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House Plant Problem

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gessoo | 21:25 Tue 28th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
345 Answers
I have a thick, very sticky white substance on some of my conservatory plants. I presume it is from an insect as it doesn't look like mould. I have sprayed it with insecticide but nothing shifts it. Any ideas welcome. Should I get rid of the plants?


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I have only one thing to say to you Vinny......sausages!

Yep ...four of them...!! no wonder you wasnt happy with me little gem..he he...!!IBlimey...your pussy likes the old sausages.(:-)

tut tut

I must be having a Mrs Slocombe moment !!!
Slow-come...shaney Im blushing. hehe...(:-)
Vinny ..have you been on that Becks again !!
You know perfectly well I meant Mrs Slocombe from "Are you being Served "!!!!!
This is quite shameful .....smacks Vinny with the Daily Telegraph's a bit crumpled though ....where is that ruddy butler ...?

Yes I have....and me bums got sunburn(but i do like you)....could you wack me with the back page......coz im a good Sport...he he.!!(:-)

I'm determined to be first on today. Morning all I'm all set to go to work Uuugh! It looks a bit dull outside.

Vinny and Shaney lol that's set me up for the day. (I'm still laughing at that picture of you Vin.)

Well I'm off now see you all later!!

Morning jude..and biddys...jno's back....did you get me a stick of rock..with the mediterranean
through the middle..(:-)lovely weather here...

yummy (:-) gonna miss the colours...(:(um....still waiting fer some piccys robinia...

morning all... back from a very pleasurable cruise, visiting churches and ruins and other cultural thingies. Pouring with rain on my return, much as it was when I left... so I imagine you've all spent the past week shivering under your umbrellas, right? Good to lie back on a sunlounger and think of England in the cold and rain... I must get down and get my photos sorted out, nearly 700 of them but a lot of repetition, so I should be able to weed them down to a much more manageable figure. Sadly, my own figure is now much less manageable.
Morning jno...glad you had a nice let robinia explain about the Weather....(:-)talking of which...wakey wakey....he he...(:-)
Question Author

jno. Nice to see you back and glad you had a good time. I hope your remarks about our weather was tongue in cheek. We were in the 90's in Norfolk and only today am I able to breath!!! You chose the right week to get away, not because of cold and rain, but because of unbearable heat!!!

Awaiting some nice photos.

Now, get back out there on all those 'topics' and tell them all what's what!!!!


Question Author

Shaney and Vinny, I have reported your activities on here last night to the Ed. Such behaviour will not be tolerated on an open thread that is accessible to old and vulnerable old biddies such as myself. Tut, tut, what is the world coming to!?


oh no gessoo... the 90s? Surely you jest? No wonder people seem to have been misbehaving slightly on some of these threads. And how are you supposed to tick them off if you can't even wield italics at them??
Question Author

No jest, jno!! It's nice here today a mere 68 degrees.

Hangs head in shame .....Vinny has lead me astray ..!
It was the Little Gem that started it !!
Welcome home Jno ..hope you had a nice time ...Overcast here today but much fresher after a downpour last night.

Vinny I have run out of Paxo >>>>>>>runs and hides !

Bend over Shaney.....!!



afternoon all - been busy today, Charlie's been clipped so it's taken me all afternoon to clean up...I'm shattered but it's nice to be cool.

welcome home jno, hope you had a lovely time. Yes, as gessoo says, it was unbearably hot here, a conservatory was not the place to be.

now if I'd known what was going on here with shaney & Vinny I'd have brought a bucket of cold water with me...
sorry Vinny, all the pics of me are now copyright on another site, apart from a few I sent to landie in the post some time ago (not seen him since come to think of it) It was a cb question so I don't think you'll be able to read it anymore


well, the link works for me - don't know whether it will for you
Question Author

I've been singing this all day. Of all the songs in all the world, why this?


Hello all - pleased you had a good holiday Jno. Looking forward to seeing some piccies. Talking about piccies did you see Vinny!!

I'm off to watch footie in a bit. Hope you've all had a good day - see you later.

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