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House Plant Problem

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gessoo | 21:25 Tue 28th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
345 Answers
I have a thick, very sticky white substance on some of my conservatory plants. I presume it is from an insect as it doesn't look like mould. I have sprayed it with insecticide but nothing shifts it. Any ideas welcome. Should I get rid of the plants?


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morning all - lovely day....went shopping first thing, I was out of chs & I was getting withdrawal symptoms. Anyone want an ice-cream?

they're lovely jno, what beautiful places, they dont build 'em like that anymore.... & you enjoyed them under blue skies too by the look of it. Love the Portofino pic, it's a bloomin long way to go up with your can to water those plants :o)

why is it when you go to bed you can't keep your legs still, but when you get up in the morning you can't get them to move?? tut....

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Morning all! Lovely photos from Shaney and Jno.................................must dash have got to really do some work today - did nothing yesterday. Computer is going off now.......................................THE END
Did I hear chs mentioned ? Is there any tst to go with it ?

goodness shaney, was that a tst message? How very hip.

This is my 6998th post; I shall try to hit 7000 later today. But first, as the sun is out, I will try lying in it.

lol shaney - got your radar on?
where's the king of brnt tst? must be his son hogging the puta.

Lie in the sun? Pah! ... not round here unless you love listening to the drone of a jet washer....grrrrr. There's a man across the back from me who, I swear, is washing every single paving block, brick in the garden wall, pebble & ant in his garden. He's been doing it every afternoon for days......excuse me, I'm just going round to insert it somewhere the sun ain't shining......

Theres a guy at the back of us who I swear is rebuilding the street .
Every time I hear this band saw start up and drone on I would love to shv it up hs bksd.
I am getting gd at this tst spk.!
I still have no chs though.

oops... maybe I was out in the sun too long for the good of my skin... so here we are, post #7000

Conratulations Jno ..I hereby award you the order of AB Oscar. pg
Round of applause everyone .....!!

thank you shaney, I should like to thank my hairdresser, my mother, and all the little people whose lives I have brightened up...

Questions answered 7000
of which
Mindless chat 5894
Sober advice on broken hearts 376
Arcane theorising on linguistic oddities 49
Total rubbish 1766

Goodness me Jno forgot to thank your haberdasher and your butler !!

wowee! well done jno - allow me to present you with

this trophy

Oh noooo Robinia ..not the order of the colander.
My mother used to say .."He's about as much use as a fart in colander".
This does not ,in any way ,apply to our beloved Jno of course.

lol shaney - I still say it daily...well, the world's full of 'em. Or am I getting grumpy/grumpier?

It is a golden colander ... & there must be a strain joke in there somewhere.....

my, just think of me as a colander girl.
Well.......we all know that Vinny must strain his greens now and again >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!

incidentally, I don't know if anyone saw this link I posted on the grumpy granny thread, but it seems to prove scientifically that age brings not only wisdom but emotional maturity too. I'm not going to subscribe and read the whole story, but the abstract makes it perfectly clear that Biddies are superior beings.

morning all - phew it's hot already....bit warm for Trooping the Colour, it'll be Drooping the Colour today. They're usually drooping in the rain tho' if my memory serves me right.

hahaha jno - think I might be the exception to the rule - I just think I'm more superior now.

neti are you waving your wax taper in the air for Barry's birthday? apparently he's 60 today!

I've a busy day today so I've got to amble off, don't frazzle in the sun

remember these?

here's the video

lovely day here, I'm lying in the sun and pretending I'm in the Mediterranean. Funnily enough I slept very much better aboard ship than in my own bed - maybe it's the gentle rocking? Or perhaps that on holiday I go to bed before midnight. Anyway, I hope biddies everywhere are prospering in the sunshine , perhaps sheltering in the shade of their mighty emotional intelligence.

Morning all Hope everybody is well and happy on this lovely day. I went out last night on my own. My friend has got this boyfriend now so I'm a bit miffed because he turns up when we're on a girly night out so I thought last night I would go to our usual place on my own. I met some friends there and had a good night but I didn't get to rock and roll but that's not all together a bad thing this weather!! I've arranged to meet them again tonight as there is a 5 piece live band on (no backing tapes hooray).

Haven't seen Vinny much for a while I expect it's footie which reminds me it's on in a bit.

Haven't been to Birds today Robinia have you?

My Dad's just rang me and said don't bother cooking for him tomorrow which I'm not complaining about as I'm living on salads which is helping me get rid of my 'spare tyre'

Congrats on 7000 posts Jno think I'm heading towards 2000 which is nothing compared.

See you all later, have a good day. :o)

found a way to crash threads without raising suspicion.....


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