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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Morning BiddyBuddies - that's a beautiful sunrise jno but definitely not here this morning. It's been a hairy journey getting to the grotto this morning in thick freezing fog..... I was terrified I might have wandered into the wrong place like sport or motoring...(aaaggghhh!) until Vinny's slippers jumped up to greet me .....

I'm not quite with it this morning - think there's fog in my brain .....when I come round I'll get back to you....hope everyone is well.

dog in the vets, suddenly taken ill don't know what wrong, please everyone send good thoughts for my Hannah today. She is 12, lovely wemaraner
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So sorry to hear that woofgang... I know how you must be feeling, it's horrible when you don't know what's wrong or what to do - we'll all be hoping that it's nothing serious and that she gets better very soon xxx
Woofgang - thoughts, prayers and good wishes go to Hannah, I hope she'll be OK. Dogs are such good friends.
I hope hannah will be O.K. Woofgang.She is in good hands.
Shane sends a woof and wag ! Keep us posted xx

Hope Hannah gets well soon Woofy.

How's gessoo and Smudge today.Good morning to all the other Biddys. Its a nice sunny/mild day here Robinia.Gonna have a drive down to Woolacombe this afternoon.And have a stroll along the spring in the air or is it me..(:)p.s anybody seen cetti lately.its about time you reported for lav cleaning duty methinks lol.

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tut - morning, what time do you call this? or have you all been to church?

Still a bit foggy here, lucky you Vinny to have sunshine and a beach on a January day. Cetti is still about in her favourite birdy type threads & also one about snowdrops, but I don't like to say anything about the grotto...I'm sure she knows we're still here but probably has a busy life.

Woofgang ,sorry to hear Hannah is not well I'll say a little prayer for her wellbeing .A dog is so much more than just an animal ,they are really one of the family . Good luck to you both .
Where is this terrible Winter which was forecast for the UK ? Everyone seems to enjoying odd Springlike days here and there ,my daughter in Manchester says she's still waiting for the snow ,very disappointed she is ! I don't think I could handle an English Winter anymore you're all very brave even neti in Spain needing her winter woollies . (I'm a bit of a wimp actually )!
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Hi Dolly! I daresay there's still plenty of time for the weather to turn nasty but once the nights are lighter it never seems quite as bad. The month before xmas is the worst time I think for snow, when it's so dark all the time. We'll probably all be snowed in the grotto next week! I'd love to feel some warm sun on my aches at the moment but I don't do very well in very high temps. Mind you, everyone tells me that warm temperatures abroad aren't the same as here. know I'm still amazed at modern technology & the fact that I'm here in my dining room & you are all the way down there & we are 'chatting'.....I remember the days when two bean cans & a piece of string were amazing.....

amazing yes Robinia but I could never get the damned things to work!!!!!
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haha neti I was in the brownies - we knew how to do these things....I was a sprite - I thought it was a posh sprout

thank you all for your good wishes.

Hannah is home again. She spent the morning at the vets being observed, diagnosis some kind of gastritis (she is a horse sheep rabbit cow pooh eater), Anyway the vet gave her a painkilling injection and an anitbiotic injection, she started to feel better and created blue murder, so the vet decided that she would be better at home and we agree. She is currently flaked out on her bed at my feet having had the small bland meal the vet suggested and well in the grip of the drugs.Quite relaxed and looking much better but very dopey.

See you tomorrow

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hi woofgang, so happy and relieved for you that Hannah is home and I hope she has a good night & is back to her old self very soon! x
Glad she is O.K Woofgang,I expect you are relieved .They are a worry at times these dogs of ours.
by the way..found a copy of that book I was lokking for on Abe Books. Much cheaper than the Ebay copy.So shall be dishing up a meat pud soon !!
We had a walk along the beach today with Shane but it was cold and misty.Didn't stop him from going in the sea though.He is all salty now and he has only just been to the groomers!!
goodness... hardly been on here all day since posting a sunrise photo... can it be I'm overcoming my AB addiction, with the help of a fleet of trained counsellors and several barrowloads of mind-altering drugs washed down with Horlicks? Or maybe it's just the steady stream of small-arms fire all round AB Suggestions at weekends; difficult to make it through to the Grotto sometimes without a colander on the head and a hockey stick to strike evildoers with. Anyway woofgang I'm glad your dog's feeling better... she's the one you took your username from?
Ha ha was nearly pistols at dawn in Suggestions at times last night. I have decided to stay in her out the flak and hop over to Q& P now again. Mind you I have got myself in deep dodo over the whale Q in News! I really should avoid News ,it does nothing for my blood pressure.Do you have a spare colander?

jno what an image! lol

hello dot.hawkes, are you any relation to that nice dotjhawkes I used to see around here? She was looking severely overworked last time I saw her. Shaney, I put a post on the end of that whale thread wondering why non-believers always sound so much angrier than believers. People seemed to be getting so rude about a subject they were claiming wasn't important. I don't doubt their sincerity, but why does it infuriate them so? Despite my immense age and wisdom, and still having several of my own teeth, I really don't know the answer.
These are people who are always right ,always have to have the last word and prop up barrack room bars Jno.They have no respect for anyones opinions ,only their own.When they can't debate sensibly they shout others down .I shan't post in that thread any more as whoever they are ,they are just spoiling for a slanging match and I wouldn't lower myself to their level.
Thank you for your support.
Anyway.. I am off to bed now so will wish you a goodnight and sleep well.
Good morning Dot by the way!!

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