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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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'throw away'. Some of my spelling on this thread is absolutely atrochuss!
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aha - so that's what you call me behind my back gessoo - oh well it could be worse.

Erm, hands up to saving plastic containers - I just don't use them. And I am a bit of a decanter too - I like things in pumpy bottles....the trouble with them is you can't get the last bit so you end up laying it down & using it non-pump style anyway.....

I know what I'm talking about.

I have a confession to make ....I have a draw full of paper bags and a tin in which I keep elastic bands that the postmen discard. I also cannot bear to throw empty biscuit tins away. They are all in the shed full of odds and ends.
My dad was the one.. he was in the Merchant navy and liked everything shipshape...but if you went in his shed it was like a glory hole. Mind you he knew where everything was.
I wake up from my siesta and you are all chatting and chirpy - what's got into you all - don't you need a nap? and IAP it's only daytime, what are you doing here? My house looks lovely and tidy (ideal home) but open any cupboard at your own risk, once it all falls out, can't cram it back - sounds like my bazooms ha ha.

I can't understand why Mr G likes a shipshape house and has a gloryhole double garage (couldn't even fit a Matchbox car in their let alone one of ours!!) And yes, Shaney, he also knows where everything is in there, even all the stuff from the 70's!

My cupboards are a bit like that Neti ! I am a great one for shoving things in cupboards and drawers. Out of sight out of mind..that's my motto.
Don't laugh I was sitting watching T.V last night and I spotted this bit of gold string hanging down from the picture rail near the window. Only still hanging there from Christmas where I had pegged some cards up.
Men... Mr.S and his tins.....but if you were to look in a cupboard upstairs you would drown in the amount of paperwork he has stuffed in there any old how.
And this is (was )a senior management accountant !
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Why does 'glory hole' 'have me squealing like a schoolgirl, not heard it used for years - where did this term come from anyway? It might not be a good idea to use it out there <<< you'll set all the AB alarms off.

and laughing at neti's tumbling bazooms - hope you're not going to be liberating them when you're on I'm a Biddy......

whose idea was this grotto? - I never get anything done....

Plus we have the wheelie bin fiasco. Woe betide me If I put the wrong thing in the wrong bin !I It all has to go in our old galvanised bin to be transfered to the grey bin . He pounces on empty tins and newspapers like somebody demented.He calls this his rubbish management policy.I call him the wheelie bin gestapo!
tut shaney he sounds a right Bin Laden.

Our jno is on very good form today (as usual)!

This is how I have always thought of jno


Full of wisdom (and even if jno is a lady, I shall still have this image)!!!

Didn't some ABer call jno a Saint?

Hi Ed. How are you? - keeping busy being a one man band running AB! I smiled at that suggestion! Well, so jno is Confucius and a Saint (although your Saint looks somewhat like Demis Roussos who I expect you are too young to remember! Have a nice evening.
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Hi Ed -so that's where my kaftan & special edition Kajagoogoo LP went....
It is strange how you imagine people to be.I have always had Juno in my head for some reason. The Roman Goddess.

Well this won't do folks...I must away and attend to my mince and tatties.Ahoy for now!

and this is how I imagine our Ed!!


After looking up 'gloryhole' I shall not be using it again on this site. In my day it was used to mean somewhere full of bits and pieces. Obviously, it has come to mean something else as well.

I'm impressed that our Ed knows how to post piccies also. Guess smudge has been teaching her as well.

My computer is in the dining room between kitchen and lounge and so everytime I pass through I cannot resist the grotty oops grotto. Many a dinner has been burnt cos of it!!!

Gloryhole not a place to keep odds and ends anymore ?
What is the world coming too.We always called it that.It was the cupboard under the stairs.
Mind you when we lived in Kent we had a cellar under the house which was the old original coal cellar. We did keep coal there and father used it as workshop.My Mum used to call it the it was so dark down there !
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Ah, the good ole bogey man - nothing like being scared witless to make you behave. 'Time for bed, the sandman's coming.....don't go in there there's a bogeyman'......tooth fairies and strange, hairy, fat blokes coming down the wonder I'm a nervous wreck.
why, what lovely portraits, thank you very much, all so realistic too - not sure about the Demis beard but his sunhat is definitely me. Actually, when I look in the mirror with my Horlicks
is what I see, but the glass does distort things a bit.

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