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Robinia | 12:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Sweden for the DAY???? What is he - Superman.

This is Vinny and I doing some Pole dancing

Pole Dancing

ahem gessoo - dare I ask? Where is the pole????

Flew off at Midday and coming back late tonight!

This is him just before takeoff this morning


Phew...! good job you sent that E.mail to ED when she was in a good mood...I think after bugs question(suggs)..she will be bit.fed up...!!!(:)Robinia.

NETTI!!!!! Ha, ha, ha

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methinks gessoo has the heat up too high on her chair and she's getting giddy

crikey Vinny some people just thrive on it don't they?...... Gonna stay well out of that - better don our colanders - the fall out is going to be widespread

But Robinia, MrG has gone to Sweden for the day. OK I'll admit it he did go by plane and hasn't got superpowers - but it was that Neti who accused him of being Superman. Mind you it's -4 degrees where he has gone today, he he.

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Has he got any super hero brothers gessoo ??- I could use one around here....

Your superman at your service Robinia.

here (could you get him to move all the furniture to our new abode...)...(:)

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Well I sat here, my heart beating wildly in excited anticipation Vinny.....there was a knock at the door....I ran to open it.....and there stood my_hero

That picture brings back memories of a previous life, Robinia : o)

Well I got all my work things out and sorted through everything so I was up to scratch and I just couldn't start working. So now I have to do twice as much tomorrow!!

This thread is far more exciting than work, but not as lucrative.

Posting this in the half hour before Corrie starts again. Gosh my life is so exciting. How sad am I. Don't think I will be able to stay awake long enough to welcome my superman home later.

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oh dear sorry you haven't done much today gessoo - feel free to blame us. My son called to say he'd pop in after work so I felt had to zoom round & tidy up a bit.....didn't want him to think his old ma had become a slob. It's just as well I don't have a laptop....

shall I block-book a fleet of ambulances and bath-chairs for when moving day comes? Must also make sure Le Grotteau Nouveau has dentists on site. there anybody there?
I've been sat on this packing crate all day and my corns are fit to bust. Could not get any computer time this evening because my son is here and has hogged it all evening !
I do hope they have a resident dentist Jno..I don't fancy any more of these do it yourself jobs with a nail file.
Do tip us the wink when we have to head out Robinia or I shall miss the donkey cart and be running along behind. A bit like "My old man said follow the van and don't dilly dally on the way"!

Good morning Biddygrotto - I, like, shaney cannot usually get on computer in evenings as it is taken over by daughter. We may have to consider woofy's suggestion for our new home as dotjhawkes and thickasbrick are starting to chat in our new home, and I guess it would be OK with ED. We'd be well hidden.

gessoo is Superman back from Sweden now. How glamorous it all sounds.

smudge hope all is OK with you. Haven't heard from you in a while. Cheer up.

pickle that opera must be a long 'un!

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Morning all - are we well ?- jolly good.
Weather - freezing and bleak
Complaints - manifold but no time to expand....what do you mean thank goodness?

Right I've been thinking - do not groan thank you -
If long threads are to become a problem we may have to become nomadic - how about the Barnstorming Biddies? Would that be a good description jno? - you are the clever one with words.
As neti says we could go to woofgang's fig question maybe for about 500 posts and then come back to the My Profile for another 500 and so on .....if we drop a legitimate question into suggestions now and then we could go back to it at a later date...

I realise all this moving about is very stressful at our time of life & change is daunting but we could come to enjoy our travels around the AB....we'll get Vinny to look for a couple of caravans.

I'm a bit busy this morning but I'll leave that with you, tell me what you think & get back to you all at lunchtime.

Exactly what I was thinking during the night (not much else to occupy the old brain) Robinia.

Makes me feel like an armchair hippy!!

Will we have to clear it with AB Ed?? you that is Robinia he he I cringe at the thought of contact with authority. (a misspent youth)

I'm packing the ole rucksack and campbed now, all ready to barnstorn and barndance mayhap?

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i'm still here neti - contacting ed as we speak - back later...

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