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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
511 Answers

(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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Happy Birthday Shaney and many many more...hope you are having a sunny day.
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yup this poor ol planet has taken a few knocks...intersting book about it (kind of) here y-Pratchett/dp/0091865158
Happy Birthday Shaney Give yourself a treat today.
You heard right Vinny
I'm quietly celebrating Derby's win last night. I know we have to play another leg but even when they brought on some of their best players we were brilliant. Well that's the end of the sports report.

I know I deserve my slapped wrist for 'dumping' Tbag but there's a limit to dunking a tea bag 27 times!!!!! And I reached it!!!

Off out now with my sister see yer later 'gaters(s)

Wow woofy,that looks like a brilliant read.I loved the colour of magic yo ive got a new name for robinia..Granny Wetherwax..hahahaha..!(:O)omg..there predicting februarys gonna be the coldest for seventy years...!do you need a batman for your next journey jno...perhaps a round the world trip..!(:O)
<glowers at Vinny>...the only batting you'll get is the one I give ya round ya tab hippy!

Don't feel bad about t-bag Jude, I've 'let one or two go' in my time. If I remember it right I don't think you were overly enthusiastic at the start were you? First instincts & all that.
Try an instant coffee man next time....or better still, a tapwateraholic. mmmm, well maybe not....
Happy Birthday Shaney! Mrs Lampwick has been waiting outside your door since early this morning - what's going on in there! Have you got Elvis in there? It's his birthday too you know! So after you've finished your birthday cheese cake, Shaney, here's an idea for how you could make use of the crumbs and save Mrs Lampwick washing the dishes. Happy Birthday, hope you're having a good one. Shall we send in the Norse Morse to look for her?
lol Kit... that's just reminded me of sommink...Jude did you know that we're no longer going to have apple puffs at 'that shop'? They're going to be apple creams with the same pastry as cstrds....tut...they laughed when I said 'I 'spect we're not allowed to say puff anymore?'

How are the scullery renovations going jno?... <I presume no news is good news>...could do with some myself..... who's got the pinking shears?

Thank you all very much for your good wishes .You are all such kind and thoughtful people .
I've had a lovely day .My brother insisted we go out for lunch I wasn't too keen but he was adamant .So he rolled up with a taxi and off we went to what I thought was going to be a pub lunch carvery but was in fact a posh hotel on the seafront to find my aunt ,my nieces and my other brother and sis in law who had motored up from Bury st Edmunds sitting there .Really made my day .
I had lovely pressies (sparkly earrings and the latest season of Bones amongst other things,no handbags though Robinia Tut !! ) So I am a happy Shaney .
Lampwick was his usual self .No tiaras polished as per and no Bolly on ice .But I did get a very nice bottle of Loius Roederer and a single malt !
Love to you all ....Hic Hic .)) xxxxxxxxxx
no news is not such great news... John Lewis sent the wrong cooker hood... and the cooker hood itself is a bit warped... have had to go back to Ikea twice for more bits... and two crowns have fallen out of my mouth in two weeks so it's the dentist on Saturday for me ...TAXI! Take me to Waterloo Bridge please...

On the upside the telly is saying the temperature will rise to 11 degrees at the weekend and it will be 'wet and miserable'. I saw someone writing the other day that his team were playing so poorly he had to go home and play Leonard Cohen to cheer himself up. I know the feeling.
Well I hope you didn't have to go to that awful Ikea in Croydon Jno .Once seen never forgotten .Even Leonard Cohen would have been depressed .I certainly was and only bought two tea towels .
What a wonderful day you've had, Shaney - puts a smile on my lips just reading it. Bet you'll sleep like a log now (later) - sweet dreams!

Don't do it jno, don't go to Waterloo Bridge! You want your last moments to be... glorious...! Not... not like this...! And not like this either! Chin up, let's have some music here! Yes I played this before but as you all seem to have forgotten what a top banana my darling Leonard is... (I love him!)
bonjour...I'm so pleased you had a lovely day shaney, it gives you a lift doesnt it? Hold on to that feeling!

erm, can someone pin my badge on for me please?
aaaggghhh! not that side!! I've just been & had a huge hole punched in a mole on me bazoom for testing & I'm sitting here, paracetamols at the ready for when the anaesthetic wears off & the pain from the 250 stitches kicks in.
Ok, ok, I may have exaggerated....a tiny hole, and one stitch. I'd been worrying about it all night, almost called a cab to Waterloo myself, but it wasn't so bad. Everything piddling little worry is still magnified for me at the moment. Hoping & praying I won't need to have it off......the mole, have the mole off, tut. Anyways, I'm afraid I can't shower for 2 days so you either bring your gasmasks or I'll have an extra squirt of Evening in Paris.

mmm, I think I deserve some sparkly earrings, can't have shaney out-blinging us....and a glass of that fizzy stuff will wash the pills down nicely thank you.
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Hugs Robi, my mum had to have the same and a couple of moles removed and sis had one done last year....they both said that the worst it is is "sore"..most of the ones that are biopsied or removed are the non nasty kind....good excuse for extra apple puffs and the bevvy of your choice.

Shaney your day sounds lovely...ooh a dram and sparklies, my kind of birthday. If I am extra good Mr W conjures up bottles of 20 yo Canadian Club for my special days...he's an Islay fan (doesn't turn down Macallan either) but I find them a bit much myself.
thanks might not worry me so much on my arm or leg, but trust me to have one on a fleshy spot....well, as fleshy as it gets on me.
Looks like the apple pffs & cstrds might have to be rationed...gas bill!! aggghhh! I should have had another anaesthetic before opening it....

<sneaks another slug of shaneys fizz>

oh dear, sad news, another one gone 35.stm

I remember seeing them and was impressed that Beaky (I think it was) had large fluorescent fly buttons on the outside of his jeans.
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so sad...he had a lovely naughty twinkly smile
oh dear yes, 'tis very sad, I really liked them...hard to choose a favourite but YO

jno, you'd be proud of me... I had a history lesson last night. I haven't been sleeping well, & last night was no exception, so I put the radio on & there was a very thought provoking talk about the Pullman Porters.
(any other insomniacs who might be interested can listen again here too)

Evening, Britons. Lots of handgestures going on in that there video, ha ha! I don't remember those guys but some quick googling reveals that one of them (Beaky) at one time had a girlfriend from Gothenburg and they named a song after her: Margareta Lidman! (Lidman being the girl's surname) And apparently another song of theirs was called Sweden! Well wuddaya know.

I had a mole removed from my back, Robinia (because it bled so easily), worst part for me was the local anesthesia which caused me to feel anxious that I wouldn't regain my sense of feeling - which I did almost before the doc had finished sewing me up ha ha. I suspect having a biopsy is worse than actually having it removed. Anyways, I spoke to your mole on the phone earlier tonight(you were sleeping in front of the box) and I have to tell you he was stunned and shocked that you would even consider having him removed.

margareta lidman
hahahaha...brilliant! I just might print that out & stick it on when I go back. It did feel a bit odd having one numb one. :o)

I've just realised that neti's a bit quiet...I 'spect she's getting corned beef legs in front of the fire.

oh crikey the phone in on the local radio is to describe your week in 3 words....tempting, very tempting (no, that wasn't my week... if only) fast do they cut you off these days? haha

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