Old Folks Home - as this morning I greeted a friend with "Brrrr bit frilly this morning" they looked at me a bit strangely - cannot even blame false teeth as still have my own. Looks v exciting in the snow in England. I of course watched too much Sky news and went out dressed in a thick jumper, furry boots, jeans and padded gilet and I was boiling hot.

Hi Neti - hope all's well with you & your's!

We haven't had any snow in Bedfordshire yet, but when we do, I'll send you some snowballs by express delivery!

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Well we did have our own last January and we were so excited, but only lasted one afternoon - fun though.
Robinia...everytime i see the sign for Bideford seeing monkey....!...oh well done me xmas shopping in Exeter all the Biddys some bath salts and some eau de cologne .couldn't find any hair went to the fishing rod shop and bought one big fishing net...this is going to take me hours dividing it up..(:)btw...good morning everybody...!

hehe mornin' Vinny! Hope you don't address any letters to Biddyford!
Have you bought those crystal type bath salts that never quite dissolve? It's not quite right if you get out the bath & you don't have a 'beaten copper' bottom!! Don't worry about the hairnet for me thanks - I put me hat on in October & I've never had it off since! ;-)

lol Robinia..

here's some photos of a village on exmoor and one taken in honiton,where it got a bit deep.



( :)

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My brother owns a holiday camp in Honiton Robinia - it's called Otter Falls. Any of you know it??? It's a bit parky here today and very windy. We have just been out for a chinese lunch which was very nice. Now lolling in front of blazing log fire. I love winter!!! By the way, yes those old crystal bath salts are murder on the delicate nether regions, so thanks Vinny!!!
wow Vinny great pics - you need your bonneton in Honiton! hehe
....must stop laughing at my own funnies....
Oh neti what a lovely place - will your brother give me a discount if I tell him you're my best friend??? Quick... you'd better tell me your life story in case he tests me....

Fantastic photo's Vinny - were they taken in the latest downfalls of snow?

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Robinia - I doubt if the great man himself actually takes the bookings, he has managers etc so he probably doesn't even visit it himself too often. Anyway he doesn't approve of my lifestyle (greyhaired and knitting by the fire - what's wrong with that) so he'd probably charge you double!!!!!.
He thinks you're knitting by the fire neti?? mmm I definitely need to pay him a visit!

Hi smudge,yes there on the devon website"let it snow"



Thank you so much for that Vinny - lovely pic's. I've saved it to my fav's & will pass it on to my sister & her husband who visits Devon & Cornwall every year. -x-
Hi folks it's me ..shaneystar as was.

I have changed my user name as there seems to be someone on here with the same name as me except for one digit.I am terrified it's a stalker!! plus I don't want people to think it's me giving silly answers to questions.
Love to you all
Well why are they still letting me post when I have changed my username.! I think Biddyford must be the next stop for me as I must have done it wrong somehow. Oh dear ..I shall report back later.

Don't worry shaneystar we'll know it's you - there'll be an aroma of cheese on toast & rum in the air!

Morning all - these Biddy threads become very long don't they? Ed - please note!

Ha Ha Robinia ! And Good Morning.
This is what comes from not having the right specs on ! I was peering in my reading glasses and obviously didn't put the correct info in the right places so am still me !!
Perhaps I 'll leave me as me and see.It may be just a coincidence but with all the kerfufle of imposters and pictures and what have you lately it makes me a bit wary.
Still cold here in Norfolk and all my sparrows look very dejected.
Now what shall I have for a snack....I think there is some cheese in the fridge.......

Midday & snowing a blizzard - it's cheese on toast for me too shaneystar!

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