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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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...Wondering whether Cetti is a bit tipsy & I'm also picturing a bird table with a wee Xmas tablecloth on it...

Oooh it's very crisp and even out there.....until I've staggered home and made several indentations in it that is. I see plenty has drifted around our Grotto - funny how everything looks lovely with a covering of snow .........snow grotto like our grotto

Oh yes Robinia that is my kind of grotto. Am off to dentist to get the nerve removed from wisdom tooth and no funny comments please!!
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Oh poor you neti - hope all goes well.
As if I'd make any funny wisdom quips....tut....

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.
Remember neti....It's always darkest before you step on the cat. ......And accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.

yes, and if snow is on the way, grit your teeth... good luck neti
Morning all !
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Got home yesterday ..very tired but it was a hectic and happy few days.

So sorry to hear your sad news Smudge and my deepest sympathies to you and your family.

Congratulations robinia on the new addition to your family and good luck at the dentist Neti.
Very cold here today and snowy. We left Germany in the snow and landed in Norwich to more snow !
I have just come back from my doctors appointment where I have been informed that I have an underactive thyroid.I have got medication and will have to be monitored !
Also weight must come off, so ..sorry Cetti..would love a piece of cake but will have to grit my teeth and say no.
How dreary !
Anyway folks I hope this finds you all feeling well after the festivities .
Love and hugs to you all especially Smudge
Shaneystar xxx
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Morning jno & welcome home shaneystar! Glad you had a good Christmas but sorry to hear about your health problems. Don't worry we'll take good care of you - in fact a little occupational therapy is just what you need. As you can see no one has washed any pots & scrubbed the scullery in here all holiday so off you go m'dear. It'll burn off squillions of calories & be marvellous for your sense of well-being. Sorry about all the burned on porridge in those pans btw. And the erm, thing in the grill pan was one of neti's spicy Spanish sausages.....I think....

Right I'm off - I've got a handyman to grow (pressie from my sister) he'll come in useful in here.
I'm just posting this because there are currently 666 posts - the Number of the Biddy! - and I don't want any bad omens ahead of the new year.
Hello again - well I think the dentist is frightened of me as he hasn't removed anything (least of all my clothes!) and has given me antibiotics, and having the tooth, the whole and nothing but the tooth out next tuesday. Meanwhile must rest and no scrubbing pans in biddykitchens.ahhh just put my feet up and wait for cuppa and cake and oooohs of sympathy.
Well netti ..I do sympathise .I had three teeth out about three weeks ago and I was glad to get shot of 'em.In fact my teeth have seen better days and I shall be glad to rid of the rest of them !! I could be living on a yacht in St.Tropez with another pad in Biarritz if I had all the money I have spent at the ruddy dentist over the years.
but having to subsist on Big Macs and other gummable food, shaneystar?
jno how are your teeth now? I'm having to chew with my front teeth - very embarrassing when in company so New Year's Eve will be a hoot. shaneystar welcpme back, did you have a nice time? How long did your toothless gaps hurt for??? I am terrified.
I have had trouble with my teeth for the last twelve years on and off neti. I had a crown done when I was about eighteen and when I was forty five it came out and it all went downhill from there.I had never had any trouble previous to this. The new crown didn't fit properly and consequently it made my two top teeth loose which had to come out and since then I have lost all my top teeth one by one and now the bottom ones are going. I have spent mega money at the ruddy dentist .My gums are still sore after three weeks plus I have a bridge on the bottom now and that rubs and doesn' t help matters.!
My old schoolfriend had all her teeth out when she was nineteen as they had crumbled away for some reason. She has saved mega money at the dentist over the years !!!
I hate dentists with a vengance.!
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Chocolate brazil anyone?....................ducks.........

Ok ok I'll check out the sales for a they come with two-pin plugs tho'? The electrics in here are a bit prehysterical, and who's left the iron connected to the light again?

Am making hugh vats of turkey soup and will drag them over to Biddygrotto. So all be there as there's a lot to get through.
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Hope Cetti brings her wipeable tablecloth - there's gonna be a lot of slurping in here with all these toothless wonders........

round the teeth (!) and round the gums
look out stomach, here it comes...........

I've been sitting here behind this large vat of soup, ladle in hand for the past half hour and no one is here - well they may be here but until Vinny mends the fused lights, I'll never see them. shouts in loud voice Is there anybody here''' oh well takes off one wrinkled stocking and starts to pick feet.
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Is there anybody here??????? ......lights candles........

This lot have been waiting for the past hour and a half - no idea who they are but word obviously got round.......... hungrymob.
You'd better have enough to go round or they might turn ugly.

Look there's Vinny sitting on the front table - my he's a handsome piece of work.
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Is that really Vinny? I didn't recognise him without the santa suit - he's been very quiet today he must be plotting something for New Year.
Is that Pickle making a sharp exit at the back? He probably knows what's gone into the soup.
No that's Pickle peering through that little window at the back.................................or is that the gents?

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