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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Nothing wrong with rose tinted specs Jno...I wear them all the time.I have a mirror just like yours !!
Well folks I am off to the land of nod ..up the Golden dancers...Up the sleepy hill to Bedfordshire ..I shall look under the bed in case of bogeymen Robinia !
Goodnight all.
P.S.Here's one for the old Boy Biddies before I go!

Milords, Ladies and Gentlemen, Kindly raise your GLASSES IN SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO

How's This For Depressing ??

Brigitte Bardot 71
Stella Stevens 68
Sophia Loren 71
Gina Lollobrigida 78
Deborah Kerr 94
Lena Horne 88
Kay Starr 83
Patti Page 78
Annette Funicello 63
Barbara Eden 71
Angie Dickenson 74
Doris Day 81
Joan Collins 72
Julie Christie 64
Leslie Caron 74
Carroll Baker 74
Ann-Margret 64
Debra Paget 72
Julie Andrews 70
Ursula Andress 69
Rita Moreno 74
Jean Simmons 76
Julie Newmar 72
Kim Novak 72
Jane Powell 76
Debbie Reynolds 73
Shirley Temple 77
Jane Russell 84
Kathryn Grayson 83
Esther Williams 82
Elke Sommer 65
Gale Storm 83
Jill St. John 65
Liz Taylor 73


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heck shaney that's going to have Vinny sobbing into his Becks, I'll bet a few of those have featured in his dreams and fantasies. Doris was no. one when I was born and Julie Andrews can't possibly be 70......

oh no, I can hear a lonely goatherd approaching ....layeeo de layeeo de lay ee o....

I hate mirrors jno - mine just will not agree that this is the real me

oh my, now Wilson Pickett has died. Only 64!
-- answer removed --
I hope Miss Piggy is a puppet, IAP. Otherwise, I don't think I wish to know.
Morning each and everyone - am off for my walk - no I'm not a dog(?) but it's healthy. The last month - since Biddygrotto- has kept me away from healthy activities - so must resist temptation and go walking - drags herself out by the arm byeeeeeeeeeeee
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Morning all - hope you've got your shell suit & leg warmers on neti - we'll have an oily rag ready to rub you down with when you get back.

Shame about Wilson Pickett jno - great music - wish I could still do the Land of a Thousand Dances like I used to. .... more like land of a couple of shuffles now.

IAP - of course we want to know, tell us all about Joan as well, I'm fascinated......just let me pull up my rocking chair & get comfy.....

How wild was the weather at 6am?? it was a tempest here.....better now but very fresh. They say it'll be at least a week for the cold blast to get here....mmm, my 'radar' says sooner.

morning all neti, have you been stalking me? 2 or 3 of my posts this morning were immediately followed by yours, one was our shaneystar's on microwave suet pud. I posted a link shaney, but am sure that i have the info somewhere, I will look it up, it makes fabulous fluffy dumplings. Haven't done these for a while as my hormone state means that the last thing that I need is warming food!

A dirty wet night here has cleared to a blue wintry day, I reckon that Robinia's weather forecast is right!

got to go to work now, dog is walked and snoring. She has managed to scratch her eye again so we are having the twice daily palaver with eye ointment.

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mornin' woofgang - you really shouldn't have mentioned fluffy dumplings, you'll have Vinny in a right lather.
Sorry about your doggy's eye, hope it's better soon. I have to put barricades around thorny things in the garden 'cos of my spaniel's googley eyes.

Is it worth buying a Euro Millions ticket while I'm out? one in how many squillion to win?? Oh well, stranger things have happened....

Morning All,

Had a wonderful night's sleep for the first time since ......... well I just can't remember. Went to bed at 11.30ish and didn't wake up until 6.30. I just can't believe it!!! Even Mr G's steam train impression didn't wake me.

Am feeling quite good today and more optimistic and your posts, as always, have started my day well.

I was thinking of Vinny last night whilst eating my dinner! I was tucking into my brussell sprouts with my beef stew and thinking that I enjoy the brussells more than the stew and wondering why I hadn't cooked a whole load more. Is it Vinny who likes brussells, or does he hate them. Will someone please put me right,

And this is what looks back at me from my mirror

Gessoo on a good day

When I would rather see this


Looking forward to hearing about Julie and Joan..........................................

The one from Shaney's list that upset's me most is Julie Christie who I think of as being young and beautiful and will always think of as Lara from Dr Zhivago. Also I liked her because of her natural beauty rather than being made up like a dog's dinner.

However, she still looks absolutely terrific


Oops, wrong picture - that was me!


woofy - I have only posted once on here this morning (well this is the 2nd) so where have I posted after you?? I hope it's not a clone. Point me in right direction please. I may, of course have been posting in my sleep.

Yep I love brussell sprouts,I often eat them raw...!

A prisoner in jail received a letter from his wife:

"I have decided to plant some lettuce in the back garden. When is the best time to plant them?"

The prisoner, knowing that the prison guards read all the mail, replied in a letter:

"Dear Wife, whatever you do, DO NOT touch the back garden! That is where I hid all the gold."

A week or so later, he received another letter from his wife:

"You wouldn't believe what happened. Some men came with shovels to the house, and dug up the whole back garden."

The prisoner wrote another letter:

"Dear wife, NOW is the best time to plant the lettuce.

Robinia,This will keep you going till starts.Not as easy as it looks,,,,(:)


Hallo everybody..Hope you are all well on this bright sunny day...but ..very cold east wind coming off the sea and it is heading in your direction Robinia ,so be prepared with woollies and dumplings!
I can't get into that link woofgang.Have left you a message in the thread.Whilst eating dinner last night the thought of a meat pudding popped into my head.But I can't be doing with all that steaming for hours and this microwave one used to be delish.
I do wish people would return books when you lend them out. I have lost lots of books this way!

Trust IAP to go off and not give us the details !!
Well I had better go and do something constructive for half an hour..see you all later.

Good joke Vinny.

I am feeling shocked and upset, so had to share it with someone, and who better than my Biddybuddies. My friend who helps me out in the house didn't turn up this morning. After an hour I phoned her home, as she is such a punctual lady. Her partner told me she had a heart attack two days ago and is in hospital. I feel devastated. She is not a young lady - in fact more than a decade older than me, but she looks so young and is so lively. I have phoned the hospital and they are giving her my love, but I can't stop thinking of her.

Thanks for listening friends.

Woofy - I do apologise, have had a senior moment or two. Yes of course I've been posting away like a whirlygig....... err whirling devish. Will probably follow you to the ends of the earth- hmm that healthy walk has turned my mind.

I also love Julie Christie, in fact I looked like her in my 20's, she's aged better than I have, but then she's not married to Mr N or got a daughter N.

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cor blimey - that dozy weatherwoman wants to come here if she thinks it's mild - that wind is here already shaneystar, cuts straight through yer balaclava it does.....thankfully the great unwashed have stayed at home today.

Vinny - I've just won $79,550!!! so the becks are on me.....I had $500 in my box so not bad eh? I'm going to be playing that all day now . It's easy when it's not real but I think if I was on the real one I'd be the first to walk at the first deal ..."oh that'll do nicely, thank you very much...." hehe. Don't you secretly love it when the cocky ones lose out?....oh miaow.....and they're getting a bit huggy kissy aren't they?
Got my Euro lotto ticket so prepare to be transported to that posh Arab place, they won't know what'* *** 'em when we turn up in our designer crimplene.

gessoo that's terrible about your friend & I hope she recovers well and quickly. Keep us posted.
tut tut Robinia no trying to smuggle scatology past the asterisk monster. Anyone watching the news footage of the whale outside Parliament? (Really!)

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