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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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the user in question has been noted as providing some fairly bloodcurdling responses to health queries - to FP as I recall. (I haven't seen FP since, which makes me wonder if her dire warnings came true; perhaps gessoo knows...)
In A&lL on drusillas thread about lady Jane Grey.
Well FP hasn't been around since about September/October and I have it on good authority that she won't return. I for one won't miss her - didn't much like her.
aha will creep in under cover of my Harry Potter tartan blanket.................................
Well then, Shaney, I can see our friend still has a morbid interest in death!!!
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Sorry Biddies I forgot we might not all be familiar with our 'cut and paste' doctor. For heaven's sake never be light hearted about your ailments out there <<<
you may find yourself being buried under a pile of frantically googled information - non of it helpful - all of it guaranteed to scare you into another ailment.

At least we are down here in the dungeons ..never to be found by Dr.Crippen ..I hope !!
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Of course we could flood b&s with biddy ailments & watch him/her spontaneously combust. I think s/he will be careful after having all previous posts removed though. Hopefully we all know well enough to just laugh in the face of trouble now anyway

speaking of trouble where's Vinny? - not seen him since he said he'd get the bus out. Hope he's not moonlighting & giving cheap mystery tours on our luxury coach....heaven knows what we'll find under the seats.

He is probably pigging out on Becks and sprouts.
And I would not look under the seats my peril..probably Lions Poo ..all strewn around.
Do you know I am soooo tempted to make a comment in that thread ..but I won't.
Down shaney ..down I say !! Stop jumping up !!

Never fear gessoo neti will protect you from weirdos.


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oooh neti hold shaney down while I tie her up with these surgical stockings.

no Vinny, this isn't some kind of pervy ritual....

well, in fairness to the rather creepy jg - cutting and pasting via Google is fairly standard AB procedure, and often enough helpful. I expect she advised Lady Jane Grey to take a nurofen for that sore neck.

Been out all day - glad all's quiet on the Western Front! Although I'm intrigued as to which post are you all referring too?

In the meantime - gesso holding her own - here !

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Does the whole world live on onions? Every night when I open my door the air is full of the smell of them....I blame Ready Steady Cook.....if in doubt fry an onion. It's not so much that I don't like them - more that they don't like me.
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Hi smudge - don't worry, if s/he gets too close we'll let you know. For now I think she's had enough 'air time'.

Well I got to somewhere,but couldnt find netti,so I went in the old bull and bush..they do a nice drop of hows yer father...hic....! did someone mention tying shaney and netti down with a stocking....!..and where does dr crippen come into it.....(:)right are get back on the bus for forty winks..I said winks Robinia...(must be all them onions)He He.....(:)

Sorry folks got to go now. The Match is on soon. See you later! :o)
Vinny put the biddybus on autopilot and you'll end up somewhere - don't blame me, blame that gessoo, she arrived on a donkey cart.

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