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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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gosh neti better get you to the whale-weigh station
Am off to watch telly with Mr N, have had a whale of a time today. love u
-- answer removed --

Hairs on your what Pickle...!!.adjusts glasses...oh...on yer neck..He..He...(:)You could have gone for a Burton there Pickle................(:)Wasn't Burton's a Taylor.....didnt suit each over did they...(:)........

Brill stories pickle..did you get into any compromising situations with the stars......!!
I wont tell a soul....(:)
Robinia look the other way...!!

1702... Anne ascends the throne

17.02:Vinny downs his 4th bottle of Becks:(:)

Just popped in to say how much I've enjoyed BG today. What with all the funny pics and stories. I know you know I don't make a great contribution but it doesn't stop me enjoying myself and appreciate all you humour.

Gessoo, sorry to hear about you friend hope she gets well soon.

I'm going to make my Horlicks now and hoping for a good night's sleep.

Goodnight everybody, sleep tight!!

Jude xx

Always nice to hear from you judexxTalking of which:Where's Dolly..??

Hope Smudge is okay..xx

gessoo A big hug from me to you..xx:(:)

Question Author

Just popped in before I get me wincy nightie on - great tales IAP keep 'em coming. Never mind what Vinny says - I want all the gossip - but not toooo juicy we don't want to get banned or worse....sued!! I love it when these big stars are really nice people - you never get the truth from the papers. I haven't bought a daily paper for years - I steal 'em from the neighbour's letterbox hehe.

Hi Jude - and nite to you and all who visit this crazy place ...........

you know I swear they could make a tv series out of this thread, I've seen far less funny things that were listed as comedy. We could be sitting on a goldmine.....instead of these moth eaten rocking chairs.

sweet dreams..........zzzzzzzzz

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I'm a Euro winner!! �7.30 - sorry we won't get to the Arab hotel but it's wincarnis all round. 1 number + 2 stars. The annoying thing is 3 other nos. were only one out & it would have been �4,078.80 for 4 + 2. Ne'er mind, first time I've ever bought a euro ticket. :-)
Well hello Vinny ,thanks for thinking of me .Hello to everyone else too,I do try and catch up with you all every day .I get ny daily dose of laughter on here ,not much good at chit chatting but I join in in my mind ! Love the piccies especially neti swimming in the Thames but she did look a bit overexposed for the kind of weather you are having !!! Still hot and clammy over here but at last we've had a bit of rain ( thank you God ) we have very strict water use restrictions in place so my 'jungle " ...... too overgrown to call it a garden .... is very grateful . Only allowed to water on certain days and at certain times like after 7PM when all the mosquitoes come out and have a feeding frenzy on my exposed skin IF I dare to to venture out ( so I don't bother too much and try ro do a raindance whenever I remember the garden! Hope you all get through to Spring without too many coughs and colds etc. cont......
I am somewhat older than the other Biddies /Old Gits on here ( perhaps if I tried I could really remember the Boer War !) I do remember Barrage Balloons and Air Raid shelters and collecting pieces of shrapnel on the way to school ,school dinners ,nit nurses and knowing the name of every capital of every country in the world ...then along came power-mad idiots and ruined it all for me .Now I don't even know the name of some countries at all ! Well time to go and cool down it's warm inhere I'm off to the airconditioning and my English Womens Weekly .Bye for now ,love to all xx
I'm number 1700 ! fame at last ! Dolly
No I,m not number 1700 at all ,just put it down to too much sun ! Sorry
Question Author

Morning - hope we're all ok today & that your friend is doing well gessoo.....

Well It's very quiet in here this morning. I would take the opportunity to flick a duster & a bit of mansion around but what the heck....I'll just put me feet up & have a look at this Woman's Weekly that Dolly's left here. (lovely to see you btw)..... What? 1943? Crikey Dolly you're a tad behind out there aren't you? Mind you there's a great knitting pattern in it .....
Vinny & IAP are going to look the business in one of these

....and we'll still be able to give 'em a good stinging clip round the ear...... :-)

Good morning all

Special hello to gessoo, hope things are looking brighter

smudge hope you are still OK, pop in when you can

Golly Dolly and I thought I was the oldest one here, it's nice to be younger.

Robinia at least you won on the lottery, am rushing off to buy more tickets for next Friday. Even Mr N who is notoriously careful with the old dosh, rushed out yesterday and bought 5 tickets.

More stories please Pickle.

Afternoon Biddys..This is Pickle and me...!!

if you need help with that heavy shopping..just call us,and we will be there>>>>>>>>pow...zz..Zap...(:)

Oooops..methinks imageshack is getting fed up with me..He,...He..

pickle and me


I feel this is more Vinny and Pickle!

I know we had fun yesterday re the whale, but I would like to say that I hope it's rescue goes well and the poor thing gets it's freedom and health soon.

forgot to post the piccy


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