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woofgang | 13:00 Mon 16th Jan 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers

Ed this q shows 3 answers in the topic list but there are only two when you click on it. Have you started employing monks who cant count, is the abacus broken or have you got a gremlin in the works??



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No Neti not that I remember. Do you mean like face book where you talk to other people. If so no.

Yes Jno you're here ok!
And I only use the Yahoo address for us Biddies anyway. I thought the avatar I'm using would only be associated with that address as it is on Gravatar.
On gosh Cherie is panicking!!
My avatar is very pale, will have to change it one day.
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I am sticking with poor old brain won't take it at present
I see neti's avatar has also appeared on and; they must be linked to Gravatar too.
ha ha, just one point, why would I be on a "marry a spanish GIRL", But the sexysenoritas is OK! Oh gosh, are my posts now appearing all over the internet?
Yes it is Neti .I've just found it at Primark and Pegs 'R Us .
Anyway, I have an avatar ,teeth and a bar of chocolate so all's well in my little world .
Wow shaney, lovely avatar, no fussing with you is there, straight in and bang there it is!!!!
Lost your rice cooker piccy did you jno;-) Hey Jude I like that!

So Robi have you heard anything about potential new neighbours?
Lovely pic of shaney there, I almost had one of Charlie but he'd be wanting it all airbrushed & tweaked. Glad you've got teef, be careful with that chocolate, pick the nuts out first.

yay! you did it Kit...are you soaking your cuticles or washing your smalls? No new neighbours yet, the family are still waiting for all the red tape to be sorted. Apparently every builder in the area's got his eye on it, it needs a complete revamp but it'll be a good buy for someone...and I'm quite warming to the idea
Okay Robi that's enough right there
wow, better get a calendar in, Robinia, just so's you know where you're at
Oh great what with our respective avatars it now looks like I'm scratching jno's head ha ha ha!
Morning all - lovely day. Mr N cannot find any trace of mice in cupboard but there again he can't smell the earthy smell that I can. I see on the news that some planes are flying.
ha ha, I see that jno's gender is "not set" so we are still none the wiser!!
it was set yesterday, neti, I had to rush in and unset it.... phew, thank goodness nobody uncovered my shameful secret...

Nice day here but I will spend it in the usual way - waiting for a dentist appointment. Went to the Barnes Wetland Centre in SW London yesterday, former reservoirs turned into a nature centre with ducks and geese and things from all over, very interesting. I apparently timed it just right, after schools went back but before school groups start coming, plus no planes roaring into Heathrow, so it was all very peaceful.
I remember "The Sun" pub at Barnes, and very nice it was too.

Still peaceful here too, but our planes have been flying since Sunday!

From now on jno, you will be known to me as a hermaphrodite - in other words, you've got it all!!!!
morning...lovely day (so far)

mmm, I could have sworn I saw the words 'under construction' in jno's profile :o)

hahaha, brilliant Kit, I'll practice that move for when I need it...should work like a charm.
Let's hope the birds haven't been busy building nests on the grounded planes, it'll be June before they move :o)
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I just unset my gender too...a lady likes to keep some things secret

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