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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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Yes Shaney I love reading Stephen King. Scarey but good. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon was a lovely book but like you say Neti nerve wracking,
The most scarey to me was Geralds Game. I was reading it on holiday in a caravan and you know how low the ceilings are in a caravan well I was reading it in bed and then I dropped to sleep and woke up having a nightmare. I dreamt I was in a furlined coffin and couldn't get out. It never put me off reading his other books though. I have loads upstairs.

Going to give The Unforgiven a whirl on telly tonight. Not the film with Clint Eastwood the new series on ITV.

Tai Chi tomorrow, the weeks don't half fly by. Let's hope the heating is repaired this week.

Have you seen the film The Green Mile Kit with Tom Hanks Very good I thought.. And no I.m not into ice dancing at all. Mind you I did go to see Torvil and Dean when they were in Nottingham years ago.

Hope you've all had a good day
See yer later 'gater(s)
-- answer removed --

morning folks ....just passing by, gotta get to the chemist before 1pm...
Kit...the 'whatever-it-is' is a wooden wall plaque but it's actually stuck to the fridge door with blu-tak. I just know it's gonna drop off & scare the bejeezus outa me one day!

was The Unforgiven the thing with.. <grits teeth>... Surranne Jones Jude? Was it any good? I really can't bear her, if it had been another actress I might have watched it.

Well it's Jan.13th here and nearly midnight ,I've been reading this thread for hours and haven't finished yet.
First let me say a Very Happy and Healthy New Year to you all and I am here courtesy of Robinia ,I have a new computer but I was off line for a couple of weeks or more .Before that my best email friend died unexpectedly during a routine operation early December -knocked me for six.. Bipolar also reared its ugly head and was driving me crazy and so on and so forth, 2008 not a good year .
So sorry to hear all the sad losses you've had and the illnesses ,hope you are all beginning to recover now .I know it's been bitterly cold over there and I really feel for you ,I don't know how you manage I'd just curl up and die .
Over here it's Cyclone time with flooding everywhwere up North and down South it's intense heat (40c degrees) with fires etc and people burnt out of their homes .Still it could be worse ,I could be living in Africa (nearly went to Zimbabwe 40 yrs ago).
Anyway time again for bed ,be back later to finish reading etc. Are the daffodils out yet or is it the crocuses ? Bye Dolly xx
oh hello Dolly, I suppose it's more Southpolar down your way. So sorry to hear of your friend's death - during an operation surrounded by docs is always the time you least expect anything to happen. A happy antipodean new year to you. I am hoping to head antipodeanwards myself soon as I have a sister in Australia and one in New Zealand and I would be happy to see either or both and to go somewhere warm. (Northern-hemisphere relatives will just have to wait.) But new kitchen first.

Shaney, I imagine it takes a while to run up enough long-haul flights to put together a series but Semaphore Dan is appearing live at this show .html

which I hope to go to. I'm not sure if he's in both the London and Birmingham events.
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Hello Dolly, I hope that reading this nonsense has made you feel daffs or crocusses yet, just a sea of mud but hopefully a few snowdrops soon if the dear dogs have left any untrampled!!
Hi Dolly, glad you made it. So sorry about your friend, how awful for his/her family. And I hope you're feeling better yourself too.
Had a look at my bulbs earlier, I see the snowdrops have buds peeping out, it won't be long before they open, & the crocuses have sent up some leaves to say they'll be along shortly after. It's lovely to see some signs of spring, we even saw that big shiny thing in the sky today & for the first time in months I felt a bit different doesn't half show the dust up tho', tut.
Ooh .. Hello Dolly .We wondered where you were . Sorry to hear about all your problems .But as they say a problem shared is a problem halved ,so let's hope it's a Happy New Year for you .My antipodean brother was 80 just before Christmas .Do give him a wave :))
I am glad to see Dan is alive and well Jno .I wish I could go to that myself but we have more pressing matters like the German tax office who are now arguing the point with us over inheritance tax and insurance .
.We are nowhere near their limit but of course the rubber stamp and red tape merchants need everything in quadruplicate .If my poor Ma in law knew what a merry dance we are going through she would go up and not come down again after hoping she had every eventuality covered .
If this is the EU then they can poke it .
Apart from a constant headache all is well at to you all .xxxx
PS .I watched Unforgiven Robinia thought it was quite good in spite of Suranne .She turned out quite a good performance.Held my attention and it was a good storyline .
So I'm looking forward to the next part .Mind you Peter Davidson helped . I love him .( not quite as much as Neil Oliver )but he was great as Dangerous Davies :))
Evening, all. Guess who's been sleeping around:-) That is to say I've been testing futons all day:-( I found a Danish company who call themselves Innovation and they've got hundreds and hundreds of futons - and three I like. That's three more than I ever thought I would like, so I am pleased. Thanks Woofy for bringing futons up, these are much better than I thought a futon could be.

Hi Dolly, you've been popping up in my mind for the last couple of days, you always drop by for the opening of a new thread if nothing else so I've been wondering what's going on now that you didn't. I'm so sorry about your friend. I lost my most beloved aunt to a routine operation some years ago so I know it's a sort of double impact - losing someone, and losing them so unexpectedly - it's two shocks, not one. You're gonna have to come by more often - we're tough you know, you won't lose us.

You seem to have as many sisters as I do, jno - well at least if the one who lived in Singapore still lives there. Mine does, and her youngest son turned three today. She emailed some photos from his party at the playgroup - wish I could post them here, he looked like he had seen the glory of heaven, ha ha, as he looked at the cake... (We're half-sisters - if anyone is wondering about the age gap.)

Yes I saw The Green Mile, Jude, but very shortly after having read the book so they sort of merge in my mind. But I always enjoy Tom Hanks, no matter what.

I'll say g'night, I'm beat.
you'd better shop around - if you want a good futon
morning heck, it's cold again this morning.

Where's Vinny? Not got the man-flu again I hope. I've made him some breakfast & managed to not drop it butter side down in the dog hairs today ta-daaaa!
(does anyone else apart from me have to adopt the foetal position (& cross everything) when they sneeze?)

oh shaney I loved Dangerous too, and Mod (Sean Hughes). You've started me off browsing now, you can buy it on dvd....I'd like the Lillie (Langtry) too....and Coming Home/Nancherro, and.......
I know Ros Pilcher's a bit twee, but I like it. I don't do horror or gruesome murders. Crikey, I'm going to have a list as long as my arm....
btw, if those red tape merchants give you any more headaches just hit 'em with your handbag

Get your fut off the futon Sweedie....tut, these indecisive biddies. Here you are, sorted. So versatile, you'll wonder how you lived without's a bed, a trampoline & a sun-lounger for the park....what more do you want?

ah, a nice little bottle of whisky... went to a promotional event last night for the great metropolis of Glasgow. They dished out a horrible sweet drink which I thought was some sort of cheap champagne but turned out to be a whisky cocktail, only with no taste of whisky, Fortunately I find my little goody bag contains a bottle of the unadulterated stuff... only the sort of miniature you get on a plane but aged 12 years - must have started when I was still at school then... a DVD... a nice ball-point pen... ahhh, who says there's a recession on. I do love it when people give me things. <smirks>
G'"day. still nice and warm here but surprise for January ,a mildish day. It's taken me 2 and a half hours to catch up with this thread and listen to most of the links ,parts made me laugh and I thank you for that but times I felt for you but as Biddies do we will all come through the bad times and look forward to the good times to come .
Went to the shops today to return stuff I bought yesterday because I thought I needed it but didn't really (I blame the bi-polar for this ,it's happened before !) so I'm $130 odd better off !
Mr.D. breathed a sigh of relief .
I just knew those Spring flowers would be popping up soon -you're very lucky,too warm where I am for snowdrops grow ,the ground never gets cold enough. Once again bedtime and thanks for the welcome back ,see you all later .Bye Dolly xx
Morning all

Morning Dolly Happy New Year to you. Sorry to learn about your friend. Happens all too often these days at our ages.

Chilly here but clear. Not much to do today as I've no money to spend until Friday (boring....)

Am messing about with my recordable dvd player as I'm still trying to learn what to do with all the bells and whistles but glad Mr N did get a good one now.
Hello possums. Oh so that paper bag I'm always depicting you with over your head jno (as you are so secretive) is in fact a goody bag - I should have known you'd get the last laugh, ha ha.

Your folding bed looked nice enough in the catalogue Robinia but when it came to the assembly it turned out to be worse than the IKEA flat-packs.We won't go into gruesome detail, I'll just say thanks for nothing, Robinia...!

Yes where's Vinny, we miss our sprouts You've got yourself a whole long list of fantastic music, don't make us wait until next New Year's Eve Vinny, I miss your musical soirees horribly you know. Cruel man.

Daughter back from Norway yet, Neti? There's a sort of mock hostility between Norwegians and Swedes, Swedes used to tell funny stories about them the way the English do about the Irish, but since the bas- (oh, asterisks waiting in the wings!) ...but since the lucky b's went and struck oil they won't be made to feel inferior anymore ha ha... Seriously though they seem like very nice people indeed, the few I've met.

I remember as a student I attended a lecture on bipolar disorder and the lecturer exemplified by saying that sufferers might gladly go out and buy a loaf of bread and come back with a loaf of bread and a helicopter - so which did you return, Dolly ;-)
oh dear, now Number 6 has gone 67.stm

'I am not a number, I am a free man!'
Hello Dolly good to hear from you. I go and buy stuff then when I get home I change my mind and take it back, so you're not on your own doing that.
It;s cold and dismal over here except for the odd day when we get a bit of sunshine. It'd better be a good summer after this lot.
And the rest of you, my biddyfrields hope you are all ok and getting over your trials and tribulations.
I've been trying to put Digimax on to my Lap Top so that I can sort my photos out but it wont install properly. Don't know what's up so it looks like I will have to ring my Computer man. I didn't tell you I had one of them did I!!
He's a very nice man with a very uinderstanding wife. He has a group of women all like me who are a bit 'technophobish'.
Vinny Where are you? I miss your Led Zep Links,

Off for a cuppa now. Take Care All xx
Sorry about the spelling error I meant Biddyfriends
of course
How sad, Patrick Mcgoohan, I met him in 1968 and we had a long chat over a cup of coffee in the hotel where I was working at the time, I was having some problems and he kindly talked through them with me, lovely lovely man.
did he ask you what your number was, neti?
No, but suddenly a big white ball came along and knocked him over!

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