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woofgang | 13:00 Mon 16th Jan 2006 | Site Suggestions
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Ed this q shows 3 answers in the topic list but there are only two when you click on it. Have you started employing monks who cant count, is the abacus broken or have you got a gremlin in the works??



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Love Johnnie Ray - the Prince of Wails, I was so surpised when I heard he was deaf.
Lunch break...though I've not exactly done much to take a break from. Lovely day but tomorrow's not looking so good after all. I hate to say it but we could do with a drop of rain...but not during daylight hours.

Yes...errr, I mean no...I'm MUCH to young to remember Johnny Ray but my mum had this on a big scratchy 78

(It never ceases to amaze me what you can find on youtube)
I am being run ragged, the hpouse is such a mess, I'm meeting myself coming back.
seems you could do with an extra pair of hands neti..
Hello washerwomen
Yes the weather's going down the pan Robinia ,next week much warmer but raining .
There 's never a happy medium .
Just flap a couple of dusters at 'em Neti and utter those immortal words
"Stick a broom up my a**e and I'll sweep the floor as well ."

♫ Poor old Johnny Ray
Sounded sad upon the radio, he moved a million hearts in mono.♫
As soon as I clean somewhere, hija jollies along and mucks it up. This house is way too small 5 people, and 4 tomorrow. The bl**dy neighbour at the back si drilling like billyo right next toy all, actually it sounds as if he is drilling my wall, my teeth are juddering. Just 2 hrs before sisters arrive, think most is done now. Am gonna put my feet up for 30 mins!
well, nobody's told me I can't go to Amsterdam tomorrow, so I will, and look at the tulips too, even if it is raining there as well.

God neti, I know, this house is already full of jno jnr's furniture and has now acquired a bathroom washbasin and surroundings that he got from Ikea and opened up ready to assemble then found he didn't have a screwdriver so didn't and now it is all over the floor. Grrr. He will probably be gone in a month as his flat is all plastered and he is just waiting for kitchen and bathroom to be installed by a plumber, though I am unclear if this has been arranged or not. Anyway, he is there trying to clean the floorboards now, a mammoth task as they are covered in several months of dust, plaster and so forth and there are several floorboards missing where he has been sweeping rubbish down onto the ceiling of the people below.

But somebody came in to measure him up for a carpet today... somebody from Carpetright, in fact. I thought they'd gone bust just after installing our squeaky floorboards last year, so they couldn''t come back and sort it out; but apparently they have risen again, probably without incurring their former liabilities to customers with squeaky floorboards...
HOW.!did you get these aviators..:O afternoon yer message S.W.Hope everybodys ok.
now dont get to sunburnt.
new e.mail.addy.
[email protected]
save the planet..its the only one with beer.(:O)
Haha Jno ,that sounds like a child of mine .He got me a lovely new art deco style washbasin and lav from a company that had a showroom where he works .They were closing down to turn it into a joinery and were selling off the showroom stuff for peanuts .So he brings it round ,plumbs in the washbasin but said he would do the lav later. Ergo was stuck in the hall for weeks .I used to sit on it to answer the phone :)
Oooh look out ..Geronimo's just flown in :)
Hiya Vinny my luvver .)
yo you know my name..hehe..!nice to see your doggy again.
I lied, since then I've washed 2 shower curtains, made fajitas and all the trimmings, had a bath and washed my work clothes!!!!
Oh hello vinny! x
Hi Vin good to see you. Hope you are keeping well.
yo Vinny, you made it! If I'd known you were coming I'd have baked a cake...well actually I wouldn't, I'm hoping one of the others has, it's a bit 'ole mutha hubbard' here.

I don't think I've ever stopped acquiring clutter...I'd just got the place sorted after sons left & my mum died so there was all that...then there was bro's stuff...and last year when I revamped my boudoir I shuffled the old furniture into the other bedroom & there it all remains.
It's no good, I'll just have to have the house next door myself to keep all my surplus stock in.
ey oop, it's Sitting Bull... enjoying yourself in the West Country sun?
Soo, has the floor stopped spinning, Jude? Mind, I'm not saying you were drunk or anything - neither was ole Dancing With Biddies when Robi escorted him back to us he he >>>>> Good to see you Vinny, hope all is well in your end of the world. B00 has asked after you here (my Chuck quip doesn't make sense anymore, it referred to his first avatar). I've been keeping an eye on your drawings but I wasn't sure if you wanted that site advertised all over CB so I said noooothing http://www.theanswerb...k/Question886221.html

Neti have a good time with your "sissies" and jno have a good time in Amsterdam, and rest assured IKEA will still be there when you get back home. IKEA has always been with us, they started out with temple flat packs
I don't know if you all think I was drunk on Friday night or not but I wasn't honest I only had 2 glasses of iced water all night - quite boring really!! I was excite4d because i had had such a good night. :o)
Anyone who says "and I'm not drunk" comes under automatic suspicion Jude;-) (Seriously: Just kidding:) BTW you will let us know if your son posts to YouTube again won't you? (Provided he wants you to.)
Good morning..('Dances with Biddies', haha, love it! :o)...)
We've had a drop of rain but not enough to do any good. I'm so sorry but owing to a bad night I've had to pull out of the London Marathon...(can you have too much sun in April? that's what it felt like although I've felt rough for a couple of days) assured, your generous sponsorship will still go a good cause...

Have a good time the meantime I'll have to make do with looking at my own (taken today)...hope these don't appear too big, we need preview!



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