http://i43.tinypic.com/2iqiaep.jpg from robinia* Started reading where I left off last night and it made me cry out for a padded cell: I'm one hundred percent sure I changed 'Dancing' (With Biddies) to 'Dances' and yet there it stands. It was completely driving me up the puta virus paranoia wall...! ...until I figured it out: I type and keep links alternatively in my desktop Notepad and in the AB typing box and I don't always remember to copy the proofread version - so no evil puta ghosts involved, just forgetfulness - phew! Cancel the padded cell will you biddies, I'll just have the padded pavement. BTW wasn't that a great film, I like Kevin Costner.
Lovely garden photos Robi, you should be in The Yellow Book (we get the television series here). 'Running Beer' ha ha ha! Or Vinny I'll be swedeheart and you'll be weedheart >>>>>>
I know you must all be waiting with bated breath for me to produce some intricate lacework after Shaney's packet arrived... but it's not going so well. The booklet is so inspiring - there are some handkerchief edgings I'd die for - and the instructions are very clear - but it's really really difficult to hold the yarn in a way that wouldn't cause a physiotherapist to cry blood. I've produced a few inches but I'm very sorry to say this is a craft I'll never master:( But I REALLY enjoy having this new understanding of how it's done so Shaney you know I'm happy about it anyway:)
tried so hard