Evening dudes, don't know what happened there, I think I must have fallen asleep on an ironing board last night? Bought you some goji berries Vinny and then I ate'em on my way home, they're so yummilicious. Force Majeure situation don't you know, can't hold a person responsible for what they knock down their gullet can you now. Don't worry, I'll get you some new, they sell'em at the deli down my street. Their customer service is incredible. In all the years I've lived here I've never once asked them what something tastes like without them offering to open the container and let me judge for myself. They just say it's no bother and no waste, they will make use of the rest of it in their own kitchen.
Pluck a feather from Neti's fan, yes I just may have to do that Robi - they were all sold out at the feather shop :-) but as I was walking down one of the main streets a particularly lovely feather in another shop window caught my eye; I stood there as if spellbound, imagining what it would look like for the gift I am making. And then, slowly but surely, I became aware of the-the-the... objects that surrounded that feather in the display window. Guess what, it was a sex shop and there I'd been, daydreaming away for what in retrospect seems like minutes...! Completely focused on the feather and the thought of the fairytalish gift I am making, but did the passers by know that - nope. I swear I must have had a wistful smile on my lips as I stood there and that's what gets to me now, thinking back on what I must have looked like, ha ha ha... ha. (Tell yous more about the gift eventually.)
Poor Neti, that's a lot of weight to lose in such a short time, you must have been really ill.