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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Won't be able to visit the Biddygrotto so often over Christmas I do believe Mr bah humbug is jealous of my affection for you all ha ha. So

Merry Christmas to all Biddybankers xxx

A Big hug for Robinia for the biddygrotto

Big hug for AB Ed for allowing it

I'll be around but only occasionally (probably be on every 5 mins)

Big hug for Pickle and his partner xxxx

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Thanks neti!!!!

So why is no one wearing their new xmas sweaters then??? lot know how to hurt a Biddy.......... I'll go now ......

...........they're all on Ebay!!!!.......
I'll have the bathcubes back .....

Wishing you all a Very Happy Christmas

& a Healthy & Happy New Year too!

Love smudgie


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neti comes in quietly - checks the Biddygrotto is empy - deep joy, now I can go through the Bran tub and find all the good presents and mark them for later, so I'll know where the fishnet tights are. Guess they've all gone home for Xmas, it's rather frigtening here on my own, the oil heater isn't working, dare not put the tree lights on as they will only fuse everything again. Damn it what have I just fallen over? another bottle of Becks - empty I'll be bound! ho hum will scuttle off now.......................
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...creeps in backwards...if I get caught I can say I'm just leaving.....removes dark glasses & headscarf.....oh heck I've come out in me slippers again.....
ouch! just stubbed me toe on the tub, think it's been where's that tin of luncheon meat? fancy not making it to sainsburys, not much of a chauffeur that Vinny.....Why have some of these presents got a green shield stamp stuck on them?......and what's this ticket on the floor?....seems to be written in Spanish. Must be out of those cheap crackers.
Right - time I wasn't here......

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To My Biddyfriends

And wishing you all

A Happy NEW...YEAR...!



( :)(:)( :)

Morning all - you are never gonna believe hubby bought me a pair of trainers for Xmas, so put them on this am with jeans, hmmm nice and comfy, looked at label - they are boys football boots, but as I like them am keeping them, so went to hairdresser for a blue rince and perm (NOT) and had to keep hiding my feet for fear that the mothers there recognised them as fotty boots. Still got aching tooth, hoover won't work as I cannot work out which way the bag goes in (I have a new Polti bagless in the shed but don't like it but fear will have to use it) am trying to clean out the ashes in log stove, welcome to Christmas. I was not here last night wasn't me head first in Bran tub must be my twin!!!
merry Christmas, Santa hasn't been here yet, just about to bake some christmas cookies
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quick pitstop while I dunk a mince pie into a mug of soup.....

neti - don't think you're coming in here in footy boots - this is a tartan slippers only zone. We don't want scuff marks on the lino.

Merry thingy again to all.

cookies a toatal failure but the house smells wonderful.Neti, you need some fluffy bobbles on those boots
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never mind woofgang - leave them in the grotto. Some unsuspecting fool might sneak in late ...ahem!...& snaffle 'em!

Oi, BiddyBoys and Girls!!!

No wonder I've felt like a lonely little flower - this is where you've all been hiding....and I've missed all the fun!!!!

I did have a quick fumble in the remains of the Bran Tub...something unspeakable stuck to me.... yuk, been there too's brown, long and smells funny..think I'll give that a miss....or p'raps the birds would like it for their brekkie tomorrow. Anyway, have to go out tonight so to all BIDDYBABES

A Very Happy Christmas to Everone (and Ed)

Love, Cetti


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Cetti where have you been? I wondered whether you were one of those Biddies with a life & didn't have time to mumble & grumble in dusty old grottos. After the demise of CB we had to keep a low profile but we had been advertising previous to that. Hopefully we'll keep going so do pop in again.

Hope you have a lovely Christmas too!!!! xxxx

Oh I think I might have a nice Christmas sweater left if you'd

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Well he's left these in the Grotto for me IAP - don't know where everyone else's are though...... ripping labels lot must have been very naughty this year....

hang on Robinia it distinctly says jno on one of those if you hold it at the right angle while you look. It's the one with the new set of teeth in. Feel free to try them out but let me have them back when you're done.

Sigh... all my relations are having Christmas already, on account of them being much further east. And warmer. Merry Christmas anyway to Biddies everywhere.

It's Christmas Day here now, coming up for 00.30. Daughter is just getting ready to go out partying and then I'll go to bed. Father Christmas will probably come about 11am tomorrow. Have a super day all me old biddies. Speak to you all soon xxxxxxxxx

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