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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
511 Answers

(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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Terry pratchett says shroedinger (SP?) missed a state in his experiment...the cat can be alive, dead or mad as hell
Morning all - I hope you all had an enjoyable xmas. I have the flu and feel awful so won't be around for a while.

neti may be in one of those states too, woofgang, we won't know until we go to Ibiza and have a look.
Tis icey out there init..!
Good moaning folks..!
blimey,most of the cars round ere are stilled covered in ice,
but not mine cause I was up at the crack of dawn.dawns now making me breakys..hehe..!only joking...(:O)bloody hell,I hope superdrug dont go down the swaney,the hightstreets gonna look like a ghost-town soon.
nope,S.D should be okay,woman will always need to paint there faces and cover up the cracks..(:O) .at least I hope they do..haha..!where's that robinia anyways.
tell us your wacom thingy is hard work at the mo but will suss it out sooner or later kip.get well soon netti,and I hope shaney shows up soon.anyways must go and do some more work,catch you Sorry i didnt answer your mail jude,Its the first time ive looked on there in a couple of months...smacks himself round the wrists.
the chav song (*_*)
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ha ha Vinny, love it!
good morning strangers...just popping my head around the door to let you know I'm still alive....just. Hope you had a good & peaceful xmas & that santa came, it's all passed me by in a sleepy haze. I can honestly say this is the worst dose of flu I've had for 11 years when we had that 3yr epidemic (local hospital were storing the dead in huge cheese lorries, I kid you not!). It took me 3 weeks to get over it then so I'm expecting a few more wobbly days yet. Sympathy to neti, jno jnr & anyone else who succumbs, it's a b@stard. If anyone sees a stone lying around , it's the one I've lost :o(

Behave yourselves while I regain some strength in my whacking arm...
Hi Folks
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas .
Mine was simply the worst ever .It just passed us by and have just spent my wedding anniversary sailing back on the Stena Hollandica.
All in all I think we gave my dear mum in law a good send off on a freezing snowy day .We've got rotten colds and I am hacking like a broken winded horse .
Now we have to deal with sorting out a home where someone has lived for 42 years .Arrange for container shipment and storage here and there until we can sift through it all.
And deal with German bureaucrats who want a death certificate to cancel a newspaper subscription . I kid you not They are not happy unless they can rubber stamp you in tripilicate .
I feel very low at the moment and to crown it all mums cousin who was a great friend and help to her over the last ten years or so ( she used to do her cleaning for her )lost her husband on Christmas Eve .
Sorry to be so miserable . I'll be back when I feel more cheerful .
In the meantime have a Happy New Year all of you and look after yourselves and the ones you love
Just checked in to reap your sympathy and blow me, at the right side of the screen there's a Death Quiz to see when one is gonna die, so I did it and I'm gonna die on 30-12-2027, that's a bummer ain't it? Do any of you have this quiz?

Robi do you have the shivers (like ague) and then get incredibly hot, I go to bed with socks and boots on and leg warmers on my arms as unfortunately the wrist warmers just aren't long enough this time, I even wear a shawl, and still I shake with the cold but my head feels huge as if it's going to burst, oh am so fed up. When I've taken paracetamol I become almost human again!
Sorry shaney didn't see you there! Yes I can well believe the bureacracy, it's the same here. On xmas eve daughter's purse was stolen with her residence papers and Air europa wouldn't let her fly on a discounted ticket pre-booked, even with a photocopy of her Residencia, so we had to pay 300�(same in �'s) for a 35 mins flight. I'm still spitting blood with fury!!
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hugs to you sufferers...Its okay, I sprayed meself with jeyes fluid first....can't remember who my Sis was dealing with recently over Mum and the fools wanted her to sign a form saying that yes she was dead and Sis is the really have to laugh but sometimes its hard. My Sis is 61 and I never heard her say the F word until starting this executor lark

hope Charlie's paw is getting better too?
Hello Biddyfriends thinking of you all suffering in many different ways. I hope you get well and sorted very soon. I had the flu' bug before Christmas and recovered just in time to enjoy a quiet time. I spent 2 days in bed with the paracaetamol. My Christmas dinner went down well with my son and his wife. I think they were glad of the rest after moving into their new house. They are still up to their eyes in boxes.
I have been out to lunch today as is usual on Tues. but Tai Chi hasn't started again yet till next week.
Getting used to my new lap top. I have Windows Vista now instead of Windows xp. It's not much different but you know what I'm like with 'puters.
It's blooming cold over here. You keep wrapped up Robi. I would come and make you a cuppa if I knew where you lived!!
Take care all and if I don't get on again before I hope you all have a Happy and carefree New Year.
Love Jude x

LOL@ Woofy's seriously p1ssed off cat and at the image of Jude wandering up and down the streets balancing a full tea cup in search of Robi's house, ha ha ha! (Don't do it Jude, she'll make you roll her meatball ammo as well, that's bad for me.)

A full house nearly almost, that's a lovely surprise <just don't cough on me will ya > Shaney you don't need triplicate copies of your cheerfulness certificate to hang with the biddies, it's good just that you're back, and you poor Robinia the same goes for you <damn, just as she was turning fat> ...and yes Neti I get that quiz on half of the sites I visit so it seems but personally I don't wanna know when the cheese lorry cometh. I mistakenly read your post as "I'm gonna die on 30-12-2007" and that's pretty much what I fear my results would indicate...

...but at least I got my flu shot earlier this autumn. Good thing, 'cos I spent several hours at the internet cafe yesterday having my laptop seen to and the guy who runs the place was apparently coming down with the flu before my very eyes; towards the end he wailing and groaning how he "can't do this anymore" and pressing cold things against his forehead, I think one of them was a knife blade - *kit goes off to ponder her effect on men*

Oh so that's why you choose a profession with such ungodly hours, Vinny
(oh, I should clarify, I'm not dying (ever :-)) - I just don't feel all that vigorous either, that's all I meant)
<enter swedish chef> Re Shroedinger vs. Schr�dinger, Woofy, I was gonna say your spelling was probably the correct one but then I checked with Wikipedia and now I'm back to my initial two prick theory after all. There's quantum mechanics for you!
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I thought you were Kit.... Can't do pricks!!
ahhh, a CBE for Robert Plant...

tis another frosty cold morning.
lovely to see you ice everywhere.have to drive 5 miles an hour up and down these hills.your be lucky to find robi jude.blimey,even mr bumble couldnt do that..hehe..!.I feel like oliver twist when I go in tescos...more becks please.MORE BECKS...!!!! I will pop on ere tonight,speck you all will be tucked up.till the spring.comes.oooh must play some Zepplin tonight,thanks jno.
later dudes>>>whoosh>>(*_*)..
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Knighthood for Pratchett YAY!!!!!!
oooooooooooooh it's cold today

morning all, it's frozen, frosty, foggy & any other other f words you'd care to mention.Good to see almost everyone popping back in....but no Dolly? I expect she's tottering around in her bikini & flip-flops, tut.
Sorry you've had such a dreadful time shaney, I've been thinking of you, be kind to yourself, hope you feel better soon.x

Hope you're improving too neti, yes, I've had the shakes, shivers, been sick, fainted & turned every colour of the rainbow from coughing but I don't have a death quiz to see if I'm gonna survive. Actually I found a couple through google & I'm going to live to the age of 80 or 84 (which I very much doubt) so I'd better tell the beloved sons to buy a property with a granny flat.
Thanks for the offer Jude but I've gone off tea, always do when I'm ill....just send your son's cat over with a little barrel of brandy. The house is easy to find, there's a flock of vultures hovering over it & you can see dog hairs halfway up the windows from outside.

There'll be no carousing in lurex & fishnets tonight for me so I might be back to see what you're up to.....
jude, jude!! I'll tell you exactly where I live if you'll come and minister to me! go to end of Sta Eulalia high street , turn left and walk up to the mountain and ask for the English womanThink I feel slightly better today, haven't had a cough this time or cold but have an awful rash on my body, doctors say it is a fever rash (honestly sometimes I think we living in Victorian England) Have clean the house, washed the bed linen, walked around the high street, got 2 bottles of lucozade (what happened to those lovely squeaky rubbery tops?) Mr N decided to play golf so no time for chopping wood, so <<i<bing> brilliant idea from la neti, I went and bought a sackful for 7�, now have a nice pile oputside.

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