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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Well the teeth didn't fit jno - but they've given my dog a whole new image. Think I'd better have my postal deliveries redirected.

Merry Christmas!!!

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Just going out neti? Oh to have that energy.
I'm not going out, I'm waiting to lock up after daughter has gone. It's very cold out tonight, I'm sitting by a log fire, Mr Netibiza has gone to bed.
Morning all Merry Christmas. Where is everybody? Have you all got lives outside of Biddybank? How sad am I? Hubby cooking Christmas lunch - so I am free. Have opened our stockings and will wait until after lunch for family pressies. I LOVE CHRISTMAS
<total silence apart from distant jingling bells and faint whinnying or whatever it is that reindeer do> a new mobile from of those video im not being ungratefull...but why is the aeriel..only..1 inch long....!!anyways ive sawn off me old 2ft one and superglued it to me new im not one to blow me own trumpet..but..the .new..thingy looks well posh now.Phoned up the phone company and said how do they expect me to understand the instructions...just as well be in chinese...!The chap was very nice...and said first you've got to sort yer Wallpaper out..What!!now i know its a video thingy..but i didnt know he could see me i put the phone down smartish...cheeky chappy...!(:)

The family are gathered around downstairs - so I've just crept in here to say that today is a very, very, sad day for me, my loved ones & siblingss.

At 10:00am, I had a phone call from my nephew who told me that my darling sister Amy had died suddenly in her sleep, in the early hours. I'm still bawling at the thought of never seeing her again.

She lived in Eastbourne & had been so excited at going to stay with her son, daughter-in-law & two Grandchildren in Spain for Christmas. She arrived there safely 2 days ago & was over the moon to see them all again.

She went to bed last night really happy & was looking forward to seeing her Grandchildren open their presents this morning, but when my neice aged 12, took her a cup of tea in bed, she didn't respond. My nephew, her son, then had the terrible shock of finding his Mum had passed away - on Christmas day of all days.

Although we have all been in floods of tears, our two daughters & Grandchildren are just about to sit at the table for dinner, then open all our presents afterwards.

RIP my wonderful sister Amy -xxxx-

P.S. I know it's Christmas day, but I just had t 'talk' to my cyber friends. Love to you all.

Oh smudge what can we say? What a terrible shock for you all. At least she didn't suffer , seems so trite but it's true. I really feel for you. May God look after you in this time of trial. I send my love to you over the internet. Take care.
smudge darling, I really feel for you and your family as my mum died at christmas a few years ago. Pain is so personal and none of us can feel what you are feeling right now ..but we are all here for you, so when you want you to let off steam or just say whatever is on your mind - just come to your BiddyChums who will try their best to help. Lots of hugs and kisses sweetheart, Cetti XXXXXXXXXXXX
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I've just come home after a lovely (if long & tiring day) with my family - son's house looking like an explosion at toys r us - and I was amazed and delighted to see I'd had visitors to the grotto. Then I read smudge's dreadful news & couldn't believe it.

So very sorry smudge that something so awful has happened & at Christmas time too. I lost an auntie on Christmas day four yrs ago. She was a regular all year at church & loved Christmas & for that reason her family said she would have wanted everyone to enjoy theirs. I'm sure you'll have lots of nice memories of your sister that you'll be able to share with us one day. Love to you and your family. xxx

smudge, so sorry to hear your sad news; but for her at least, to die peacefully in her sleep at Christmas, in her family's home, must have been as pleasant a way to go as there is. But you of course must feel shattered. Please accept my sympathies for you and your family.

Smudge, My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family. please except My condolences.

lots of love vinny.


Smudge I am so sorry for your loss. I send you hugs and prayers for you and your family
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Morning everyone. I hope your Christmas was a peaceful one.

I'd like to bring some good news to the proceedings if I may - last night didn't seem appropriate in light of smudge's sad loss. As some of you probably know I already have two granddaughters ( one actually is stepgrandaughter but I adore her just the same). Well in June there's going to be another grandbaby!!!! (It's too early to tell which variety) I think I'd better start saving for next Christmas.

That is lovely news Robinia - something to keep you off the Biddygrotto and keep your hands occupied. My daughter is 19yr so do not expect to be a granny yet. We had a very quiet but lovely Christmas, hubby cooked a fantastic lunch - the turkey was 6kilos for 3 of us, so we'll be eating it well into the summer months. Thoughts were with smudge and family. I do love my sisters so much. I've cleaned all the house today, and cleaned out the fire ashes ready for a new fire today. Tooth still driving me mad. Family photo looked awful - who is that old woman who keeps popping up next to my hubby? Hubby is actually working this morning (his choice - he's self employed) but will be home for lunch, the old bubble and squeak etc. I love it.
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Hi neti I'll have a turkey sandwich please, we had beef yesterday. Sorry about your tooth - there were nuts in our xmas pudding & I'm paranoid since breaking a tooth in half - was it wrong of me to blow them out across the room? No one said anything.......come to think of it no one said anything for the rest of the day.
One of my sons - the one with no family & consequently has money - bought me a digital camera so all photos of me henceforth will be digitally enhanced to the extreme.
..........and that's going to make you look younger and better is it Robinia?
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So absolutely fabulous that I will look out of place in an old Biddies Grotto - but probably very fitting for Ripley's Believe It Or Not ....

Good Boxing Day Babes! Yes neti, the husband just couldn't resist buying the largest turkey breast in the world so looks like I shall also be leafing through "1001 things to do with a Turkey" unless I can hack it in half and give it to the birds. No, not a good idea. I think I read somewhere feeding meat to birds turns them into cannibals!!! Stepped on the scales last night...they were still spinning this morning....who cares?

Digital cameras are a joy Robinia, although we don't need any enhancing, do we? I remain permanently a stunning 22 year old and a perfect size 10 - and no camera will tell me anything different!

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