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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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hi you two....oops, just dropped a few stitches.... now Vinny's balaclava is going to have 3 earholes..... Holy balaclavas batman .......hahaha
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oops pressed submit

sometimes imageshack won't post my pics at all.....a message comes up that says "No, we're not doing that, for heaven's sake grow up & do something intellectual" tut sense of fun.

Can't believe my beginners luck on the Euro lotto neti - I've got a feeling that I'm going to get into that must do it every week trap now....
Yes I really hope the whale makes it back to the open seas again, it must be terrified. Now don't go swimming again until I've finished knitting you a cozzy.

Lovely sunny day here, bit fresh but much better than the wind & rain.

he he Robinia - reminds me of when I was very young, just after the war, one of the neighbour's kids had a pair of striped knitted swimming trunks, and every year, his mum would add another stripe, as he grew. Trouble was every time he went swimming they stretched right down to his knees. My sisters and I still laugh about Stanley's trunks.
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You are all totally up the wall!! Love you all though.
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helloo gessoo, how's your friend?

& IAP - moi? no fashion sense? - now stop complaining I'll do them in nice fuzzy wool if that makes you feel'll look like one of the chickens.

talking of swimming just reminded me of something funny I saw yesterday which said....
Isn't having a smoking area in a restaurant a bit like having a peeing end in the swimming pool?

OK pickle here's you:


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Looking forward to another tale Pickle - are you in a different time zone to the rest of us? according to my mail your post ^^^ came in at 16.04 it's only 15.58
Thanks for the gossip about Liz taylor IAP.
If it wasn' t for Richard Burton I would never have got my Eng.Lit.He had such a sexy voice.
We used to listen to him reading Shakespeare on records at school.And I love him narrating on War of the Worlds.What a lovely Hotel the Dorchester is.I have only ever stayed at the Gloucester in Gloucester Rd. But ..I have had tea at the Ritz which was lovely.Mr S. had a an older brother who was in hotels.He sadly died aged 28 from leukemia. He started off as an 15...a pageboy at the Breidenbacher Hof in D�sseldorf. In those days in Germany you had to take an apprenticeship in these jobs.He worked in grand hotels in Berlin,Vienna and Paris and was in line for mangement when he was taken ill.

Anyway I hope all you fellow Biddys are well .
It's been a lovely sunny day here today but a bit chilly.
I hope you are all behaving ... I shall be along to check the lavs later.
Thanks for my prize Robinia.I am now the proud owner of a flattened Izal loo roll.By the amount of grunting the postman was doing trying to force it throught the letterbox I think he was more in need of it than I am!!

ugh Pickle!

Robinia is your computer fast, on mine Pickle's post came through at 15.54!

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neti nothing around here goes fast....I meant my email - it showed Pickle's post as arriving 10 mins ahead of what was the actual time....I think he's The Doctor ....

hi shaneystar, use the Izal sparingly, it's an endangered species....better use both sides....
I couldn't understand why the house looked different today - it's because the sun was shining. Shows the dust up though :-\

I used to know someone who worked in a big hotel in Nottingham, many yrs ago - he said the worst guest they'd had was a wee Scottish singer (better be careful) but her manners are probably better now.

When the izal runs out shaney...Have this on me...(:)


Robinia..the last thing you need is a scottish singer wee ing all over the place...(:)

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I love the Magic Flute, first saw it in the Liceo Opera House in Barcelona.

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I was skulking in the scullery - I know my place - feeling very unsophisticated until I remembered I'd been to the ballet....Giselle ....and I always watch the New Years Day concert from Vienna. And I listen to some classical music. That's it really. Oh I do like art.....but not portraits......

I'll go back to my washboard now......

I Like a night at the queen...!!!

Robinia's message to all the Biddies....after she won �7.50 on the euro lotto....

here (:)

She'll regret it when she my kitchen table thus:


* sees* that should be.

just because I think it's so pretty,
is a photo I took of the sunrise. Sadly, it's not today and it's not here, it's from my little beach house far away and I sort of wish I was there now...

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