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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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morning all, what a night, dog couldn't get upstairs so I slept on the floor with her on a foam mattress. She is much better today, just very tired, (me too also Mr W who has to go to work before me and works longer days so is ineligible for floor sleeping duty!) Thank you all for your concern and good wishes, they are really very conforting at times of trouble. My username came from Hannah's great uncle who was our first weimaraner.

How is everyone today? (peers) the potion pot is looking a bit empty so hopefully everyone has the cure of his and her choice and they have all started to work?

anyway here's something for the pot

feeling better

Morning Woofgang,

Missed out on yesterday, so didn't know about Hannah until this morning. I am so pleased she is on the mend and these two cherubs send her their love and kisses for a very speedy recovery.

Gessoo's Megan and Benji

I remember MrG and I taking turns to sleep with our old dog Amy when she had Kennel Cough so badly. I can't imagine life without dogs!

Lots of Love to you xxxxxxxx

Oh dear, I just spent ages posting a long thread to Woofgang and it has disappeared. I am now typing something similar and probably both will appear.

Woofgang, I wasn't online yesterday so missed your news about Hannah. However, good wishes to you and I am so pleased to see that she is getting better.

These two little rascals of mine (Megan and Benji) send lots of love to you and Hannah.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery

I remember MrG and I taking turns to sleep with our old dog Amy when she had a really bad dose of Kennel cough. I just can't imagine life without dogs.


I am getting fed up with this. When I access this thread from my profile I often don't get the last page. Neither Woofgang's last posting, nor mine showed up until I posted my second attempt. grrrrrrr
Shaneystar. Gosh, I have just been into news and seen the reaction your posting has caused. What angry people there are around. Just to say, that I wholeheartedly agree with you. And as for the awful person who slung person abuse at you about your intelligence, it makes me so angry. These days I totally avoid any threads except Body and Soul and Animals and Nature, with glances into Food and Drink and Home and Garden and I only give short replies when I know the answer. I just can't be doing any more with all the stupidity that some people dish out.

Hello to everyone else.

Robinia, I hope you are feeling better today. I certainly feel better in the dry mediterranean heat that I do in the summers in GB. I fact, I hope that we can end up in Spain or Portugal. I am working on it!!! I think in Queensland where Dolly lives it is more humid, but I stand to be corrected.

If this all appears twice I shall scream....................................................... and scream....................... until I am SICK1


Hello to everybody else. Had a quiet weekend. I think my friend is doing OK. I sent some flowers to the hospital for her and phoned her partner. As I don't know her new partner very well I don't like to quiz him too much and, of course, the hospital are not allowed to give me any information. However, the nurse kindly said she would give her my love.

Robinia, I hope you are feeling better today. Actually, my aches and pains are always better when I am in a Mediterranean climate, which is a very dry heat. In fact, I don't notice the heat as much out there for this reason. I am not sure where Dolly is in Queensland but know that it can be quite humid and jungleified (nice word) out there. In this country I prefer April/May and September/October to the summer!



pass the bucket please1111111

I have just sent a message to the editor to see what is going on................

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Morning all - only love and peace in here today's supposed to be the most miserable day of the year - it's felt pretty grim for the past week to me.

so glad Hannah is doing ok woofgang - hopefully you'll have some sleep tonight.

I've had a look at the whale thread - oh heck some people can't put their point across without getting angry about it can they? I think it was very sad that the poor lost creature didn't make it and it was made worse by the fact that we witnessed it's distress and death. Everyday there are beautiful animals dying alone and in pain somewhere and that's sad too. It would have been nice to think that all of those onlookers went away and dropped some money into a wildlife charity box ........

oooer, I'm sinking into despair now.......we need some smiles today......come on Vinny, make us laugh or I'll release a load of caterpillars into your sack of sprouts.

gessoo - there seem to be a few probs with this site - I put one in suggestions last night

Morning Biddies,lovely pics of your dogs gessoo.

here This is my dog lol.....guess what he's called...? you want to tell dolly about her hubby..

here (:)

goes and checks me bag of sprouts......(:)

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haha Vinny I bet that dog takes off when he runs.......are you sure that's Dolly's husband tho' and not graeme? He's not been around for a while has he?

Your dogs are so cute gessoo btw - love the flat iron too, I'll send my freshly starched flowery frocks for you to do ready for the spring.

I wonder whether the problems on here are due to imminent seems to be a hive of activity behind closed AB doors busy

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Vinny how was Woolacombe beach btw? I sat all afternoon waiting for you to appear on the surfcam in yer bermudas & string vest.... :-(


It was lovely down there wind..just like summer...mind you its a bit grey's a pic I took...

me (:)

Good morning in the Grotto!

What a Monday it's been already!

I have let our Technical Dept know of the odd occurrences that happened over the weekend. Also, it appears that the length of the Grotto thread has gotten too long, which is causing some moderating problems.

I do not want to evict you, but could we move to another thread? I do not mind if you start another one in AB Suggestions - but we will have to keep an eye on its length.


oh dear, I feared the Grotto was getting too big when the second penthouse went up, along with the stable and servants' wing. Robinia, as proprietor, it's over to you... A Valentines' Day nook, decorated with little hearts and cupids, would be nice.

Morning Ed.

Problem with starting another thread in suggestions is that it leaves us wide open to abuse. Although a lot of AB users know about us there are more that don't. We have had a good run for our money and I would hate our chats to stop, but I certainly wouldn't post on a new thread that was there for all to see.

Can't we hide away somewhere in the middle of another topic, e.g. Motoring?

Perhaps we could start our own site!


Meant to say that the problems I have are happening on other topics as well, so they can't be blamed on the length of this thread.

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Lol Vinny! Hope you're going to keep your head today... while we all lose ours....

oooh I said I thought there might be problems with this thread a short while ago.....

I'm fine for starting a new one but are we going to get protesters??.... there's certainly one pink bird that flaps up and down anytime there's a whiff of conversation.....

I'd thought of making over the grotto jno into a pink palace for Valentine's day but out there <<< they might interpret that as... ahem, a house of ill repute.

I think Ed we'll wait until everyone has read your post & are up to speed if that's ok....?

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