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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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d'oh, thanks thats what you get for engaging fingers before brain!
I'd enjoy watching 500hrs of Corrie, could you weave them into an envelope and post them to moi? Thank you!!!
I wouldn't mind 500 hours of Corrie but only up until the demise of ElsieTanner ,Ena ,Minnie , Martha and the snug,Miss Nugent , Albert Tatlock and Leonard Swindley . I've lost the plot since then :)
If you didn't know better you would think it was 25C out there .
Really bright and sunny here.It won't last though according to my left knee and right hip :)

Evening, all. Jaysus, that lump under the old Santa coat under the old Christmas tree - who'd have known it would turn out to be Woofy, having a nightmare about Liverpool Street Station, ha ha ha, you don't speak for days and when you do speak it's as if you had just woken up, ha ha, are we confused, or what. (And I do mean "we" - it's the joy of identification that makes me laugh.)You probably daren't ask about the yellow car animation now, right, but in fact you weren't here, Woofy, when Vinny told us that story. The way I remember it he was coming out from a hardware store balancing a pile of paint buckets and some of them fell, some lids came off and there was paint in front of his car and subsequently on his tires - and subsequently all over Barnstaple bridge across which he made his escape, painting it with his tires as he drove. What's more, that bridge had just been restored and the restoration costs were something like... I wanna say four million pounds but that could be a complete fabrication on my behalf, I have a lot of fantasies about money... so, anyway, that's what I was on about and that's what the car animation was supposed to commemorate, as I believe it to be one of the funniest moments in the history of Devon. (You don't mind do you Vinny - you did tell us the story :-)

Nice clip jno, and it's very soothing to hear Robbie Williams shut up, for once;-) - is he a donkey in that film? (The ears!)

Now you must excuse me, we're a bit busy over here you see, getting everything in order for Tuesday Over There - wanna help?
Oh - is it me again...? Okay:

Gloomy day here, you'd think it was already evening if it weren't for the light reflected off the thin layer of snow - which is just starting to rain off, anyway... Must venture out nonetheless, my Singapore sister's birthday is coming up and I should go pick her present up at the bookstore, shh, don't tell her, it's a book on tea. She has this dream that one day she'll own a tea house - I like that dream even though I can't say I share it.

Those dancing-at-the-station clips reminded me of a series of commercial ads, of sorts, that our national television broadcaster have been running lately; I'll show you one and you'll get the idea. The man walking up to the librarian asks her if she is Katarina Tillberg, and she says "Yes, I am she", and... we'll you'll see for yourselves. The song basically says "Thank you Katarina for paying your television fee". I love her face as they walk away...! Call me gullible but I don't think she was in on it -

do you?
-- answer removed --
Morning Biddies, and how are we all this fine day- had to collect daughter from airport early this am and she crawled off the plane with a humungos hangover, so bang go all the "mother and daughter" plans for the day! How many of you have daughters, I know Vinny has one ( a very well behaved and clever one) so what about jude and jno ! I'm convinced that sons are less trouble!!!

Crikey gullible, oops Kit, you're out during daylight hours, what happened? Did the bed collapse? <oh, I see, she thought it was evening already>.....I'm sure my sister would like a Tea Shoppe, not quite the same thing, but she won't be getting one for this birthday. I'll send her a BeRo baking book, she can start freezing some frangipans in hope.

No daughters, only granddaughters for me neti...hmmm, no angel yourself were you?
I've always thought I'd like an instant grown up one 'cos from watching friends with theirs growing up I'd say they were worse than boys.

Well I've been unstitched. I was gonna ask shaney to do it but you know how shaky she gets after a weekend on the whishky....

Afternoon All
Neti I have 2 sons both Married. The eldest with 2 grown up children in their 20s. My problem with them is getting to see them they have such busy lives. The eldest (48) lives on the south coast and my youngest (38) lives about 10 miles away.

I've been to Burton-on-Trent today to see a friend who used to live next door. We meet up avery now and then for a chin wag.

It's very dull now over here and has been raining on and off between the sunshine all day.

Off for a slice of apple pie and a cuppa now. See you later x

not many daughtgers, no, so high-maintenance tfords_468x388.jpg
not many daughters, no, so high-maintenance tfords_468x388.jpg
bah, why does it say it hasn't gone through when it has?

that's a sign of old age jno repeating yourself!!!
Well by the time you tunnel your way in here you need copious amounts of whishky to get over the shock .
Stitching Robinia ? Now you know how fond I am of sewing ! Two tacking stitches and I get a knot .
No daughters Neti but I have eleven nieces ,several great nieces and two great great nieces some of whom in their time have been real little bundles of joy ..I don't think .
Give me boys any day . Mind you they have their moments !
My men are on the Stena Line at the moment waiting to sail any time now .Have van will travel !
I've loaded 'em up with goodies for the Germans ,Yorkshire tea ,malt vinegar and all sorts of other peculiar things like Marmite and English mustard .
I've come to an arrangement that while they are there my Mum in Laws cousin will come and sort out the clothes. Her daughter works in an elderly persons home so at least they will go to a good cause and will be made use of for some poor old dears .
Sigh of relief .I really didn't fancy trailing over there again so soon .It's too upsetting .I think the men are going to feel a bit sad as it is .Mr.S is going have to to hand over the keys and leave what was his parental home in Germany for the last time .
Well I think I'll go to bed with me book ..Nite Nite folks .xx
Ah shaney Poor mr s, leaving one's childhood home for ever is so sad, I often re-visit mine (we had different ones at different times as the family enlarged) when I am in Eastbourne.

Can't get daughter out of bed, I shouted some horrible things at her yesterday now I feel sooo guilty, so have done some breakfast cake shopping to creep round her!!! When, oh when can I live my own life!!!!
Well on the subject of Daughters,I have 2 daughters,7 granddaughters and 6 greatgranddaughters (Also have 2 sons ,4 grandsons and 5 greatgrandsons).
Wish I saw them more often but they are all too busy living their lives !! so we pop in and visit now and again but not too often .
Lost a beautiful Swavorski (sp) brooch at the shopping centre today ,it looked like a posy of flowers and I loved it so am somewhat upset .
I suppose that's life ,nothing is for ever !
Take care and keep warm.Dolly xx
oh lordy, yes, I'd love to stay & help.......<desperately tries to think of an excuse>........but I can't find my glasses

<hopefully they won't remember I don't wear glasses...>
oh that's a shame about your brooch Dolly, I hate losing things. Put the word out in the shops, it'll find it's way back to you.

Possums! As of today I want us all (including you Vinny) to wear Aretha-hats when we meet on these threads. Deal?

Daughter still asleep Neti? I sleep late myself but not quite as late as our stern Headmistress seems to think, it's just that my desk-and-puta are by my one and only window and it gets very light there and it's depressing to draw the curtains in the daytime, as I would have to.

But perhaps all this is about to change! No... not a new apartment... but: I've bought a lamp for the window. An "amusingly provocative" one, at that, if you're to believe this here promotion. I bought the yellow one and it shines like the sun. I wanted something bright enough to be visible through the curtains in the evening and this one is - and then some. Been looking at them for years, there's a furniture shop down my street that sells'em and they've been like many-coloured candy in the shop window to me for a long time now. Yellow may seem gaudy but there's some yellow in my curtains (which may also seem gaudy, I suppose...) so it works out very well.

I feel for your husband, Shaney. The last time I was at my mothers place, after she died, I thought I had mentally prepared myself for it but the moment we opened the door and I saw her big, furry Pink Panther hanging there from his usual hinge in the doorway to the kitchen... I realised I hadn't prepared myself for everything, and, of course, there's no way of doing that. I'm glad for your sake it was possible to come to another arrangement, with her cousin.

Ha ha ha, I laughed at that skirt picture Robinia! heal well
Just looked at your drawing site Vinny, that ship is magnificent. <Will he slap me if I ask about the tablet again, yes probably, so I'll just think out loud that I think he's getting the hang of it!)

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