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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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Sorry meant to preview that but pressed wrong button!!

May I wish you Biddies a Happy New Year to you and your families in case I don't get on again. Glad we are all here for each other, believe me, it really helps! luv u x
yes, happy new year to all, especially neti, who is clearly not expecting to see 2008 out, but bathing in Sangria should sort her out
Evening, biddyistas. When you're done at Neti's you can come by my place if you've got some tiramisu on your person, Jude? ...and in my case, just look for the tiny park that's turned upside-down half the time. Actually it did become clear what all that digging was in aid of a couple of weeks ago: There is now a bright red carousel outside my window (this kind) which is kind of cute. Especially in the middle of the night when the football hooligans make a landing on it en route to the pubs - didn't know when I moved here that my building happens to be erected between a football stadium and about fivehundred pubs or so, ha ha...

Did you know, Hell is in Norway Robi. Tourists have been known to lose their minds when the train stops there and they look out the window on one side and it says "Hell" and when they look out the window on the other side it says "God's Expedition". "Wha?! of reckoning? - and I thought I was just going skiing, innit!"

Don't see any lurex in my immediate future either so if we're having a cyber party...? Until then, here's my New Year Wish: I wish we stick together during 2009 as well./ This year the stores have started promoting khom loy lanterns as an alternative to fireworks; I hope they catch on, 'twould save many a pet a trip to The Funny Farm.

lantern wish for the biddies
Yay ! It is now January 1st 2009 - anyone else with me??
I'm with you right there on ibiza Neti and it's 2009 in Stockholm too! Haaaappy New Year!
it must be here too, I've just seen Jools Holland on t' telly, with Dave Edmunds and all, AND Martha and the Vandellas, woohoo!
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good moring all and happy new year, didn't stay up, never do, I shard a bottle of champers with Mr W and we went to bed
~ ~ ~ Happy New Year to you all!! ~ ~ ~

Hope all your wishes come true in 2009.

Here's to a good year for all of us, I don't want another one like the last thanks very much.
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I'll drink to that (hic)
oh tut, only woofy awake & she's plastered....and by the time the kids let her off the roundabout Kit'll never be able to stand again.

ok guys....after three....

<is it after three yet...?> It was as if war had broken out in my park last night. It's not an uncommon spot for people to do their fireworks but last night some idiot had bought five minutes worth of the loudest kind an fired them off incessantly - and idiots standing by were applauding the first idiot...!! Makes me so angry that people are willing to destroy young dogs for life for five minutes of "fun". Neti, about that gun of yours... the one you brought with you when the dealer wouldn't repair George... may I borrow it next New Year's Eve? Woofy and Robi, how do your dogs deal with it, and Robi how is Charlie's paw?

Martha & the Vandellas...? The Martha & the Vandellas, jno!? Oh wow, makes me happy to hear that, wish I'd been there.

Well girls I think we may safely assume that Mr Bumblebeer granted Vinny's wish at Tesco's last night...


Isn't Venus and the moon breathtaking...! <We do see the same sky don't we...> ...the constellation, have you seen it possums, it's so pretty.
oooooh, now that's a bit of an extreme punishment for having a foo too many Kit, I'm not sure I can....oh, alright, you made me do it....say your pwayers hippy

Actually I think one of my resolutions is to be tough where tough is a smack in mouth instead of a 'tut tut' Well maybe not, probably best to do what I've always done & wait for karma to come & bite em on the bum....

Yes, Venus & the (new) moon is amazing! I saw it directly in front of my door as Tarquin was leaving a couple of evenings ago. 'Tis my planet you know.
definitely Martha, but I don't know whether the Vandellas were the original. He also had a Finnish harmonica band, as you do...

these ones performing this number:
Great music jno... <merciful god i thought they'd never stop...>

How did you land Venus, Robinia? I'm not sure it's not mine! Nor that it is: When I was very young (I'm guessing four or five)and as my grandmother was putting me to bed one evening, we were standing by the window and she pointed to the brightest star and gave it to me, she said it was the Eva star (Eva = Eve, one of my Christian names). I think she probably came up with the idea as a response to my saying something about not being able to sleep or wanting the light on or something, and she gave me the star to look at from the bed in case I woke up. I'll never forget it but I wish I knew if that was Venus or Sirius... But I think it was probably Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, yeah that would be it ;-)
Good morning campers..!
Had me list of some really good music for new years eve,and the bloomin Innkeeper went and locked the doors and made me drink lots of grog..!
there was people smokin and dancing on tables....think I fell asleep on the pool table for a couple of hours...made me way home and went ar$e over tit on the ice...!then i comes on ere and you lot are trying to shoot me..!happy bloomin new year...its gotta be better than the last bu66er.
I predict a hot summer.....they wont remember I said this come june...hehe..!
yo lucky blighters.!(:O)
Happy new year Vincent!!

<makes note on calendar for June.....Vin says it's gonna be hot...>

i forgot they could write....(:O).
I have this mental image of you asleep on the pool table Vinny while people are still shooting - I likes it I likes it. But Happy New Year nonetheless.

Anyone need anything from downtown, I have a few errands this afternoon such as buying one feather... (symbolical object for a gift I'm working on.)

Morning all my biddie mates! How are we all today. In the last week and a half I have had one glass of cider and that's all! Have lost 4kilos no idea what that is in Engl ish!! Still not feeling 100%, very sweaty and it's not the weather, which is overcast and grey. We still have the biggest fiesta to come on 5/6th January (3 Kings), but am taking down all the decs this weekend, and only leaving the creche until the 6th.- Off to make Turkey, ham and mushroom pie. See you!

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