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woofgang | 13:00 Mon 16th Jan 2006 | Site Suggestions
506 Answers

Ed this q shows 3 answers in the topic list but there are only two when you click on it. Have you started employing monks who cant count, is the abacus broken or have you got a gremlin in the works??



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Well I'm keeping my gender, it will most likely decrease the number of young dudes with too high testosterone levels, trying to pick a fight with me. (Hasn't happened lately but it did happen quite a lot in the past, and particularly when I was DaSwede.)

Thinking about cleaning my place up a bit. I've got a date with George Clooney tomorrow (Fantastic Mr.Fox) so just in case Georgie-Peorgie wants to come back for a nice cup of tea.

(Oh all right: Just in case my friend forces her way in to use the loo or something! :)
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I'm cleaning as well but not for Mr Clooney...its before the hygiene police get here.
Oddly Kit, when I was first online I was advised at least to choose a non gender specific name and to conceal the fact that I was female as there were very few females online and loads of spotty youths with fertile imaginations coupled with atrocious spelling!
Have just waved a teary g'bye to Mr N, (I wish he wouldn't cry!!!) will wave to the ferry at 7pm. Have been luxury shopping, well sweets, battenburg and lucozade, plus bleach, washing detergent and conditioner. Last of the loose covers now washing. Will treat myself to egg and chips tonight yum!
Oh could you direct me to spotty youths please!
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try science and technology
oh all right, neti, but it was your idea
Euuk, vomit!!!!

Have decided to do more washing and not to bother with the spotty youths.
never make dates online, neti (though Chinadoll and Snags seem to be working out)
bonsoir...I'm sure I had something interesting/amusing to say but erm.... nope...I've forgotten so it's business as usual. I did get bored watching the programme about brain, apparently those brain training games don't make any difference to your brain function, hahaha, so that's that business down the brain drain then. (you do get better at the actual games but that's not surprising & I'm so much better at scribbling since I started doing Sudoku)

oh dear, it seems the varnish has worn off a certain senior member of this site
George Clooney does nothing for me so I won't be fighting you for him, I just think there's something of a Flintstone about him
Flintstone? Are you mad, woman?

I say, the biddy threads do show up on some of our profiles. Do we do anything about it, Headmistress? Or do we just enjoy our fifteen minutes of fame that will probably follow, in CB. (Or maybe not - if they haven't figured the "elderly gentleman" out yet, why would they us...)
oh $%^&, why does 'stuff' happen at night...there was the BIGGEST wasp - I'm thinking queen - in the kitchen about half an hor ago. I don't like killing anything but I bashed it when it settled a couple of times with my 'tickling stick' & the 2nd time it dropped somewhere but I could still hear it it's gone quiet & I don't know where it is.... dead or alive? :o/

There's no point in worrying about 'us' Kit, Ed's ok with it & as long as we don't go upsetting anyone what reason is there for bovver?
pfffft! how old is that pic? haha...have you seen him lately?
well it hasn't reappeared so I'm off to bed armed with an assortment of weapons in case it nipped upstairs behind my back...enjoy your date Sweedie, sweet dreams.
Who is the gent??
well I think I know theold gent, but where's the post with the varnish???
Pouring with rain just as I had 3 seater lose cover on line and king size bed sheets and all cushion covers, damn!! dryer working overtime now! Slept surprisingly well, after putting the light and telly off at 2am!

I don't actually mean a varnish thread, just where does it show!
another perfect day in paradise here... the sun shining and very nearly warm at times... I took my camera around the villages of Buckinghamshire yesterday but today it's the dentist again. Sorry it's raining in the Mediterranean, you'll have to blame those pesky Icelanders. Can't help you with the varnish, though, I must have missed the threads in question as one does when one is pursuing one's Art.
D'oh, have just spent the last ten minutes hiding from, and then bashing with a broom - a piece of dryer fluff, really should wear my glasses more!!

Daughter just called, poor Mr N is shattered not getting a wink of sleep in the whole 13hr journey, as a very large and rowdy crowd of Dutch people were rampaging round the boat. (Normally he can sleep through anything!)
☼.. Morning...☼

hmmmph! more concerned about the gent than me being threatened by a killer wasp I see...never mind, don't worry, if there's a whole nest I'll beat 'em off with a stick....tut...
Well.... what is it all about (alfie?)

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